The United States Military

> Hey fag. Why haven't you enlisted yet?

The 45th President of The United States has commanded that all aspects of the world's most powerful Military be upgraded and bolstered. That means we need strong capable men to utilize our technology and slaughter our enemies on the battlefield.

The world is getting ready for a big showdown and we can all feel it. Be it Fatboy Kim going crazy and attacking SK, Iran and the Arabs scudding each other, Mama Merkel declaring war on France and the UK for leaving the EU, or the annexation of Canada. The world is full of hot spots that are ready to blow. Men just like you are out there right now as we speak, doing their service for their Country, and their President. Why not you?

If you do plan on joining, which branch do you want to join? What kind of job are you interested in?





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not fighting for satan's ((chosen)) people.

Can I choose where to be stationed? I'm willing to die to protect South Korea and Japan, but I don't want to die for Israeli/corporate interests in the Middle East.

Dying in war, or be horribly deformed for the kikes and neocons
America used to be cautious
America only entered WWII because of Pearl harbor, it was self defense
But today America sends young boys to die for oil, and the expansion of kikes.

stop posting these shit threads

and (im saying this as a vet) if you enlist now, even knowing what you know about the current state of things as a Sup Forumsack, you should probably kys for being such a good goy

not a single fucking american is going to benefit from a war with syria

I'm good.

Already signed my life away for 4 years. Beats being a poor wagecuck and I'm also sick of the town I live in. At least in the military I can be a wagecuck with shelter provided for me.

Your ASVAB score will determine most of what you can do. You will typically be stationed where they put you.

What if we do it just for the experience of fighting? Won't get that in our sanitized, pacified Jew nation.

Or is it all just a bunch of fucking around and waiting in the desert?

> I'm a vet okay. And you're a good goy if you want to enlist.

Wtf I hate white people and Drumpf now.

Because my IRR has expired already.

> Die for oil

We have more Oil than everyone else. Plus we didn't even take the oil from Iraq when we invaded them. So I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

Are you recruiters really this desperate? I mean, shit. /k/ was one thing, and I heard one of you guys posted on tinder, but god damn. You realize most of us are nazis, right? Like, unironic nazis?

Lol you got here in 2015 and can't even do your T_D memes right. Try it somewhere else fag.

its true. at least after 9/11 there were elements of patriotism and some pretext of good faith

weird way to spell god, user.

all bow down in the end

>This board is all about Trump, right? I hope you go.. er, guys will help me make my quota.

Get fucked kikelover. You're getting gassed too.

I wish I got paid to post on Sup Forums. And if I was in the military, I wouldn't be some recruiter. Do you even know how that works? I benefit in no way from posting these threads other than the discussion that comes with it. Sorry if you're butthurt about it.

Also this is not a thread for K. Military is politically related.


Because it won't ba a crusade. It want it to be DEUS VULT, not some gay neocon war shilling for (((them)))


but by all means if youre one of those go ahead and do it. you might even get what you want. but just know going in that at least 80 percent of people who enlist immediately regret it and spend all their time bitching and talking about getting out

if you are genuine about wanting to fight make sure you get into the right kind of unit. take the ranger challenge or seal challenge if they still have those guarantees in the contracts

or else you will just spend your time waiting. and cleaning. and standing watch talking to yourself all hours of the day and night

>putting your life on the line for the state
>when it will take your money when you get back
>when it will spy on you when you get back
>when it will practically abandon you if you get wounded/crippled and survive
Yeah, no. I'm not fighting for someone who doesn't give a shit about me. You should only join the military if you plan on using the experience to join a PMC.

Excellent choice! Your first duty station will be in Egypt.

>Also this is not a thread for K

Holy shit. You seriously deserve a pay cut for this shit. Do your goddamn research.

And you'd want to post there because people there actually agree with you. You won't find many nazis wanting to die for Israel.

Fair enough, if the odds are that bad there's little point in wasting time there. Being in college right now, it's just hard to think of going through life in this completely sanitized, soft world that we live in today.

What branch were you in?

Because contracting is more lucrative.

