We need to ban smartphones

>be me birthdayboy
>invite family to expensive 5* restaurant (200$pp)
>see 10yo nephew playing on his phone
>strike conversation; hey dude you like the food? hows school like btw? bla bla
>*continues texting*
>his probably shy lets talk to my bro instead
>mid conversation his phone vibrates
>oh woops its my gf need to talk to her for a bit brb
>try to talk to others but everyone is busy uploading food pics or selfies to instagram, facebooking, twittering or w/e the hell millennials do these days

How do we solve the phone problem Sup Forums? Should smartphones be outlawed on food outlets outside and dinner table at home? How do we bring back the 80s when smartphone cultures didnt exist?


You could try crashing a jet into mecca yelling "GOD BLESS THE U.S.!!!" at the top of your lungs, that might work

I don't know, but it is really fucking obnoxious and is undoubtedly retarding the population even more than they already are.
>Keeping a mini micro wave stuck to your body for 24 hours a day.
>Developing the attention span of a cockroach
>Them waves lowering our t count and frying women's eggs

>>oh woops its my gf need to talk to her for a bit brb

Leave him be. He sounds like he will be a white race Savior one day. Unlike us autists

>I bought my kid a phone
>Do phones need to be outlawed?

Kill yourself.

Start by killing yourself mudslime

>go out with friends for a few drinks to socialize
>every single drone holding their phones before them and tapping the whole time like they are fucking squirrels holding nuts
>the only time they stop is to take selfies and upload them with SUCH A WILD PARTY LMAO :P :D :))) captions
>leave in disgust

>stay home
>play video games all evening
>talk with bros over voip the whole time
>chat with people ingame, make couple new contacts
>check facebook

kill everything, rape their corpses, burn their children

The last line of your post... just why were we born so normal compared to these beta brainwashed faggots, and there are just so much of them its scary.

I will never come to peace with this fact i just want to kill them all too

or you're boring as fuck and no one wants to talk with you

>freshman year
>use bathroom on the second floor of a less used building
>walk in to a spic skipping class smoking weed

>fast forward to senior year
>be sick, go to same bathroom again
>walk in to a spic skipping class browsing instagram

Phones are a drug

If I had the money I'd set up a pub as a complete faraday cage, I'm mad because I'm fucking SICK of seeing these groups of 3-4-5 people sitting around a table and not talking just tapping away with emotionless faces.

The Unibomber was fuckin right man

>posted from my iPhone

Maybe you should have a conversation with your family about how you wish to have a real family dinner without any distractions.
You blame the phones but you didn't even tell your family you were upset by there actions.
If you did talk to them or you do and they don't care I suggest getting a new family that likes you more.

>80s when smartphone cultures didnt exist?
You do know smartphones weren't a thing until 2010 right?
And excessive texting wasn't a thing until 2007?
It's not that new
And there is no cure, people are getting more and more addicted to being connected to other people and it's only going to get worse

>the only phone you've ever purchased was a $19 piece of shit

they should have stopped at flip phones
too many dumb niggers on the internet nowadays

>expensive restaurant
This is where you fucked up OP. At the age you can afford a joint like that is the age that no one gives a shit about how old you are.

You just have a shitty family dude.

>Them waves lowering our t count and frying women's eggs
That's not a thing, radio waves have been disgustingly excessive since the 70's and it hasn't done a god damn thing to our Test or Eggs(that's the over use of chemicals for preservatives)
I'm trying to go back to my flip phone I still have but I'm a professional photographer and not being able to show off your work at the drop of a hat is borderline suicide

this is the only reasonable solution

Smartphone addiction in general is terrible but being an iCuck is like having leprosy in a village of Hypoglycemics

Normies should have never been allowed on in the first place
Personally I blame Europe's globalist decision to adopt the wide screen television.
Forcing everyone to that caused the race to make them thinner which brought about the shrinking of technology in general

It was your birthday, you should have spoken up and even got angry. I agree with your main point, but sometimes people need a bit of social shaming to do the right thing

>tfw everyone is a techno addict
>tfw exactly what I desired
We will achieve world piece one day.

ok OP do this
>next birthday
>offer to cook meal at house
>wait for people to arrive
>wait 20 or so minutes
>disable both power and internet in house
>claim there was a glitch
>family will have no choice but to socialize

>techno addict
>everyone still asks me to install windows or set up set-top boxes for them

Yeah right. They dont even know how to use the technology they are addicted to.

Not every junkie knows how to acetylate morphine either.

I don't really have a problem with smartphones in general but I hate how smartphones eventually becoming popular and inexpensive allowed way more third worlders access to the internet.

A decent smartphone now costs only a fraction of the price of a laptop or desktop from years ago and is way easier to use for the average computer illiterate.

>indigo children noticing crystal children are different
>believe any of that shit
>not sure who I'm trying to make fun of actually
Oh god am I trolling myself..?

