Have girlfriend

>Have girlfriend
>Smart, master's degree
>great personality
>Gets first big job
>working 45 hours a week
>stressed, now spends all of her weekends napping and sleeping

>work 45-50 hours a week
>stressful job also
>Keep up with current events
>work out
>manage my own stock portfolio
>currently researching rental properties
>spend weekends doing low stress activities
>read/research skills related to my profession

How long do you think women will last in the work force? You're already seeing spikes in suicide rates and depression.

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This reflects more poorly on you as the leader of home, than on her.

We don't live together

>You're already seeing spikes in suicide rates and depression.

I hope this is true. Men are still comitting the most suicide. I wonder if it will become an issiue when women all start doing it.

Women aren't meant to work this long, did they really think that men had it better in the old days? Equality is a bitch.

If you're smart enough, you'll never live together

You need to do sunday anal sex followed by taking her out for icecream, so she learns a basic reward system. You're a failure to think she can process a paycheck this week from the work she did last week

What the hell?

Neither are men. We work longer hours than ever before for a constantly diminishing quality of life.

> spikes in suicide rates and depression.

Yeah that already happened


It's almost as if women who don't have a family have no purpose, and they threw their entire lives away just so they could be used as a fuck hole by a few hundred Chads

oh well

>im in relationship
>she doesn't live with me
Yeah, she's sleeping alright. sleeping with black men most likely. either way, you're a cuck working 50 hours a week. I hope you die soon

>Norwegian woman collects the condoms of all the Chads who have cum in her and keeps them on her wall along with pictures of their faces

Sort of says it all really

>currently researching rental properties
>manage my own stock portfolio

that's really stupid of you tbqh considering you probably don't know a damn thing about finance, don't spend sufficient amounts of time doing research, probably don't even have access to market information, and that rental properties are a horrible asset class for regular investors

just buy some etfs, they're probably better performers than your shitty portfolio

I have a finance degree and almost minored in real estate. One class short and I didn't want to wait to graduate. Nice try though.

How do guys even get hard seeing that when they come to fuck her?

I'd walk out and get tested for STDs and was my hands and burn my clothes.

That and the long hours and stress. It's completely anecdotal but I think men are far better at managing stress. Plus, stress will take a physical toll on you and make you uglier. That's a big negative for women.

suicide is complex, there's spikes in suicide throughout the population

Too bad you don't have a Mathematics degree.


There are no price inefficiencies in a heavily regulated market where all of the quants studied the same textbooks at the same schools.

She's just started, cut her some slack. It is exhausting when you first start working normally.

i just wouldn't go down on her and take things to another room, leave immediately after

condoms are good enough i'd just be worried about her murdering me or something after

i wonder if she takes the pictures before or after

Depressing image.

they're so close up it's probably during come to think of it

that' can be fun i'd be ok with it

>We don't live together
>Tells me she's spending all of her weekends 'in bed'

maybe she's lazy or depressed

lol, wow I see the same thing where I work. It's fucking hilarious.

guys go out play hockey, curl, softball and golf in summer, not including family time with wife and kids, sports/coaching etc., yard work, clearing snow, etc, going out for beers, watch hockey, baseball etc..

women at work, omg life is stressful. why is the world against me. Many of them don't even have kids either! lol.

he's not wrong senpai

The only sane post on this bread

It's not real you autist

It wasn't an attack on her. I'm pointing out the recover time that's needed. I've never done that unless I was seriously sick.

>omg life is stressful. why is the world against me.

sounds like 99% of r9k

why do you expect her to be completely equal to you, women and men have their own biological roles in society, women are biologically more low energy than men

45 hours a week is nothing... your GF is white isn't she?

I work 84 hours a week.

I love it.

Or maybee there is Tyron in her bed

Dump her as and push her over the edge

>For Science

45-50 hours of work a week...

This better be bait you sad sack of shit

>How long do you think women will last in the work force?

How long is she going to last as your girlfriend," (you) cuck? She's just waiting until her period gets interrupted so she can cash out on that lifetime vacation. (((you))) don't mind working 70 hours/week while she fucks Jamal, do ((((((you)))))?

Maybe (((((((((((((((((you))))))))))))))))) just want to watch .....?

>marry her
>sabotage her with deppresants without her ever noticing
>she commits suicide
>you keep all her material possesions
sounds like a solid plan to me

so you don't have any degree? and work maybe with some repetitive task that takes no brain power or eat your soul. thats why you are not tired and can do other stuff

this sounds like every woman i know
>get cushy high paying job
>calls in sick at least twice a month
>still "stressed out" despite taking like 3 major vacations per year and about a dozen weekend excursions to various cities in north america
>still "stressed" despite constantly going out to eat at restaurants
but employers are increasingly favoring women over men which also sucks cause it makes it harder to meet women since realistically women tend to prefer men who make more.

