Is anyone else fully on board with the 14 words but not the 88?
I feel weird/guilty/alienated because all of the white nationalist shows (Like TRS) are fully NatSoc and I'm not and never would be.
Is anyone else fully on board with the 14 words but not the 88?
I feel weird/guilty/alienated because all of the white nationalist shows (Like TRS) are fully NatSoc and I'm not and never would be.
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post that comic where 14 is climbing up a hill but it's being stalled by 88 and 6,000,000 is off in the distance rubbing hands together
perfectly fine man. I'm kind of like that too
Same here. Pro-white, but not down with hitler.
The 14 is cool, the 88 is a meme.
I believe heartily in the 14, but the 88 represents a variation of socialism which is fucking gay. Even in a homogenous society of white people, there's still going to be the "lazy niggers" of he group. In a natsoc society, we'd be supporting the lazy, despite it being a white utopia.
Kinda gay, so I honestly thing the 88 is a meme.
Hitler had great ideas, but socialized anything is inherently fucking degenerate.
I can't explain lockstep mentality from any quarter.
I just want a medium level Molymeme philosophy applied to a TRS show, is that too much to ask?
It is fun to larp and trigger lefties tho
Rockwell is pretty good tho, from the speeches I've heard him do
this, label anything hitler and enjoy the chaos
>socialized anything is inherently fucking degenerate.
Strasser >>>> Chumpfler
Go watch the greatest story never told and unbluepill yourself
can you do 14 without white nationalism, if we remove gibs wouldn't that mean that the other peoples would probably not outbreed whites?
Lol yeah fuck the guy who fought for his peoples survival right???
Yeah, I'm in between Spencer and Coulter on this.
Not really, modernity forces smaller family sizes. I also think removing gibs is unrealistic unless a black swan happens
Yeah, i feel like natsocs and fascists are misguided, we can maintain our democracy and the white race so long as we can change social attitudes
idk I really want to stick with civic nationalism with little to no immigration. too many of my friends wouldn't be allowed in a white nationalist state. when it comes down to it like half my friends are jews and I subconciously have a deep desire to redpill them about the jews and make them anti-Semitic jews because it would be funny. I think keep our countries majority white is in the best interest of all the citizens including non-whites.
You dont even know what those words mean
natsoc morality but libertarian policy is the answer
>Not down with hitler
In Nazi Germany if you refused work without a valid reason (illness, injury etc) you were declared workshy and either got enslaved in a chaingang or put in a fucking concentration camp.
I don't think Germans had to worry too much about supporting the lazy
I like what NatSoc tries to promote, but you can't legislate morality. Also, fuck democracy. We have a republic for a reason. Tax payer only voting.
Libertarianism is a stupid meme just like Communism
Has never worked in practice
National Socialism abolishes all welfare except old age welfare, takes control of large scale manufacturing to stop the creation of monopolies/corrupt international corporations, is a self sufficient isolationist economy, promotes the family structure, tradition, religion, ect.
Nothing wrong with NatSoc at all.
t. Former Libertarian
Are you are dating a non-white(probably an Asian) as well?
I'd be fine with minorites in a white ethno-state as long as it wasn't a democracy
start your own, my man.
listen, you don't have to hate him or worship him. He did what he did, or didn't do. But as Americans living here and now we have bigger bones to pick, like, fuck man i dont know, ensuring the survival of our people?
I think the biggest meme is calling it national socialism in the USA in the 2017 (muh current yearrrr). What i'm saying is that take the core of the ideas but use american iconography, history and values. Rockwell could have pulled it off but that's over now. A natsoc American party would have to be called the Sons of Liberty, or American Workers, or American Traditionalist Party.
ITT: People who know nothing about the actual policy plan of National Socialism but are just afraid of the negative stigma that comes with the label
>A natsoc American party would have to be called the Sons of Liberty, or American Workers, or American Traditionalist Party.
Why not just take over the Republican party?
There was an american nazi party
Maybe I'll have to. I just don't feel I'm well read enough to do so. I don't have enough facts/history memorized imo.
