Is mass immigration the only solution to Japan's population problem? Japan cannot continue to let its population fall and age.
Is mass immigration the only solution to Japan's population problem...
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>Japan cannot continue to let its population fall and age.
Why not?
>Japan's population declining rapidly
>But then the japs start breeding more often somehow
>still not enough
>but now Japs invented perfected, human-looking AI robot waifus and workers
>Japan continues to operate perfectly fine
Concern troll= bad troll.
Japan has existed for thousands of years as a purely homogenous ethnostate, never relying on mass immigration to sustain itself. And yet it's population is higher than it's ever been before. So tell me why, again, do they need EVEN MORE people crammed in on that tiny island? If anything, the reduced birth rates are a sign that they are saturated with people and that their population is decreasing as a response to overpopulation.
Why all you retards automatically equate low birth rates with the failure & collapse of a civilization is beyond me. They don't have a need for more people. Leave them alone and let them be.
>tell civilized western counties to be goncerned about overpopulation, they breed less trying to be responsible and all that shite.
>oh sorry goyim this low population is a problem now get ready for a bunch of murderous African and muslim immigrants, don't worry they will "integrate".
Populations shrink, then grow again.
Earth has always been this way and will continue to be this way.
Don't capitulate to the globalist agenda of destroying culture through mass migration.
1. Ban birth control
2. Ban abortion
3. Import weebs
5. Profit?
They should just pay American Japs to move back home. It's not perfect, but it's better than letting in the whites.
Do they pay you shills to open these threads every time? There's literally nothing wrong and totally positive thing to reduce world's population by 99%.
>Import weebs
That's just gonna create hapa bastards.
>Japan cannot continue to let its population fall and age.
Why do you Kikes keep saying this?
I personally recommend lots of africans and muslims refugees. Top tier migrants, doctors and shit
Oy vey go to Japan and get a nice Japanese lady!
And just let them suffer until they decide to breed.
>id say let all the whites and asians breeed into a new race. now do the math, how many asians are there that arent black or dark brown? (light black and light brown are ok as well and american indians from both north and south america) 1 billion+, how many whites are there? add both together and the balance of power is restored. shit to make it even better, cross bred with the jews and soon enough. our numbers will breed them out but we will finally know how to control the world. nothing will stops us then.
so...that would probably work if we talked about a oregon + nevada sized territory.
there isn't enough space on that tiny country.
They switched this shit around super fast, like within 2 years, and on top of that we have automation taking up a shit ton of jobs and the replacement rate for positions isn't anywhere NEAR what they need immigration of any kind for. This doesn't pass the smell test.
id say let all the whites and asians breeed into a new race. now do the math, how many asians are there that arent black or dark brown? (light black and light brown are ok as well and american indians from both north and south america) 1 billion+, how many whites are there? add both together and the balance of power is restored. shit to make it even better, cross bred with the jews and soon enough. our numbers will breed them out but we will finally know how to control the world. nothing will stops us then.
why not?
you know before WWII the japs were on a role, sooooo. either we take the first step or they do. but either way, the new race will have the knowledge and teach of the Japanese to live in outer space.
that can't start if you don't have a relativately large territory to expand and if there were only 300 million of humans on earth.
it would take 50 to 100 years and bingo, all the races mix into 1 new race.
Fuck off, happa
like i said, the new race will conqure shit then leave this god awful rock and go else were. let the dark and brown niggers have the rest.
its you
>Earth has always been this way and will continue to be this way.
And how old might you be? Tell us what does dinosaur shit smell like.
of course, assimilating all races into 1 will make a superior homo.
also, I will always wonder what would the world look like if it there was only 1 race walking on the planet.
holy shit spiderman, it might be a faggot
>superior homo.
7 + billion Tony Homo's
they would look like this
Populations should rise and fall as a normal trend in population. Constant growth is a myth and false crisis created by globalists to sell you immigration to fractionalize the population from standing as one against the 1% and drive down wages.
>Japan cannot continue to let its population fall and age.
Why not?
U mad white boi?
>this thread again
Japan is fixing overpopulation and global warming by less population.
are you even trying normie?
>Japan cannot continue to let its population fall and age.
What is this mass hysteria from the left and right about a smaller population?
At the same time these fucking morons are telling us that climate change is running the world. Well how the fuck is importing in millions of people going to help the environment?
Ann Coulter was talking about this in her last interview with Tucker. ITs small populations and nice climates or massive populations and 3rd world.
Let the population fall to zero. At the very least we'll have a nice nature reserve.
Over 127 million people on quite a small island...
Im sure a slight decline wont hurt.
Yes, goy. Japan needs more diversity. The only acceptable ethnostate is Israel, goy.
damn straight, where are my republicans?
>Tell us what does dinosaur shit smell like.
Better than your arguments.
You don't come across as very bright or stable.
Good, Japan is doing the world a huge favor.
Tried and fucked your Mom last night. Trying to improve your gene pool.
Then why people say Japan needs more population?
It's only fair.
Birth rate has risen since 2006 in Japan, senpai
I'd rather Japan be a sea of cherry blossoms and devoid of all other life then sullied by the taint of sub 80 IQ African retards.
id say let all the whites and asians breeed into a new race. now do the math, how many asians are there that arent black or dark brown? (light black and light brown are ok as well and american indians from both north and south america) 1 billion+, how many whites are there? add both together and the balance of power is restored. shit to make it even better, cross bred with the jews and soon enough. our numbers will breed them out but we will finally know how to control the world. nothing will stops us then.