I used to work part-time summers in college and hated it. Too few hours to accomplish anything/make money, and too much free time. I like the 50-60 hour/week range, you feel like you've accomplished something when the weekend arrives. Besides, it's not like anyone does anything immediately upon getting home at 5:00. If I go out on the weekday it's more like 8,9ish.

We have got to invest in women committing suicide just as much if not more than men.

Women will have to commit suicide twice as hard as men to get the same numbers.

Let's ensure that future women will have the same opportunities to an hero as men do.

maybe, but automatically assuming she's cheating is crazy

Unless you own your own business working long hours and being proud of it makes you pathetic.

>45-50 hours a week

Boo fucking hoo. Start working 65+ then get back to me.

Good job Boxer.

>i can only feel sorry for myself and working shit hours has made me cold and dead inside

Oh I assure you I was cold and dead inside long before

I have a degree and I make more than her.

I know your employer loves you but everyone else thinks you're a loser.

sorry to hear that

Yeah women are dumb. They'll last as long in the workforce as social custom tells them it's the virtuous thing to do.

How much money do you have to be playing with stocks and rental properties? I have 20k saved, +$5k every month, and I'm doing nothing with it.

but what work do you do. i bet there is a reason why you didnt include that in the story.

Women are happier as housewifes.


since you're better than her in every way you may as well break up with her and be successful living alone amongst your earned wealth

believe me you'll be much happier being alone and buying material possessions to fill that gaping hole in your life

be alone user, choose loneliness, don't pass on your genetics and be alone on your death bed with no one to mourn for you, you'll be so happy

bro, take a look at this


>"By many objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men. These declines have continued and a new gender gap is emerging -- one with higher subjective well-being for men."


>I know your employer loves you but everyone else thinks you're a loser.

It is amazing to see how a lot of women really aren't built for a life time of work.

> Single mother at my office is balling her eyes out all the time about not having any time with her kids, can't keep the house in order, desperately looking for a tradie to tie down. Takes off at least a day a week.
> Young girl out of Uni wanted to be an accountant, after 6 months she quit, got back with her ex and got knocked up straight away.
> My gf, no motivation to do anything while she was working, now that she's back at home she does everything around the house, while going to the gym & having the energy for daily fucks.
>Her best friends have all quite the work force to get knocked up.
>Her sister rejected a huge career after her internship & uni to be a NEET with her parents supporting her from a distance.

They can't fucking cope I swear.

Why would Homer stray from this

If what you're saying is true about yourself OP, you need to realize you are the exception. It isn't so much a women problem than it is a evolutionary / personal trait.

Most people are lazy and procrastinate because up until several hundred years ago, most people didn't work (jobs) that didn't directly make sure they survived the following week.

Most people are programmed to be lazy because exerting more energy than it takes to last another day meant death in most cases.

It isn't that way anymore, but for thousands of years it was.

That is actually quite nice to hear. Women aren't meant for careers. God put mercy in their hearts, and that mercy is directed toward having children. A career is an empty pathway. What's so glorious about crunching numbers in Excel all day? A woman's value is in the success of her children. Since you are from Aussie, this comes as great news, and I hope you breed and create more White children.

I think this might be contributing to why people see women as nut cases, they aren't coping with trying to imitate men.

I'm having my first next year, hopefully get to 3 before 30.

We need more of you, not even kidding. Fuck Jews.

>sleeping with black men most likely
Only a true cuck would have the fantasy about which race of man she is fucking.

Of course if she is cheating it must be a black man since that is what porn taught you. In all likelyhood it is just some asshole down the street that could be of any race.
>you're a cuck working 50 hours a week
He is more of a cuck to have a girlfriend or to possibly marry one day then just working. If he saves his money he could fucking retire young and live the rest of his life in peace.

>No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is tired of putting up with her shit

Your life sounds like shit and so does your girlfriend.

I make pretty ok money and just hang out all weekend and whenever I got free time. Enjoy the day as it goes, man.

And that's you, just wait and see. Most likely after she's adjusted to the workplace and work she'll start to become more active.

My ex would sleep about 14 hours a day. If she ever woke up before 10am she wouldn't be able to make it through the day without a nap. Even if she slept in all day she still did nothing all day but complain about being tired. It's astonishing how lazy women are.

i was the bottom but working 60 to 70 hours a week in fashion, then i got a baby put in me, now im a stay at home and nap.

maybe she has a tapeworm

yah im way happier as a stay at home mom then having a feminist lifestyle.

i was infertile from having cancer at 19, so i worked my ass off and climbed the corporate ladder, made great money, was about to buy a house at 23 with money ib the bank... got pregnant by bf muh white baby :) now hes the bread winner and stay at hime mom super happy trad life

doctors amazed i got pregnant said i was low risk, endes upp in hospital for three days of delivery