>being a good goy
Seems like 4chinz is getting even more attention, get out of here, recruiter faggot

How is killing ISIS neocon? Trump said he was going to do exactly what he is doing.

i went in to the army after 9/11 but before iraq was a thing. never had to fire my weapon. it only got a little tense twice out of four years of service, so ya, a ton of waiting. was also sent to worst korea for a bit

i was actually one of the minority who liked it, but if i could do it over i would have definitely done uni first and tried to get a commission through rotc or whatever. if you can't do that you should try to kill the asvab and go intel so you can have a path coming out

and, this is the absolute best advice youre gonna get so remeber it, if you are going to try to go SEAL or something, make sure you are fit as fuck before you ship out to boot. make sure you can run your ass off. work up to 5, 6 miles minimum. a lot of guys just assume you are going to be physically trained in boot camp, but its not really like that. its more just to make fattys not so fat and to teach discipline and protocol. make sure you can hack it with the tough stuff before you ship out. running, push ups, and pull ups

good luck user

Thanks for the advice, user. Def. gonn' save this thread for it.


We have killed more ISIS fighters than Assad has bitch. We dropped a MOAB on them. What has Russia done?

> Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 8,139 people, of which: 2,574 were ISIS fighters, 2,476 militants from the Al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front and other rebel forces

But yeah, the 36-person MOAB makes up for the airfield lol

And source that first claim faggot.

Took the ASVAB today and did fairly well. The recruiter supposedly got some slots open for 35M and 35P. Is it worth it, as far as 35M being able to do cool stuff out in the field?

>> Hey fag. Why haven't you enlisted yet?
because they dont like weed

25 years in the US Army. Join if being a soldier feels like the kind of lifestyle that suits you. We need people that do the right thing all the time, and can perform.

Sorry schlomo, I'm not enlisting

And ISIS will take Syria anyway if you continue to support the "rebels" and oppose Assad.

1. That isn't shit if Russia only killed 2,500 ISIS out of 60,000. Also the US has been more successful against ISIS in Iraq than Russia has been in Syria.

2. The MOAB strike killed 90+ and collapsed a 3 mile long tunnel system that Afghanistan has connected to Pakistan. And that was one strike.

>What has Russia done?
Liberated Palmyra and removed the charges that would have destroyed the rest of it.

What has the US done?

Supported terrorists, just like everywhere else.

Join the chair force, they don't test after you're in

Do you honestly believe the US would allow that to happen? Wtf are you autistic? ISIS is already on the verge of destruction mainly thanks to US firepower and coordination and stratigic planning. Russia spends most of it's time bombing anti-Assad people as opposed to ISIS.

>The MOAB strike killed 90+
36 ISIS fighters.

>and collapsed a 3 mile long tunnel system that Afghanistan has connected to Pakistan

There are a lot of caves in afghanistan.

>That isn't shit if Russia only killed 2,500 ISIS out of 60,000. Also the US has been more successful against ISIS in Iraq than Russia has been in Syria.

If you're counting the impact of America's Iraqi allies, you have to count the impact of Russia's Syrian allies.

Lol right the moderate jihadis in Al-nursa.

That ended well in Lybia.

Everyone who joins want to go to east asia, so there's essentially a waiting list to go and if you're lucky enough to go you'll get stationed there 2 years max. You can, however, learn korean (they have enough weeb speakers) and sign up for cryptology in the air force if you can muster a 95% or better on your asvab which would greatly improve your chances.

>baiting this hard
fuck off, kike. pissrael/US/Saudis created ISIS. Hell, you went after the talibans when they banned your precious opiates and opium production. That MOAB supposeedly killed a number of 34 people, practically just a nice theatre show. Russia has been fucking up jihadists for almost a year and a half now, all while US and its allies support the moderate beheaders.

You faggots will learn: CANNOT MOSSAD THE ASSAD

> What has the US done

Basically reconqured Iraq for a 3rd time and have ISIS pushed to the far western side of Mosul, which is where the ISIS occupation in Iraq will come to an end.

It already happened in Libya. No reason it won't happen again.
How much are they paying you for this? Get a real job.

I would honestly only join if I could fight Assad's troops

Is that picture supposed to be unironically cringy?


