Fucking Apologize, White People!

You fucking white people better start fucking apologizing for your fucking racial terrorism!


>U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel

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>"UN, you're fired!"

We've been paying reparations in the form of welfare payments for the better half of a century.

Get fucked, jews and arabs were the main slave traders.

And African Kangs, sold their own people into slavery.

White people are the ones who ended it. Show your thanks before I get my rope, nigger.

All that has to be said

>keeps blaming america for something that ended more than 100 years ago

>lets muslins have slaves to this day

UN is a fucking joke


>Statement to tell NK to stop testing nukes
>Veto'd by Russia

>Statement to tell USA to pay black people for a free trip and a job (no visa required) on the best clay on earth, where Mosquitos won't kill you, tribes won't rape you, and after time and title you will be able to vote, own land and eat fried poultry

Time to fucking dismantle the UN, useless cunts.

I agree
Let's let the families who's ancestors brought the blacks over pay for it

They should be grateful we brought them out of Africa and they can enjoy living in western society where you don't have like a 60% chance to get AIDS or die in 153195th random ooga booga civil war

What is welfare, and the cost of taking care of these worthless fucks. I bet by the time we add it all up, they owe us money

I'm 3% black. Can I aquire currency, niggas?

>muslims are still enslaving niggers in africa
>blacks still own black slaves in africa
>muslims own black slaves in the middle east
they don't deserve to live

I didn't believe this could be true, but this come from the U.N. so it has to be. I'm sorry niggers.

i aint payin shit

>KANGZ enslave eachother TO THIS DAY

designated to the waste bin.bmp

Brazil took in 10x as many slaves as the US/British colonies (5 million vs. 500k). Most whites in the US didn't own slaves and many were against it. Later 2% of the US population died in a civil war. What did the UN say about Brazil?

Do your part rabbi

I guess it's a good thing we're not governed by the UN.

on a side note i saw my state has some sort of waiver for "victims of nazi violence and the heirs" when i was doing my taxes the other day so this reality could be sooner than not...

Fuck the UN faggots. They're pedophiles and political prostitutes. Death to the UN.

America is so fucked.

>tfw living in a timeline where Trudeau might offer to pay reparation to the US's blacks out of white guilt

Yeah the window on that is kinda closed now niggers sorry. And as many have pointed out were not the only ones who had/have slaves.

Niggers owe whites the boat fare. Leaving the Aids infested shit hole of Africa is what Africans want to do.


Fuck Niggers and the UN Kikes that push this shit.

I will gladly pay reparations to any former slave

I do not know what the UN has to say but I as a Brazilian can say that all the bullshit that exists in the United States also exists here.
In fact, I think that here the blacks get even more advantages than in the United States.

No, because black lives don't matter.


>think that here the blacks get even more advantages than in the United States.

But theyre in Brazil

The UN keeps making it worse and worse. Don't these retards ever figure it out?

that's pretty cucked up

Fuck you. You whiny fucks ain't getting fucking jack sucking shit. You fucking understand? Am I fucking making myself fucking loud and fucking clear with my fucking ironic use of the word FUCK in such fucking ingenious ways?

>saudi fucking arabia on human rights council

UN is a giant joke

wheres our reperations huh?

If blacks are owed money for like 200 years of slavery then when is England going to start paying up for shitting on us for 800?

no former slaves exist. just the retarded offspring thats 6 generations from them.

>You fucking white people better start fucking apologizing for your fucking racial terrorism!
I'm white, but my family didn't immigrate to America until 1914, so suck it niggers.

>whites need to pay reparations for having enslaved blacks for a short period of time in history
>not having blacks pay reparations for still enslaving their own kind in parts of the world to this day

My answer.

oy vey goyim, you've been very bad towards black people



Niggers come into this world owing the US government money.

>niggers born on the government dime
>niggers housed on the government dime
>niggers fed on the government dime
>niggers """""""""""""educated"""""""""""" on the government dime

They get reparations since the day they were born, and they still don't amount to shit.

nah fuck off

ive fucking had it with all this nigger shit. send em back to africa already.fuck em.

no offense, but a Brazilian advantage is still pretty terrible.

>You fucking white people better start fucking apologizing for your fucking racial terrorism!

Load every nigger onto cargo aircraft, fly them free of charge to Africa and set them free there.

Not to mention the constant violence and threats of violence that emanate from the 12.3% of the population who would be on the receiving end of the reparations.

Well, whites did enslave them, and as a result they're in poverty due to being treated poorly ever since the were brought to North America. I really think they should be treated better, with more job opportunities, more schooling, and more money provided by the American people to help them out of this position white people put them in.

Let's just kill everybody, instead.

My family aided slaves in evading capture along the railroad, providing food and bed along the way.

The other day I got called "inherently racist" because I'm white.

Toppest of keks. Talk about biting the hand that feeds.

I'm Russian. Can I have some reparations(preferably citizenship) from Germany and Italy for WW2?

>September 27, 2016


I'll gladly pay for their trip back to africa.

