Best way to kill yur self


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Go out and sit on the road, a car should pass soon.

Travel to a black neighborhood, and start killing thugs.

>best way to kill yourself
well, it depends on how you want to go out. pls repsond

>Travel to a black neighborhood



Just kidding don't ever fucking do that it takes days to kill you

Anything but hanging.
You don't want to make her sad, do you?

helium has some interesting properties.

>least amount of suffering: hose in the tailpipe
>most spectacular display: tie a chain to a lamppost, tie it around your neck and fucking floor it. It'll be like a champagne cork.

go to a muslim ghetto and insult Allah


Wait for a cold winter day. Remove your clothes, take some sleeping pills and go out to a remote location.

Whichever way involves niggers

waiting some 70+ years usually works.

Cool off-topic spam thread faggot.

45 pills of paracetamol


If you do decide to end it, don't become another firearm death stat for the Left to throw in our faces.

I kinda want to see this. I don't know why but now sort of want to see this. What the hell is wrong with me?
Me too... I wish they had video


Kill a bunch of muslims the an hero.

Jack yourself up on amphetamines
Mow down your enemies
Get shot in center mass and rapidly die of blood loss.

>massive blood loss is the best way to go out, can confirm.

The Japs used carbon monoxide from charcoal.

this but how much does op need?

lol i'm on episode 4 right now of this anime

now i'm closing the thread because someone will spoil it for me

here, try this

>least amount of suffering: hose in the tailpipe
Exit bag is better for that. You wont even realize you're suffocating.

pic related bretty much desu

Plane into Mecca.

Run in front of a track and have the note blame your death on blackmail from some poor sap. (At the very least you waste his time)

find a train track
wait for train to come
sit on track
shoot self so you cant pussy out

why isn't this the standard, helium is relatively cheap, highly availible, and not overly painful.

anything involving mecca

>highly available
Until we're running hydrogen fusion reactors at industrial levels, helium is a finite resource on Earth.

Suicide = temporary brain malfunction. Easily repaired by vigorous excercise. If recurrence then easily fixed via doctor visit. Would you get rid of your car because it's low on air?

Don't use a firearm nerd.

take cocaine.. jump out of an airplane whiteout a parachute into the ocean. your heart will beat so fast that you probable will die of heart failure just before you hit the ground