I will never be okay with something that has socialist in the name.
>inb4 NatSoc Soc isn't marxist soc meme
You're a god damn retard. Go read the 25 point plan.
lol no I'm dating a jew. slowly trying to redpill her. Jews are actually aware of a lot of the stuff they are doing. Like she was the one who told me that a lot of products had a special kosher symbol and how this is like a "jew tax" since non-jews also buy those products. we probably won't marry though because I am against circumcising my kids
You're not alone. Hitler put a lot of young German men to death.
>I'm dating a jew
I inherently distrust the government. Nothing will change my opinion on that
It's fun to make memes about him and be edgy IRL with a swastika flag on my wall, but I really don't give a fuck about NatSoc. I'm a small-gov American. I'm pro-white. I'm a white nationalist. I don't care about Hitler or 88 beyond any other historical figure.
I don't understand how a supposedly free-thinking society can be so smitten with an absolute authoritarian.
>hating something because of the name and not what it actually represents
No wonder you don't like National Socialism, you're a braindead moron.
You mean the Allies put a lot of young German men to death. Your country put a lot of young German men to death. All for trying to liberate their brothers in Poland and reunite with East Prussia.
The 88 is edgy memeing to make the 14 seem mild.
Because you've only ever experienced Neo-Liberal marxist government
What if it was a democracy, but maintaining a 90% white population was in the constitution?
You don't need to hate other people to love your own people. Look jews are responsible for a lot of the problems that put us in the situation we are in now, but not every jew is in on it. Israel is experiencing a lot of the same problems white countries are. The askenazi are being outbred by the brown jews, and the muslims are outbreeding the jews. If the jews would stop eating up their own propaganda they will also prosper
Eventually the minority population would try to amend that part of the Constitution on the basis of democratic equality
Why is it so good?
NatSoc seems too rigid. I don't think it would ever change with times, as humans do. We'd be like the muslims desu
Racemixer. Fucking Jewlover.
Not fashy enough i guess? I really don't know. But that's the most realistic.
But that's over now. It's fun to larp and admire goostestepping aryans here on a laotian toenail clipping enthusiast board but the natsoc imagery is poison in our country and will throw otherwise very (unwittingly) fashy goys off.
I know that feel. Everyday I learn how much i have to learn.
>socialist in the name
kind of the point i am making. It would have to be called the Republican Party, i guess.
>The 88 is edgy memeing to make the 14 seem mild.
To a degree that's true.
ALSO anyone else here fucking sick and tired of the nupol "da antifa r da real fashists" meme? No motherfuckers, WE ARE
Working in it
O'Reilley being replaced with Tuck is a pretty big step in that direction
Or because I've read a history book. Government always tried to get bigger and grow it's power.
Also, people are too dangerous to entrust too much power. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
>I don't think it would ever change with times
the point of fascism and traditionalism is realizing that the times don't really change. technology changes, but the forms of society do not. You are thinking in neoliberal, progressive terms that see a future utopia built on (((progress))) where the core philosophy of traditionalism is that history is cyclical and human society is based on perennial truths and natural law that is timeless.
>Not every Jew is in on it
None of them are "in on it". Its genetic for the Jew to project his loathing and hatred onto everyone else.
>Israel is experiencing a lot of the same problems white countries are. The askenazi are being outbred by the brown jews, and the muslims are outbreeding the jews.
Awww ;_; my heart
So sad
>If the jews would stop eating up their own propaganda they will also prosper
They can prosper in the afterlife. Jews need to fuck off back to their STOLEN homeland and then we'll decide whether or not to fucking nuke them for all the destruction they've caused.
Also you're wrapped around a jewess' finger why should I care what you think. Of couse you're sympathetic to them, you practically are one of them now.
No worries dude, politics and economic systems can always change, demographics and the gene pool are more fragile and harder to fix
I started dating her before I jumped on the white identity train so I was not just going to dump her for political reasons. Plus she is blonde haired blue eyed. I saw pictures of her as a young child in school and she was the only blonde is a sea of brown kids. Israel is a good reminder of what we want to avoid.