>Germans pay Jews reparations for The Holocaust
>United States pays Japanese reparations for Japanese Concentration Camps
>Hardworking African American families STILL get nothing for their years of suffering as slaves

So fucked up.

The UN is a joke that needs to be dismantled.

Day Of The Rake coming soon.............

how bout you take them all and do that faggot because i nor any of my ancestors did any of that shit

suppose you agree we should gas the south side of chicago because some of them shoot babbys indiscriminately

Like I said, any former slave.

Ever heard of affirmative action? Welfare? Free college education?

They're handed all of these and more and make nothing of them. I know it's really hard to believe, but you need to see it first hand.

When is Denmark going to pay back England for the Danelaw?

When are the Berbers going to give reparations to Spain for Al-Andalus?

When are the Emus going to compensate Australia for all the pain and suffering they've caused by their occupation?

Reparations are retarded?

I do not feel offended, but I agree with you.
And for you to see how a white person in Brazil is a lot more screwed up than a white person in the United States.

>any of those nigs having lived through even jim crow at this point let alone the next 10 years

I shiggy diggy niggy. 1st 2 are admittedly retarded

You'd still be giving them free shit though.

I suppose you believe that SNAP benefits, welfare and other entitlements such as free education amount to nothing?

Guess what bro? I missed out on college because my family was too poor to afford it, even with grants and scholarships.

Let that soak in.

are you missing these times already pol? :^)

The US should demand reparations from Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya, then.


What about the people of Rhodesia?

Black people still enslave each other in Africa to this very day. And black people still enslave white people in America. Ever heard of prostitution? Lefties don't believe in science. They think everyone is equal. Evolution deniers.

i wonder when the UN will say the US owes us reparations for all the crap the CIA has done (and keeps at it) down here.

the US should allow free movement in the continent. I WANT REPARATIONS, GOD DAMMIT

>When are the Emus going to compensate Australia for all the pain and suffering they've caused by their occupation?

Fucking lost it m8. Here's your (You).

We've been throwing money at them for generations now. Take em you can have em

>A fucking leaf

I was more pushing for the racial terrorism. If we racially terrorize everyone they can have one big circle jerk and say we owe everyone money while we laugh and continue not caring.

Its all so tiresome. If a magic button appeared in front of me that would kill every nigger on the planet I would press it. The top 1% of them are good musicians and atheletes. So what?

Unemployment rates for blacks tracked pretty close to whites during the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1900 treatment of minorities has arguably improved in this country.

The current employment rate disparity is likely caused by something other than poor treatment or lack of government assistance.

My questions:

But the institution of slavery in America was begun by a Black landowner. Shouldent the color folks hold themselves responsible?

Don't all the welfare payments and equal opportunity bullshit count?

I have a black ancestor. How much free shit am I entitled to?

>how bout you take them all and do that faggot

No, your ancestors enslaved them, it's your responsibility to make things right.

>Ever heard of affirmative action? Welfare? Free college education?

You act as if it's handed out to every single one of them. You won't fix the problem by giving those things to a few individuals. The problem is that whites want to make minimum effort to fix a very big problem.

Because whites put crack in their neighborhoods, and ruined the structure of the black family.

Schools don't teach that many white people were enslaved and their ancestors came from slavery, misery, and brutal conditions. And a lot of black people around the world owned slaves and continue to do so (child slavery, sex slavery, you name it). It's one-sided indoctrination to encourage victim mentality and hatred of whites to further leftist agendas and literally make black societies more dependent on the left.

It's caused by libtard interference. It's caused by libtards exploiting blacks to a dance their tard agenda. It's about using blacks to advance the communist cause rather than helping them to realize their potential.

The fucking tards should pay repreations. Us conservatives are more than happy to help colored folks stand up for themselves and join the middle class.

Fuck off shill


the fuck is "racial terrorism"?

Yeah once whitie starts trying to fix up their shit they're either shooed away by them or yelled at for gentrification.

Good news. Now US just needs make laws for the jews to pay for all the blacks they brought over to the Americas when they created and ran the slave industry. And today the jews trying to blame it on the whites? Only 10% of whites had slaves and at the time time 10% of freed-blacks ALSO had slaves.
But 90% of jews had slaves, and 90% of all the ships and ports involved in the slave trade were owned and run by jews.

they're literally doing phrenology in brazil now to answer this very ??? .................

baiting fucking leaf

you need to be ranged banned you joke of a country

You apologise. For being a cunt.

those glasses that nose.

half nigger half jewish??

2,000,000+ whites were kidnapped from Europe and sold into slavery by jihadis, not to mention the countless others who were killed. We get free shit too. Lets take their oil!

>UN telling Japan that Hentai is encouraging various forms of abuse

UN is an even bigger joke than you think.

I wonder where the word SLAVE came from, it could not possibly be from Slavs.

Fucking. This. So hard this.

You're aboot to be at this level of bullshit.

Except the majority of blacks are on welfare. Try again.


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