I was just flipping through the channels and landed on MSNBC where they had a panel of women talking about the abuse they had suffered under Bill O'Reilly and what a sexist asshole he was.

Here's a transcript of what one of the women said, and most were similar to this.

>It was 2011 and Bill had me on the show and during the interview he called me 'hysterical'.
>I told him Bill, it's 2011, you can't use that sexist kind of language on the air.
>Bill tried to tell me he'd use that word to describe a man as well, but I didn't buy it, he knows the implications of using that word and its sexually charged meaning.
>Later on when the interview had aired that part had been edited out, so he knew that he had made a mistake, and after I called him out on it I was never invited back to the show for interviews, which is textbook sexual discrimination.

Is this the kind of shit that forced the guy out? It was literally "CURRENT YEAR" shennanigans. I thought he was going around fingerbanging chicks in the office.

Other urls found in this thread:


he was working on a segment about the jfk assassination. he was a jfk truther.

>Is this the kind of shit that forced the guy out?

Yes and no. it was mostly his advertisers fleeing en masse. Whether that's indication of guilt or not is up on the air. It was a shitty way to go, but I'm glad he's gone.

Give it to me straight, did he du summin or din du nuffin?

dindu nuffin

SJW started crying and advertisers pulled their funding. The same people attacking O'Reilly now were defending Clinton in the 1990s.

We'll never know for sure

He outlived his usefulness and got shivved.

Were you watching Lawrence O'Donnell?

I can't stand Lawrence O'Donnell. So fucking smug!


Yea that's where I saw it before I switched over to Hannity.

isn't Lawrence just such a dick head??

they actually are leaving because he's on vacation. They always do this because nobody watches when its not Bill

You americans are fucked in the head honestly.

Everyone seems to be playing a game of 'We got you now' accompanied by fake outrage.

It's our natural disease, Hans - it's in the American DNA. Salem never really ended with us. All it takes is one crying woman with a well-rehearsed story to topple a righteous man.

What's this guy's problem? Why is the word hysterical sexist? If this is what he's being charged against, annoying as I find him, this really is complete bullshit.

Always funny when someone preaching morality gets caught doing this. Wasn't he accused of beating his wife in front of his kids before?

I saw an interview with a former Fox girl who claimed Bill was sexist against her because he confused her with other blondes that worked at the network. Not even joking.


It shouldn't be. The textbook definition is

>Affected by uncontrolled or extreme emotion

Women hijacked it into a "muh period/PMS" sexist insult, as if guys can never have extreme emotion either.

The Murdoch family ain't no sjws. They wouldn't fire him for the use of the term hysterical. The court accusations were centered on groping and shit. They already had tape of him saying weird sexual stuff to women who didn't want it. They fired him because this is a reoccurring pattern with him, and right after the Roger Ailes shit, they don't want to ruin their brand.

The Murdoch sons, who now control Fox News, are SJW cunts.


HA! Whipped.

See what I mean. Murdoch's sons are going to end up alienating their audience and Fox News will fall apart.

It's quite possible.

This is a political hitjob to punish oreilly for supporting trump and getting him elected.

Oreilly didn't pay the piper, so he got canned.

New Latin hysteria, from hysteric, from Latin hystericus, from Ancient Greek ὑστεριkός (husterikós, “suffering in the uterus, hysterical”), from ὑστέρα (hustéra, “womb”).

In sum, academic whores whom never have worked a real day in their life appropriate esoteric terminology and newspeak.

Orwell is spinning so fast in his grave gravity is getting stronger.

I'm pretty sure he did do it, but...



It's a political hitjob but not for that reason.

Leftists already didn't like Bill-O, so as soon as this (((sexual harassment))) story caught wind the screeching harpies who think their opinion matters jumped all over it, and the good little bitch boy cucks that think women are so strong and empowered helped them out. It's leftists attempting to further their narrative and regain influence, not in the least to prop up the legitimacy of women "working" and of the "seriousness" of "sexual harassment".

