Be me

>be me
>match with girl on tinder
>get to chatting with her
>find her Facebook to make sure she isn't a fatty
>one of her profile picture is her with a nog
>"so happy to spend 3 years with this guy"
>instantly disgusted

What have you done to me Sup Forums?

You just saw what the media didn't want you to see.

That is all.

we did you a favor

Weirdly enough she didn't come across as a thot. Seemed like a wholesome girl. Solid 7/10

Would you do me a favor and TELL her that you had some interest until you found out she burned coal?


>be me
>wake up early on my day off
>grab my dog and a sandwich for a nice walk outside
>go outside
>immediately see a nigger
>day ruined
>throw away my sandwich
>go back home with my dog

>seeing a nigger in public

I know that feel. That is why I never use public transport.

>Using (((dating apps))).

>mfw I'm 3/8 spic
>go out to pick up muh nigger Kentucky Fried Chicken because muh Easter
>see like 4 niggers
>4 for 4%
>feel disgusted that I'm 4% nigger
>get the fuck out of there
>alright now I got to nearest store for more candy for the littluns
>shit, no candy in the current one
>have to go to Mexican store
>walk in
>spics, ugly and fat all of them
>even see a couple of interracial relationships
>fucking disgusting beta white males like my dad
>see blonde with spic
>fucking abhorrent
>bullshit, I'm getting out of there
>go to other store
>get the shit
>come back home
>"user, why did you take so long?"

you did nothing wrong. good for you bud, coalburners only deserve death

>he's never seen an actual nigger before


>What have you done to me Sup Forums?
taught you some common sense

I share your pain but I'm a full blooded spic
>Go to the store to pick up some meat for the barbeque
>casher is some middle age Hispanic lady
>starts trying to talk to me in Spanish and starts making jokes about the old white guy behind me
>keep on ignoring her until she rings me up
>before I go she says you don't speak Spanish?
>just reply with "no" and walk off

fuck that this is America and in America we speak English. That poor white guy has probably been here longer than she has and she has the nerve to make fun of him? what's wrong with my people

I don't know man; I'll never get non-white humor as well. But hell this is white America and if we're really gonna assimilate then we have to cut the Spanish bullshit. We're already non-white which makes them worried enough, eventually we have to assimilate

3 years? That's pretty good I imagine.

I'm hoping our people can assimilate too. I'm doing my best as a uncle to teach the younger kids in our family that we are American first and Mexican second. It's okay to enjoy our culture but it shouldn't take over American culture. The Tejanos seem to have the right idea but places like California worry me

At what point will you realize they aren't your people?

but they are. I share their culture and their history

Apparently not you don't want to act like a fucking illegal.