I feel you OP, I make it a point whenever i go out now to keep my cellphone in my jacket/pocket as much as possible. Its honestly amazing how many people will just sit there in front of you reading shitbook like youre not even there.

Phones should be off while eating anywhere. Its exactly as you described when I go to lunch with my fellow employees can't Fucking stand it. The art of the conversation is dead and mobile phones and social media murdered it

If your family is dumb enough to put their phone before their life then they aren't worth trying to talk to.

>comparing organic chemistry to trivial shit like putting in a windows DVD in your computer and clicking "yes" a couple times

>Everyone is using their hand held computers in a social setting. Stupid normies
>*goes home and uses computer alone in dark basement*
>heh, that'll show them

"organic chemistry" in this case is pretty much mixing shit together in an afghanistan village.
Bottomline: milk normals for favors for trivial technological crap. Sure I'll install your windows, but damn I am hungry. you got any snacks?

I own a mobile phone but it either stays in my desk at home or in my car, basically for emergency situations.

Whenever someone asks me to do something on my phone I just say I dont have one and they look at me like I am crazy.

This is the first time I have seen a legitimately helpful answer on Sup Forums.

Well you DO live in Zealand so you're already pretty crazy
Goddamn communist hellhole there

Thats not hard.

The hard part is seperating the moprhine from all the other alkaloids in the poppy plant.

>someone in my family was on their phone at dinner
>when are phones going to be banned
>some psycho shot up a school
>when are guns going to be banned

Clearly the problem is shitty upbringing and not smartphones themselves. It's one thing to check a text or google something related to conversation but you have to be autistic not to realize that staring at your phone all dinner (at home or out at a restaurant) is extremely rude and degenerate. Every children can imagine why completely ignoring everything and everyone around them is rude.

Western society is crumbling and it's shit like this that proves it. Take it upon yourself to call people out when they do shitty things. Shame is perfectly fine, so shame them about being an autist instead of enjoying and appreciating a nice family experience.

>disable internet in house

They have mobile data. I swear the jews created this to kill family institutions.

I do this with my own family at home and at work but it's when I go out and invite my parents and my siblings with their kids or go to someones wedding party etc. that no one seem able to control their phone addiction. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO RUDE KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF YOUR PHONE FOR ONE SECOND AAAA

Why did you western jews bring this phone culture to Asia? I swear we didnt have this problem 5 years ago

>social setting
>no one socializing

>dark basement
>everyone socializing

You kinda missed the entire point. Leave it to the leaf to be absolutely abhorrent.

Nah I ask for money now. Just because its hillarious to see how upset normies get when I refuse to be free tech support for them.

>heeeeey user, could you come over and take a look at my PC? its getting really slow again
>sure, it will be X and I'm happy to come over and fix the whole thing up
>whaaaat why are you asking for money?? I thought you work as a sysadmin, these things should be soooo easy for you!!
>yeah well, except my job pays and you dont so I'd rather just sit here
>omigosh what a selfish asshole!!

I also gave up on trying to educate people to not click on files called bigtitsmp4.exe or respont to county password inspectors. Like a good 50-60% of users are too stupid to operate a PC.

Call it a "symbolic fee" or something.

I did this a few years ago. Motherfuckers wouldnt put their phones down so I said I was going to the bathroom, left them with the bill and went home and made muffins. My order was around $80 too.

sorry but sound like you just have a shitty family
only time my family uses their cell phones at the diner table is when we're all sitting around talking after we got done eating and someone needs to check something relevant to the conversation on their phone (like check a date for a trip or something)

Guys are creeps so I like browse my social media feeds with my headphones on. Sometimes I don't even listen to music. Eww I hate creepers. Only talk to people I meet online who aren't totally gross irl

Nah fuck that shit, I'm asking full hourly wage now+getting off my ass fee.I dont get how it became acceptable to pester computer guys to fix your shit for free but not bakers to make you free bread or something. They are as bad as phonefags.

>white race

Maybe you could ask them to put their phones away and not to be disrespectful cunts.

This, ditch your faggot relatives and come hang with us on Sup Forums. Always something exciting going on here!

autists need not apply.

My sister needs to have her phone like she is literally the biggest brat if she isn't playing her video or game just yelling and whining. Plus, I get so many Internet points when I post my meal and beta males all wanna treat me to nice dinners and desert. So lame and gross eww

>browsing in public

People don't actually do this do they?


I never fell for the smartphone meme so I can't. I hope most anons don't actually use smartphones at all.

How to get gf off of lvl 1725 of candy crush while we are watching a show together & I'm trying to make small talk?

I'm thinking of just fisting the bitch until she pays attention but I'm open to suggestions.


Isnt candy crash a mobile game and you need to pay rl money to advance past certain levels? You better make sure your bitch isnt abusing your CC first.

Yhuk yhuk yhuk...It's like, gee Tom, he doesn't even know where he is!

We need to ban shitty parents.

It's just rude ass people man. This would be like if parents didn't teach their kids manners in 1896 and kids pulled out books at the dinner table or some shit.

