nnss.gov/docs/docs_FRMAC/FRMAC-STATE Webinar_Gotham Shield Northern Lights brief_JAN 2017.pdf

On April 18th thru May 5th, 2017, state, local, and federal organizations alike are planning for Operation Gotham Shield 2017 — a major nuclear detonation drill in the New York-New Jersey area, along with the U.S.-Canadian border. During this exercise, 4 nuclear devices, 2 of which are rendered “safe” during the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Vital Archer Exercise, and one successful 10kt detonation in the NYC/NJ area, along with one smaller detonation on the U.S./Canadian border are to take place.

Among the organizations involved are:

- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
- U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
- U.S. Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO)
- U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM)
- State of New Jersey Office of Emergency Management
- State of New York Office of Emergency Management
- City of New York Office of Emergency Management

Along with many others… Operation Gotham Shield will also include other simultaneous drills and exercises:

- Vital Archer: The annual U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) exercise aligned to the counterterrorism response operations, including weapons of mass destruction, outside the contiguous United States

Other urls found in this thread:


- Vibrant Response: U.S. Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) annual field training exercise for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosive consequence management forces designed to improve their ability to respond to catastrophic incidents

- Fuerzas Amigas: The United States and Mexico’s annual cross-border military operations exercise

- Ardent Sentry: The North American Aerospace Defense Command’s (NORAD) and USNORTHCOM’s major annual exercise focused on Defense Support of Civil Authorities

- Prominent Hunt: The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) National Technical Nuclear Forensics Ground Collection Task Force’s annual exercise centered on assessing the United States’ capability to collect radioactive evidence in the immediate aftermath of a nuclear detonation

- Staunch Maple: The Canadian Joint Operations Command’s exercise to practice and improve Canadian Armed Forces’ ability to support other government departments and agencies in order to ensure the security and safety of Canada

can't wait to glow in the dark

Let me help you bump



for what purpose!!!


You're LARPing but on the off chance you are not. Then this will help prove guilt. Does anyone else get this feeling of leading up to something? Now, am I the LARPer?

what does do again?


To relieve the blood that is building pressure under the nail. It's actually not uncommon.

I'm assuming that's what the webm is because it's fucking gross and I don't want to see it.



why can't you do this in slide threads


don't do this, it creates mustard gas


Damn this thread is getting gore slid hard, youre onto something OP


Haven't seen these before
Post more user




>15 agencies can successfully coordinate and work together
I see you've never had to deal with government employees before

>I live in a NYC suburb in NJ
Oh fuck

>concerned new yorker bump

I saw this thread on the 19th, the same day I heard very feint sirens going off in the distance. Only noticed it because the animals in my backyard were howling to the sound (no it wasn't police sirens).

Posted a sound clip of it but didn't get much attention.

I'm in central NY so it's probably irrelevant but interesting to note.


Why I will never use a leg press

What happens if you let it enter your dick



Leaked picture of nuclear device being placed into position

so this is why they made it impossible to leave Atlanta if SHTF



t-these are simulated detonations right?


ha ha, filename





Can you go back to posting gore and other disturbing content? They were quite good.

There are tendons in your hand. They are like puppet strings that the muscles of your forearm use to control your hand and fingers. If you use your muscle to tighten them, then your hand will curl into a fist. If you use your other hand to press on the spots indicated in the picture, then you will also tighten those tendons. Some people think it's strange for your hand to fold into a fist without your brain doing it on purpose. It's not dangerous, and doesn't do very much aside from make your hand change shape.

cuts out right before the good part







>>Full house
Very nice sir


BBC btfo unbased pooinloos

Does this have anything to do with a plotline in the show Gotham?





You know you've triggered them when the leaf who thinks a little blood is scary shows up.

Silly leaf, your gore is entry-level.



more like this

Shit now my autism is cured, fuck you user.

It's supposed to be entry-level gore. hardcore gore is ez mode

aww they're kissing!



You are not supposed to lock your legs all the way out.


that is so satisfying

the best is when the larva are still inside the comb... you get a nice treat of protein with your honey snack.

What the fuck, why slide OPs legit thread so hard?

Dont falter OP, info is out now and will apread, you are doing the right thing.

At least webm guy is keeping the thread bumped

End game is about ensuring the people remain safe... What was the point?

I have togoto bed now nitenite

Jesus that doesn't even look real...

Night m8 thanks for keeping the thread bumped

we in deep shits



Does he make it?

This has to be BS. How can they be so slow?

And did Hillary actually leak it by accident? She is sinister and smart... maybe she had a plan to nuke the US herself.

she said it in the second debate, it was subtle to most because the commoner wouldnt think anything of it but to those big guys who seek to cause harm its four minutes too many.
she compromised every life in the world trying to get the last word in.

Last thread was beleted


Yes! He was ultimately fine

re-upload it


WW3 incoming.

so fake but that would suck if it were for reals

What a joke.

>Everybody knows the Joker blows up -Metropolis-.

Last time I did this my hand was sprained for three weeks

I couldn't even masturbate

bamp for feminazis.

There were admirals, generals, pentagon officials etc. literally facepalming when she said it

But she's literally untouchable because of her connections. In fact, I think that might've been why she said it in the first place. "Haha, watch this trump, I'm so untouchable I can literally spill nuclear defense secrets on air LIVE and nobody will do a fucking thing to me"

Shills and normies get the fuck out.

First of all, a drill is by definition NOT a happening so stop abusing the term.
Secondly, where is your source faggot.

yeah, it was really bad, thats not even including all the shit she sold via her server with the SAPs on it among other goodies. the four minute marker prolly isnt exact but its still too close for comfort because of what would have to be revealed in order to stop a well prepared attack by most likely the chinese.
you know that never reveal youre true power lvl meme is closer to the truth than most will ever realize but maybe thats a good thing.

shes not untouchable btw nobody truly is, only the illusion of invincibility exists in the minds of the foolish being played by their own hubris. dont lose hope. israels fucked six ways to sunday though.

top kek

also, look at my captcha

What is this from?

There is the BBC logo, leaf.