Most here just don't give a fuck because he's a Bush era neocon and old news anyway.

Wait til he starts suing people for actual defamation.

>Most here just don't give a fuck because he's a Bush era neocon and old news anyway.

That's only because they made fun of him back when they were faggot libshits.
Billo seems like a top notch dude to me. Would buy a milkshake.

o'reilly should just get a youtube channel, or pull an anthony cumia and start a network . he has plenty of money and still has a following

He's a petulant, thin-skinned dickhead. Fuck him.

He still big enough and Wealthy enough ( especially since Fox's breaking the three-year contract they just signed with him) to pretty much do whatever you want or just go retire on a beach.

As a person whose watch the show I sincerely doubt he's going to go quietly and let this be the end of his story.

People also say that I had an ego and I want to be surprised at this humbled him a little, and makes him stronger for it.

Me, I hope he joins up with Glenn Beck. The two are friends after all and you know Bill would put the blaze on the map, especially if the Murdock kids cuck Fox and the blaze is right there waiting to fill the vacuum.

>he called me 'hysterical'

I knew it. Never, ever give feminists the benefit of a doubt.

“Why Office Air Conditioning Is Sexist”


I thought for sure Bill was tapping that a few years ago when she was always a guest. But he must have sniffed out the crazy — pretty and single and in her 40s = wackjob

He's a luddite. And youtube is too high tech for his 60-80yo fans. I think he needs to be on a subscription based TV outlet. Something you can call your TV station and activate for $5 per month

Why is Bill Oreilly getting the Bill Cosby treatment?

If you settle a lawsuit as a plaintiff then it's literally nothing. Show me one guilty plea or jury verdict. Otherwise, fuck off and take your $13million. Justice has been served.

It was a shitty railroading to get him out of his contract so Murdoch's kids can make Fox News into something new.

>Fox hires blond drones to fill the time with "pretty looking blonds"
>be offended when someone points it out
Did she fucking know where she worked? She really thought she was hired to be a "political analyst"? They probably read "anal" and saw her tits and hired her that way.

Dude is 60 fucking 7, needs to hang it up anyway.

That's a problem because FNC is the only news channel that leans right. If they die then any news for normies will come from ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC. I wish fox would get rid of that faggot Shepard Smith and put someone else in his time slot

Hysteria in the late 19th century was thought to be women getting panicky or irate due to effects of their uteruses. Treatment included water jets aimed at the clittoris. So it actually is based on a sexist idea. No bs.


Maybe if he kept his luffas to himself...

I'm conservative, but I can't stand self-righteous hypocrites like O'Reilly. Clearly a serial hotdog, pathetic.

They'll set Tucker up to fail next. One hand will encourage him to keep meming with his scandilized meme face and hitting the points in his printout, another will set up a scripted takedown designed against it

>Dude is 60 fucking 7
...so he's still under the average age of the Fox viewer demographic.

absolutely it was all stuff like that. women are absolute scum who must be enslaved. they cannot handle freedom or law and order.

Well yeah but reality is a lot of people high up are like that.

But only certain people get taken down. Bill Cosby went against the narrative, so he got mauled by allegations and litigation. Milo caused shit at Berkley, then those pedo comments he made showed up.

>dindu nuffin

>beating his wife in front of his kids

Liberals don't have any actual shit on anyone. They just coordinate all their fake news organizations together to run smear campaigns on people until they're buried under a mountain of shit.

Here's an interesting thought:

All it takes to oust someone is a sympathetic woman on his team who will make claims against him.

The real result of this sort of thing is not going to be a rise of feminism. It's going to be a reluctance to hire women. Would you want a woman on your staff, knowing she could sink your career at any moment, with zero evidence and zero provocation and zero reality behind it?

The real moral here is "don't hire women".

>textbook definition
What shit-tier "textbook" is that from, Cletus?