Teach your kids not to be an asshole, and tell people they're being fucking rude.

>be 2007
>just graduated college
>come home and go out to dinner with my mom
>after we order my moms phone rings
>she talks to her friend on the phone for 20 minutes like i'm not even there

its a societal decay problem that started before phones became popular

>couple of years ago
>watching movie with gf
>she won't get off her fucking phone
>pick it up and throw it completely across the room

I had a girlfriend not long ago and when we got into an argument once she was using, "I turned my smartphone off around you" like I was supposed to be blown away by her accomplishment

Fucking kek man

Whiter than the average american

>On expensive 5* coach trip
>try to conversate with the chap sitting to my lef5 in the carriage
>"How about them Nips?" "What town are you from"
>"Yes" "yes" "very well"
>*continues reading paper
>he must be a ninny I guess Ill talks to my brother
>Mid conversation he turns the page
>Oh sorry, The nazis have invaded poland I have to read this
>Try to talk to others but everyone is busy laughing at the funnies and searching the classifieds

How do we solve this problem?!


Holy shit this




Shouldn't you be range banned you yellow Malay fuck?

I don't even hold it against her, these phones are like cocaine for girls. It's too much of a steady stream of free attention, they can't cope with it.

You idiot radio waves cause none ionsing radiation.

Don't be discouraged user you did good.

Next time tell them to not bring their phones.

Its yet another problem that can be handled by culture. One thing I enjoyed about Korea was that despite everyone from the age of 2 having a smartphone, they're much more inclined toward face to face conversation. I'd message a friend and they would instead suggest that we just meet up. Girls take food pics but its mostly limited to just that, and guys don't do it at all.

Yes, they ought to be banned. Did you catch the recent "60 Minutes" story on them on their website? Basically, the creators admit that they are portable Skinner boxes and people are in fact being trained and brainwashed to check their phones every 15 minutes or else they feel something close to withdrawals in their minds.

People are made to have their fight or flight part as accessing their smartphones constantly stimulates that response. It's very dangerous and ripe for abuse.

>Why did you western jews bring this phone culture to Asia? I swear we didnt have this problem 5 years ago

You got it before us actually, been on a few trips to SE Asia over the years and smartphones took off much more quickly there than they did here.

Clover is great for all your shitposting needs on the go

>try to talk to others but everyone is busy uploading food pics or selfies to instagram, facebooking, twittering or w/e the hell millennials do these days

Ugh. Messed up my last sentence badly.

Ahem: "People have the fight or flight part of their brains continually accessed by their smartphones. "
That's better.




If anyone knows rare taliban knows


Only brainlets bandaid problems. The solution is to fix the parents.

I once had a girlfriend who would answer her phone in the cinema, in the middle of the film, and proceed to have a conversation in her outdoor voice so she could be heard over Rush Hour 3.
Disgusting 2bh

reminder that if you spend considerable time playing games on your phone you should be taken out back and shot in the head


He is talking with his real friends

A kid being on a phone 24/7 is a good thing, it means he is not going to be a lonely loser nerd now, and he will lose his virginity before 16 like everyone should

like when your mother got pregant with you when she was 16?

But user files named bigtitsmp4.exe are the best files.

clearly too authoritarian, fuck off give people freedom to use phones

At leadt mine won't kill herself for raising an anime-loving neet

smartphones are turning people into zombies.

I actually saw this coming back in 2011, so I never thought of purchasing one, I actually bought a Nokia 108 recently.
I'm not too bothered about people around me being zombie-like creatures, since me not having one of those cancerous machines means I'm suddenly the only one capable of holding a conversation (despite being considered socially awkward back in the no-phone era).

That in itself is actually a form of virtue signal that completely works, since they know they're fucked up and they do actually look at you like you're a superior being to them, it's honestly quite an amazing feeling, on one hand everyone recognises your virtue and want to hang out whenever they get tired of looking at apps all day or whatever zombies do, on the other I can walk around the city, watching all these pathetic spineless internet addicts and understand that I'm the only human left, which in this darkest period of Kali Yuga actually makes me a demi-god.

Throw away your (((smart)))phones, become immortal.

I went out for a meal twice with a friend from the gym. Both times he was on his fcking giant phone the whole time or if e was giving me attention it was to ask me a pathetic question about some tinder girl etc . Dude is half a decade younger than me and I feel like he's an alien generation

What kind of a faggit pays $200 for a meal. If you want my advice OP, fuck your family go be a mountain hermit and live off potatoes and venison, and spend that $200 on 3 months of satellite Internet.

should've taken your Sup Forums desptop there too

I've tried this and it works. there are some minor side effects though

It all comes to personal culture
For me quality dining is pure social celebration.
You should be a moralfag about it and tell them your opinion.

>psyop'd by jews to waste that much money
My folks and I do the same for 15€pp tops and I'm pretty sure our food is way tastier and abundant.

so why didn't you just get up, leave and ignore their calls for a few days?