>Japan's population problem?
Start by proving there is one.
this is you
>population too much for small island with limited resources
>not many jobs
>no money, no jobs, cant afford family, dont get married, no kids
>population falls
>more jobs since less supply (workers)
>smaller population works more, has money, get married, have kids
Immigration doesnt fix anything. They have huge employment problems right now. Adding more people wont solve a fucking thing and shouldnt even be attempted.
Thanxs for the selfie
no problem, now go scare some jews and muslims. they wont touch you.
id say let all the whites and asians breeed into a new race. now do the math, how many asians are there that arent black or dark brown? (light black and light brown are ok as well and american indians from both north and south america) 1 billion+, how many whites are there? add both together and the balance of power is restored. shit to make it even better, cross bred with the jews and soon enough. our numbers will breed them out but we will finally know how to control the world. nothing will stops us then.
The Japanese don't give a fuck about what people in other countries think they should do. Japan isn't cucked like most of the West.
Nope, automation and state-sponsored ectogenesis are the solutions to Japan's problems.
Good luck with your plan, bud.
id say let all the whites and asians breeed into a new race. now do the math, how many asians are there that arent black or dark brown? (light black and light brown are ok as well and american indians from both north and south america) 1 billion+, how many whites are there? add both together and the balance of power is restored. shit to make it even better, cross bred with the jews and soon enough. our numbers will breed them out but we will finally know how to control the world. nothing will stops us then.
How to solve the population problem:
Give people more time off with out impacting their income.
Give them very little to do
and who said that niggers are human?
How about we just apply ectogenesis and germline engineering to create a true Aryan master race that is tall, intelligent, strong, creative, and objectively attractive?
>Give people more time off with out impacting their income.
This will never, ever be implemented, either in Japan or the West
>It's another weebs can't get white women so shitpost about racemixing thread
And whites would be able to defeat all other races on their own if it came to it. We would just need to get rid of white leftists first and then we could dominate the other races unimpeded.
>Satanic trips
>Race mixing
Checks out
d say let all the whites and asians breeed into a new race. now do the math, how many asians are there that arent black or dark brown? (light black and light brown are ok as well and american indians from both north and south america) 1 billion+, how many whites are there? add both together and the balance of power is restored. shit to make it even better, cross bred with the jews and soon enough. our numbers will breed them out but we will finally know how to control the world. nothing will stops us then
If we overturn neoliberal capitalism it could be achieved.
Japan needs to die, such pathetic country.
Fucking this
Fuck off OP you juden cunt
>d say let all the whites and asians breeed into a new race.
Kill yourself red dit
No asians will spread their autism.
Declining population is a good thing in the era of automation, and the only way to prevent massive social unrest and the spread of communism.
see yhea
>tfw you get a (you), excitedly reopen the thread, then find out its one of those fags that replies to everyone
Hopefully based DPRK will deal with them.
Japan's population will CONTINUE to fall and age. Japanese and Immigrants will not mingle. What will happen is what happens all over Europe, the immigrants will outbreed the native population and in a few generations outnumber the Japanese. By that point, their culture and identity will vanish and the history of thousands of years of Japan will come to an end.
Take it from a German, this is the future of the West. Take our coming demise as a warning.
Cant wait to go to Japan and breed with a qt anime waifu
This guy gets it
Why not? We have 7 billion people on this planet. The population can afford to drop off a bit.
>Japan needs mass immigration
You make these fucking threads every week. What is your excuse?
Angry nig on a military base who gets laughed at by kawaii little jap girls when he goes off site?
Shill experimenting with immigration threads directed at Japan because this is a gaijin throat-singing forum?
That's depressing.
damn thats an ugly selfi. you look like shit.
fucking racist scum
Its way over populated, it needs less people dumb ass
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population is already huge
it's dropping because they can't afford to raise kids, more gibs would solve it
Are you the same motherfucker that's been making this thread since the summer? I swear it's always the same fucking template.
>Japan has low pop
>need 200k nigras
>import now
>save anime
Fuck off it's obvious that you're shilling your stupid immigration ideals, and you're not even Japanese you just LARP with a proxy you fucking goof.
Mass bbc immigration into your butthole is the only solution to your lack of cock in your butthole
oh you fucker, it cuts short before the toenail is completely removed, it leaves you with this grotesque feeling of unresolved anticipation, its like a hot burning sensation in your neck
The world is overpopulated. Its a problem. Japan is overpopulated. Japan will be better off.
> jap talking about lack of cock
>travel through out Asia every year for business
>visit my girlfriends in Ginza, Shinjuku and Roppongi
>always cum in them hoping to raise an army of Supreme Gentlemen
I've been doing my part.
Mass immigration will never happen. We don't need more weebs and burgers in Japan.
There is no eternal spring. It is autumn in Japan.
Literally fuck off op.
Stop worrying about other countries birth rates when your chances of ever seeing a vagina are literally smaller than winning the lottery. Fix your own shit.
Fuck this fake thread
Move to REAL Japan need immigrants thread