Yeah except the O'Reilly factor has been the number one cable news show of the coveted 18 to 35 demographic for 16 straight years, otherwise good post faggot.

no it was more overt sexual harassment stuff, like jerking off while telling some employee over the phone about a dildo he owns

>him suing people for defamation


your innocent tv talk reminds me of forums back in like 2007


You're never going to get a white slur to stick, shitskin.


You liberals still have some catching up to do.

>Fox's breaking the three-year contract
...with the "moral terpitude" clause, so
that Fox didn't break the contract, he did.
Lrn2contract-law, Daniel Webster

I see so many people talking about how good it is that O'Reilly got pushed out. This happened because of allegations, and advertisers dropping; if they did it to O'Reilly, they'll try to do it to every other host on Fox too.
I don't like O'Reilly personally, but this shit this shit isn't a thing to be celebrating over.

It seemed to start after the comment he made about Maxine Waters. She is a DNC institution and it would not surprise me if they went after his job for making fun of her

some of the shit he did is hilarious and awful:

2004 O'Reilly Factor producer Andrea Mackris filed suit, accusing O'Reilly of sexual harassment and seeking $60 million in damages. Her lawyers contended that the host subjected her to inappropriate stories about his sex life on multiple occasions, told her to buy a vibrator and repeatedly described his sexual fantasies over the phone while masturbating. (Mackris apparently recorded several of their conversations.) According to the lawsuit, O'Reilly fantasized in graphic detail about whisking Mackris away to the Caribbean, where people "shed their inhibitions"; described his desire to take a falafel and "put it on [her] pussy"; regaled her with stories of his purported sexual escapades with a Scandinavian flight attendant and a Thai sex worker; and propositioned her and her college roommate one night over dinner.


I do that all the time, when you look like every basic bitch out there what the fuck do you expect when I mistake you for some other woman? If you want to stand out, don't look like everyone else, I mistake hipster numales all the time for being some other numale I've seen.

This. Is there a more true statement on the internet? I don't think so.


[citation needed]

Lrn2google, and do your own homework

You can't cry about a citation when you didn't include one yourself. At least his claim is plausible. The notion that the average fox viewer is 70 is absurd.

[citation needed]

oh I think it has stuck, Cletus
like the shit on your shoe

>You liberals
no U

How many pennies are you up to now? Slow down, you're going to give Brock another heart attack.

Lrn2google, and do your own homework

Top Bantz from O'Reilly in this video


But every month the uterus does make them panicky or irate?

found the newfag

Brock needs to invest in a barbor shop

>it was mostly his advertisers fleeing en masse.
The instant kikes smell one penny lost they flee. No loyalty with these people.

>implying I want to give you anymore pennies

>Two years ago average view age was 68
>Now its 70
What the fuck? For what fucking purpose is this even important or odd?

The median age of CNN and MSNBC is 63, so it's not even significant. It just means more millennials watch those networks.

Someone should edit OP's Pic Related into the JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP SENPAI with red eyes and the bad haircut.

>viewers are the most misinformed
And who decides what's informed these days? That's right, the establishment kike media well known to create lies and then propagate them as new truth.

Do it yourself, faggot.

>A survey showed that their viewers are the most misinformed than from other stations.

I wonder what shitskin "African Studies" major wrote this shit.

>For what fucking purpose is this even important
Lrn2advertising-focus fgt pls

>the establishment
the Seventies just called, they
want their rhetoric back

found the Shitskin Studies major

>says the rabbi responding to every post hours after everyone left

Glad I lived long enough to see his sorry sad old ass get kicked off the air. He was coolin a current affair though.

is this bait?

This is all a crock of shit everyone these allegations are false. He only raped the altar boys at his local church. He's a good Catholic boy he dindu nuffins

0.02 shekels has been daposited

I mean O'Reilly's a giant fag much like most of the Fox old guard but it's very obvious the guys who replaced Ailes are giant cosmoplitan liberals. It's only a matter of time until Tucker's forced off the air too.

That's probably the entire end goal. A feature not a bug.

Stop shilling faggot. He was numero uno for the ages 18-35 for 16 straight years