Don't let the recent attack in Paris become the norm. It is such a beautiful city being overrun by vermin. Wake up Europe before it is too late.

She is just going to backstab you like Trump is doing to us.

Trips of truth mother fucker.

How is Trump backstabbing you?

its the english's place to destroy france not muslims!

i will do all i can as i did for trump

Shill get out

Even if you are right, we still need less cucks in office.

We have to keep pushing. Not admitting defeat and beating ourselves off to "muh predicted loss"

Trump is doing just as he promised

Marine Le Pen is the shill candidate.
Try again during the next election.
People will vote for Fillon or Macron.
And if you really want a Frexit candidate, try Asselineau.

Fillon is the only one who realistically can do anything, since his party is very powerful in the Assembly

red pill me... Le Pen seems like the only one is who is going to take a stand and has a chance.

The problem of Marine Le Pen is that she is the daughter of Jean Marie Le Pen. Her party, Le Front National has a really bad reputation. Her dad was convicted because he said that the Soah wasn't real. And as you know the french don't like Hitler. So yeah, really shitty reputation. But since Marine is the president of FN, it's getting better but people still hate the FN. She will win the first round and that's all. Because it will be Marine / Macron or Fillon. Macron is "lefty" and Fillon is casual right but this year he is far more conservative. So people who want a strong France choose him and not Le Pen. And there is many small candidate who want to leave the EU. For Asselineau, it's basically the reason why he want to be elected.

But if Macron or Fillon win and have a really shitty presidency, then people will vote for an extreme like Marine Le Pen or Mélenchon.

Stop being a pessimist. She is the best choice and the only choice. Use her as a vehicle once she is elected.

I really think this latest terrorist attack is going to propel her. I was in Paris this past September and the problem was far worse than I could have ever imagined.

It's not pessimistic. It's the reality.
Fillon is far more conservative.

You are wrong she is the most conservative choice strictly for migration. That is all that matters for France.

French voting for nazis is the day earth stands still.

Fucking resistance fought for nothing. De Gaul fought for nothing.


It is the most important problem in that country.

Curse the Muslim hordes who have defiled the land of Egypt, cradle of the gods and pillar of civilization! Shine upon France, light of Kek, lest they be overwhelmed by multitudes of savage Saracens!

She's running a reformed right leaning party on a soft right political platform.
You should be able to tell the difference



She's already lost! The lazy French fucks won't go out and vote for her but the Muslims have 2votes each lol

I pray you are wrong. I pray for France and that Europe wakes up. I would like to continue to travel there in the future.

>Her dad was convicted because he said that the Soah wasn't real
he never said that, he said gas chambers were a detail in history.

yes that's why he was convicted. To say that the way people may have died was a second rate question.

Oh and he made jewish jokes with people's name too.

One guy was named "durafour". "four" means "oven " in french. so he called him "durafour crématoire". crématoire meaning "crematory" you guessed it.
Imagine a guy named "Owen" and you calling him "crematory Owen".

Waow so racist, so antisemite, waow.

And that's about Lepen.

Oh and once he shaked a socialist woman after he was being assaulted by protestors because this woman, a mayor, was encouraging demonstrators and did not provide a local police protection to him.

Other than that Jean Marie Lepen was the first politician to present a north african arab guy in a parlementary election, in the 50's. And everyone hated him for that back then, the right, the left, the center, and they did for racist reasons.

makes you think huh ?