The 14 words, absolutely.
But the neo-nazi larping is moronic and self-defeating. Who honestly thinks we're going to be a major political force while we're praising a guy who the entire western world has been indoctrinated to view as the most evil man who ever lived since the moment they were able to talk?
I was holding my head in my hands and sighing in defeat when Richard Spencer was up on a stage shouting 'Hail Victory!' and getting Nazi salutes from the crowd.
You can't do that and expect to achieve anything but the alienation of 90% of the people you're trying to appeal to.
You don't need the 88 to pull off the 14. It's an active fucking obstacle to it. is really all anyone should need to see to understand what's going on.
Not an argument. There have been plenty of wonderful leaders and societies throughout history. Rome existed for over a thousand years and that was FAR more authoritarian than our countries. Yet historians say during the reign of the 5 good emperors was the happiest period in human history. You bought the lolbertarian meme hard.
>I was holding my head in my hands and sighing in defeat when Richard Spencer was up on a stage shouting 'Hail Victory!' and getting Nazi salutes from the crowd.
yet now spencer is giving successful speeches at universities. the tide is turning. i'm not saying we will be sieg heiling or goostestepping, but at the same time there will come a point where we don't need to play by (((their))) rules anymore. One day.
No, I just mean that it'd be too hardline: I just don't think things like music, comedy and free-thinking-in-general would really have a chance to progress. I think NatSoc is a meme from the early 20th century.
88 >>>>>>>>>> 14
Germany >>>>>>>>> "white" trash Americans
>spencer is relevant
falling for clinton again are we? this phenomenon is much bigger than alt right and the label seems deliberate so you wont find me identifying with it
NatSoc is based off the ethos of Rome. All its policies and teachings are based off ancient tradition.
The term is 20th century but the ideology is not.
Hard pill to swallow but once you do its like waking up from a stupid dream
but we hate Jews and want to get more people on the Jew-hate train
cool pics of Hitler are edgy as fuck and make it seem like good fun
>Thinking 88 is only Heil Hitler and not the 88 precepts
Wow you guys sure are new
>>spencer is relevant
He has unironically done more for white identity than anyone else besides Jared Taylor.
You are worshipping a dead people then, because we know that genetically, culturally and spiritually the Germans of the 88 times are dead. Ausgerottet. So don't give me that bullshit d&c you fucking (((new swede)))
>post that comic where 14 is climbing up a hill but it's being stalled by 88 and 6,000,000 is off in the distance rubbing hands together
>I think the biggest meme is calling it national socialism in the USA in the 2017 (muh current yearrrr). What i'm saying is that take the core of the ideas but use american iconography, history and values. Rockwell could have pulled it off but that's over now. A natsoc American party would have to be called the Sons of Liberty, or American Workers, or American Traditionalist Party.
Seriously, you can have your private opinions of the man, but it's absolutely fucking retarded to think that you can successfully rewire public opinion on the man. Sure, maybe over SEVERAL generations such a thing might be possible, but white nations don't HAVE several generations of time to spare.
Ditch the Nazis and work on the wordgame and sophistry. All liberal policies, as fucking immoral as they are, have been contingent on superior word games and clever sophistry. "Pro-Choice"/"Affirmative Action"/"Equality"/"Hate Speech"/"Undocumented Immigrants" are all terms that disguise the truth with feels, and you know what? It fucking works.
If word games can work for fucking immoral and degenerate policies, just imagine what it can do for logical stances. Rebranding is the only way to go.
If you guys disagree with these then you DONT agree with the 14 words
plus the hatefucking is amazing
I've come up with something to replace the Nazi LARP
Wew Boy sure is Reddit in here
Would hide the seen kyle and roman salutes tho. Not as obvious
also, fuck reddit
Not an argument, memester. Do you disagree with the following?
>it's absolutely fucking retarded to think that you can successfully rewire public opinion on the man. Sure, maybe over SEVERAL generations such a thing might be possible, but white nations don't HAVE several generations of time to spare.
