Brit/pol/ - When Liz met Nixon edition

>Happening: Champs-Elysées in Paris closed-Two policemen 'injured in Paris shooting'

>Farage rules out 8th attempt to stand for parliament

>FT: Theresa May stands by pledge to keep cutting net migration

>Jeremy Corbyn vows to 'overturn the rigged system'

>EU Toughens Brexit Stance in Sign U.K. Vote Won't Alter Approach

>General Election is good for Brexit negotiations, says European Parliament President

>Hard Dose of Reality Hits Anti-Brexit Campaigners

>Which target seats are the ones to watch in General Election 2017? How Theresa May builds a working majority of 80

>'Job done': UKIP defector and Brexit campaigner Douglas Carswell will not seek re-election in June

>The general election will be a vote on Scottish independence

Other urls found in this thread:

Gonna post this on some lefty groups and see if it spreads kek

Maybe, maybe. But I predict two things:

1) Remainers vigorously campaigning for fucking over May, whether it is by voting Lib Dem, or even tactically voting Labour (yes some of these nutters are THAT desperate to stop a hard Brexit)

2) Poor northerners being put off the Tories' social cuts stuff, which is arguably worse now than it was - particularly for the NHS and schools.

And also as some lefties are now saying, one of their reasons for wanting to oppose the Tories is simply because they don't want a "Tory dictatorship"; they want some opposition and accountability there.

Gina Miller (the absolute cunt) was on This Week tonight, saying that she's going to be encouraging people to vote tactically against the Tories. I knew this sort of thing would happen. I fucking knew it. And you can say "lol she's not going to get anyone to listen to her, she's a nutcase", but you are underestimating how many remoaners thought she was a fucking saint for standing up to the mean Tories and their mean Tory Brexit.

You're welcome lad.
Stay sharp.

Lads. Post some English folk music. There's one band I'm looking for in particular but can't remember their name, but they always seem to be the band posted when people mention English folk.


May Wank Curse is REAL

dont do it

Remoaners are a pretty small minority lad. they'll give the lib dems a 3% boost. and they're all contained in London and Edinburgh.



Scarborough Fair

music is pretty comfy. are these sisters?

no idea, just a good version of the song.

Comfy version of the song this.

Yeah, American sisters.

lol im a dumbass, theyre literally called the Gothard Sisters. I was thinking Scarborough Fair was the name of the band.
Lads a new 40 minute Bowden speech has been uncovered, watching it right now.

nah Scarborough Fair is fucking ancient, its been around since the middle ages.

He looks like someone from the 80's

Turns out he actually is. I should go to sleep.

Found the fuckers.

That's right, you don't just get to insult Bowden and walk off scot free

Fuck wrong link.


I recognise the tune from 2:48


What are your predictions for the election? I think UKIP will get at least 2 or 3 more seats, Conservatives will get an easy landslide win but will have to form a coalition with the SNP and Corbyn will stand down from Labour while the ex-Blairites form a new party with the striking unionists.

>english people don't have cultu...



>tfw too unloveable to sing this with my wife and children as we play in the garden

Found the elusive pube

I fell asleep for about 6 hours around 11pm, what's the updates on the Paris situation?

Quintessentially pagan

This is the most autistic thing I have ever seen.

Go hang yourself you paki cunt.


Fucking povos shouldn't be allowed to vote. It's because of those plebs that we have a mainstream communist party.


He's a fucking paki that thinks Morris Dancing is shit. Don't even talk to him mate.

I don't know what the fuck happened there, I saved a pagan pepe.

I've angered the board's highest on the spectrum.

>yorkshiremen are inbre....

Fuck, wrong link.

Was it autism?

No, it was my browser not updating the URL as it changed pages.

Why not just use google chrome, you fucking autistic nigger?

Because I don't like it.


Why, you complete fucking retard, you fucking spakker?

Because it's shite.

Whereas the one you're currently using?

Aaron Heslehurst on BBC news business report is fucking great. He just went on reporting about a fall in Barbie sales for Mattel and said "Barbie sales were amazing for the first 9 months last year! Weeeell that was before they released 'em in different shapes and colours..." and then he just walked off like he always does. Love him.

Is perfectly fine. One minor issue isn't reason enough to throw something out.

lol I just saw that. he slipped it in pretty nicely. they'll probably axe him soon.

If anyone wants to see it it's at 05:42


Morning chaps

Nice digits, I haven't been to bed yet, have any of you other fags been been to bed yet?

KEK. This guy seems way too charismatic to work for the BBC.

Yes i've been to bed and just got back from a run

i slept from 3:30pm til 10:30pm

Gonna watch This Week now lads. Was it good?

Fuck! Way to make me feel like a NEET.

>that webm
did he died?

Go for a run and then go to bed. You'll feel much better

I didn't go for a run but I did walk 7 miles. Granted, I did have a McDonald's, but still

>Gonna watch This Week now lads. Was it good?

How is it ?
Cant watch TW without QT first, it's too late in the night for me.

Just watched the Gina Miller part with Neil. God she's one conniving little jezebel. She comes across as very Jewwy in how she argues.

>Average Brit/pol/ poster

Nice, are you mountain user?

First genuinely exiting GE in like 2 decades.
Voting for UKIP in Chesterfield in hopes it will deseat Mr Perkins.


Who's this? Some lad that hikes mountains at fucking 1 in the morning?

UKIP!? We're already leaving, don't split the vote.

WTF! I'm a Corbyn Commissar now!


UKIP are more likely to take Labour seats based on your constituency.

I had a nap for about three hours last night and woke up halfway through This Week. I guess that will have to sustain me through today.

Always seems like he's coked up or on speed.



spearchucking nigger and bit titted Anne.

No an user went for hike yesterday thought you were him. So you went for a 7 mile walk at 1 am?

Yeah, I'm watching now. Fucking Gina Miller denying that she's a hardcore remainer.

Check out the Nufolk scene from the 00s. Appendix Out are a particular favourite desu

Is BNP still a thing?

Bitch wants:
stay in single market
open door immigration -- free movement
fuck, just throw in the customs union and ECJ and you're not fucking leaving.

And fucking spearchucker trying so hard to lick her ass.

Twisted nigger whores.

i always think of bellowhead but their sound is kind of irish to me too

Nah it had its day. UKIP is as right wing as you're gonna get here.


Fun fact: my sister votes BNP and she has a black boyfriend.

And so the backpedalling may commence

forgot image

doesn't that Britain first girl got a black boyfriend

I keep trying to leave,but brit/pol memes are too addictive.

You absolute Meme Dealers.

Can you do one with Corbyn and May?

>Conservatives will get an easy landslide win but will have to form a coalition with the SNP

>Conservatives will get an easy landslide win but will have to form a coalition with the SNP
What did he mean by this?

What's France going to do lads?

Le Pen will get through to the second round of voting, from then onwards who knows now. This attack could change everything.

Fag out and elect Macron

Don't tell anyone, but I hope le pen wins.

If Scotland leave it's effectively impossible for Labour to ever get a majority, at least for a generation

Bit of a non-sequitur there, lad.