Us gov forces google to hand over emails of wikileaks organizers

>us gov forces google to hand over emails of wikileaks organizers
>planning to charge the founder with Espionage
Do you have a plan pol?
This is messed up

no one ever emails me

This is basically an end-run around the law for the sake of the intelligence agencies in the US.

The intel agencies fucked up, really really fucking bad.

1. By breaking the law
2. By being so incompetent they couldn't keep the fact they broke the law a secret
3. By shredding the constitution and laws of their own nation to attack the people revealing they broke the law

Anyone working for these agencies is a sack of shit. Protecting the people of America my fucking ass. More like covering your own ass and your bosses ass while doing the exact opposite of what you swore an oath to do. Every man in these agencies might as well be labeled an Oathbreaker, a liar, a criminal, a pedophile and pedophile enabler. The intelligence agencies disgust me and if everyone in them died tomorrow I wouldn't shed a tear; I'd celebrate. One of the worst blights on humanity would be gone.

The people in them are loyal to The Agency, they are not loyal to The People. When something goes against The Agency's best interests, no matter how good it might be for The People, these fucks will be working to protect and defend The Agency and not The People.

Traitors; the whole fucking lot of them. The only ones doing anything good for us are the people leaking the illegal activities and crimes.

Here's a protip for Intel Agencies: STOP BREAKING THE FUCKING LAW YOU ASSHOLES



He's been dead for 6 months

Good. I hope they throw this blue-balling faggot in solitary and throw away the key.

>j-just wait
>w-w-we're gonna release something big real soon
>s-seriously i promise
>releases 10 year old malware that's already been patched

Dont worry OP, this is the ((media)) spin on an new/expanded investigation to figure out who ordered the death os SETH RICH. Trust me, this timeline wont disappoint.

Are they intentionally fucking up so the prosecution of Assange will be thrown out eventually? 4d chess???

My plan is to thank God every day for Based Trump.

I'll email you, user. What is your address? It would be nice to have a friend to talk to. No one emails me either.

turns out the insurance files are just a compilation of anthony weiner dick pics.

[email protected]

Fuck off Leaf

>not a hacker
>not a US citizen
>not in US
He's a publisher

opinion article discarded

This is why I love the fact that I'm a side-liner. I can do pic related and watch everything unfold with a clear conscience.

Are the neocohens going to shut the fuck up finally after this and the tomahawks?

I bet if you put him on the stand you'd hear some real shit.

>>releases 10 year old malware that's already been patched
What he released was the fact that alphabet soup were the ones responsible for all the Windows vulnerabilities just so you and I can be "watched".

How dense are some of you?

Wasn't this guy certified based, just a few months ago?

Magatards are so fucking stupid. Wikileaks undoubtedly won him the election. SAD!

Typical dumb, lame burger "response". Perhaps if you had two brain cells to rub together you could come up with an intelligent reply rather than just telling someone who made a perfectly intelligent post to fuck off. You goddamned moron.

Any power that government has that the people do not is simply tyranny.

You burgers all ready killed him, you don't need to smear him too

Im done with Trump at this point its obvious hes a neo-con kike he belongs in the gas chamber with the leftys and the rest

lol assange will unleash his dead hand switch unleashing all his shit, do it faggots

how about we go after
elon musk

and leave this fucker alone

Pretty funny how some people are so cucked that they still keep making excuses for Trump.

I wonder if the left will defend him

this, im ready

best timeline

Fuck off emotional leaf snowflake

Underrated post
Preach it, brother!

>Thanks for helping me win the election Jules! Now enjoy your jail cell!

how can a non-citizen be guilty of espionage exactly?

>Traitors; the whole fucking lot of them. The only ones doing anything good for us are the people leaking the illegal activities and crimes.

You aren't american dipshit.

So what? He's right.

Checked. And can I get some links to what's being mentioned in the meme? I was in 5th or 6th grade when that shit happened

>if we give the jews what they want surely they will be satisfied and leave us alone!

what is (( )), jew-lite or some bullshit?

you don't fucking think your bullshit shenanigans doesn't affect the rest of the fucking world? i swear to fucking god you americans are so dense by being so easily manipulated by your own jew media, while the rest of us are dragged into your bullshit wars, bombing the fuck out of shithole countries so their filth gets forced on the rest of us

i don't want your goddamn rapefugees, you fuckin keep em

implying american intelligence agencies dont routinely affect the entire planet
fuck off idiot

Ah, the woes of being a lesser country.