Furthermore, what does reverence for Hitler even ADD to the movement? Is it even worth it, considering that it already handicaps white nationalism harder than an extra 21st chromosome?
It's not, you retard. It was capitalist and big business controlled. Strasser was the farther left and better choice anyhow. Fuck off to Pleddit, you nigger.
>no free speech
>pro censorship
>no gun rights
>massive surveillance state
Everyone of us here would be on the first trains to the camps if NatSoc ever made a return.
you mad, brah?
I've head this argument. Come up with a better name for you movement because socialist is already way too fucking tainted
You're just a white pussy like everyone else shitting on 14/88.
You cant have one without the other.
Go watch the greatest story never told and take the redpill. Remember what taking the redpill actually used to mean.
All of those things are false.
Good goy!
I'm mad you're a fucking retard who thinks Hitler was a member of the very group he fought against because he made his people pay a few taxes.
Stop shitposting.
Look, I would take Hitler over Stalin any day of the week, but I'd take the founding fathers(Certain ones) over Hitler even more than that.
It's my fucking thread, I'll shitpost all I want.
I would take the British monarchy over Hitler, Stalin, and the Founding Fathers. They were the best rulers and administrators anyone could ever imagine.
I'm going to have to go and revoke your 'Murican card now, sir. You've taken things too far.
Here here!
>non arguments
Boy, imagine my surprise.
>can't have one without the other
Why not? You yourself said:
>NatSoc is based off the ethos of Rome. All its policies and teachings are based off ancient tradition.
By your own admission, the tenets of white nationalism aren't based on Hitler - they're based on ancient tradition. But NOW you say that white nationalism can't be espoused without undying adoration for Hitler, because you're a too much of a Nazi LARP fuckboy.
>Remember what taking the redpill actually used to mean.
I'm not needing to take the redpill, I'm interested in administering it. You CAN NOT win enough people to the cause of white nationalism in a timely manner (remember, white nations can not spare time for purity spiraling) if the movement is LITERALLY, VERBALLY, PUBLICALLY tied to Hitler. You are an actual retard if you believe otherwise.
Fuck, think about the strategy for a moment. You know why the Jews win? Because their strategies involve excellent word play and sophistry. You can't draw sufficient new blood to a well that is as poisoned as Nazis/Hitler. You have to beat the Jews at their own game, not play it for them, you twat.
I don't care about either of those. My phrase is "Hippity Hoppity Get Off My Property"
>OP is indeed an illiterate faggot.
88. These are sure signs of a sick or dying Nation. If you see any of them, your
guardians are committing treason:
l)mixing and destruction of the founding race
2)destruction of the family units
3)oppressive taxation
4) corruption of the Law
5) terror and suppression against those who warn of the Nation's error
6)immorality: drugs, drunkenness, etc.
7) infanticide (now called abortion)
8)destruction of the currency (inflation or usury)
9)aliens in the land, alien culture
1 1) foreign wars
1 2) guardians (leader s)who pursue wealth or glory
1 3)homosexuality
14)religion not based on Natural Law
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white
Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish
from the earth.
I agree that citing Hitler to inspire white nationalism in the West is probably a counterproductive idea, but in a perfect world 14 and 88 go hand in hand, regardless of whether you consider yourself politically a National Socialist. See pic related. How can you not respect that kind of leadership?
>go watch stormfag propaganda and be """"redpilled""""
TRSodomites get out before I blow your fucking head off
>1488 is adoration of hitler
Why do I bother
Keep being a coward though see how far it gets you in life
Drink battery acid Kike
Lets be honest, you cant even blow your wifes bull before he fucks her cos his dick's too big
>but in a perfect world 14 and 88 go hand in hand
Absolutely. But we're not in a perfect world - we're fighting generations upon generations of Jewry. Hitler's reputation in Western Civilization is the most successful branding job of Jews - the time and energy required to undo this effort is not worth it. It's a fatal wound to the ideology that must be left behind.
as expected of the SODOMITE, always fixated on dicks and your own inferiority
Thats what he said ya dumbass
Can you go back to facebook antifag?