Lybia is not occupied by ISIS. The US is currently working with the Government there. We have given them plenty of supplies and weapons to keep it defended. Lybia will be fine.

I would if I could
Where my /asthmafailures/ at

Being this much of a good goy

It's the closest to thuth of the syrian situation, ZOG vs Syria. Back to plebbit with you.

What's the process of becoming an officer, and what do they do that enlisted can't?

Not sure about "reconquered" when the largest embassy in the world is the American embassy in Baghdad. But I hope it works out better for you than Mogadishu.

Apart from the whole second civil war thing.

You need a bachelor's degree to become an officer, they go through OCS. Officers don't enlist, instead they opt for a commission. Generally officers lead and supervise enlisted. They hold a greater deal of responsibility, however it doesn't mean they know more than senior NCOs. Officers generally have a higher quality of life and receive better pay than enlisted.

>dying for (((them)))

ROTC if you want them to pay for college. If you are finished with college, you can apply.

You need a degree to be an Officer.

Are you pretending to be stupid or are you genuinely dumb as fuck?

Why can't people have civil wars? The US had a civil war. Sometimes they are important to determine the direction of a country. It's a natural thing that happens. But we will back the Government and that's what we're doing.

>The recruiter supposedly got some slots open for 35M and 35P

if you qualify, they have slots. as long as the discipline isn't fully closed they can get you into a school. heres some old fag advice for you that i wish i would have had m8

get your scores, then get a list of all the jobs you qualify for. every single one. you can get a similar list from every branch. take that list home and look at all the jobs to figure out what you really want to do. you'll be doing those things 12 hours a day, 7 days a week so its important. ask your family. think of it like a suburban private school kid picking colleges. i went in impulsively - meps physical, signed up, and sworn in on the same day. in retrospect this was a big mistake

dont let them sell you on one of their 5 thousand dollar bonuses. thats unimportant. pick something you want to do and more importantly something that will pay coming out

I have been trying to get in the Army for months, infantry cause i really want to kill some muslim men and then rape their wife(s) in front of their kids

Like 0.001% of US soldiers die. We have the best K/D than any other nation.

All I see is spics and niggers in the military

How about ptsd and other injuries?

The point is that our intervention caused the prolonged instability that's sending sandniggers to Europe. If we left Qadaffi in, we would all be better off.

Yeah that's cause like none of them get to do any real fighting kek


>17 posts by this id

Get a real MoS.

That'll be difficult but I guess you could try to get into Afghanistan. Doubt the rape thing will go over well but the killing is totally fine.

Be sure to tell your recruiter that, they might hook you up with a sweet ranger contract. Ask for option 40 when you enlist as infantry.

I tried enlisting in 2007 my felony conviction kept me out.

let a man dream...


You can get PTSD from a fucking car crash dude. And atleast it isn't anything like WW1 were you just sit in a trench and get gassed and bombed.

Sure you can get injured, but you can also get injured while not in the military. You can still lose limbs, and get fucked up or killed in the US.

I go to Marines basic on May 22nd.
Semper Fi Niggas

> America is to blame for the EU and Merkel flooding Europe with Muslims

That's some nice blame deflection there. You sound like a fucking German on here who blames us for Merkel. No, Germans are just fucking cucks and so are most Europeans. I can't help that.

Hope you like mosquitoes haha.

The point is that Qadaffi would not have allowed them to go into Europe. That's pretty fucking relevant.

There's plenty of blame to go around, sure. But if the end result of overthrowing the libyan government is bad, then our actions there were bad.

i want to go 11b; you got any tips or minor details you wish you knew earlier on?

ya because the va hospitals are full of people suffering with ptsd and crippling panic attacks from car accidents. the streets are littered with homeless dudes that cannot find a job from being mentally unstable from an old car crash

kill yourself you fucking faggot

So far Trump has attacked agaimst the one fighting against isis. Meaning Trump is fighting for isis.
US policy, approved by Mossad

> 17 posts by this ID

Am I not allowed to reply in my own thread?

No, we overthrew a dictator and that was Obama, not Trump. Right now we are supporting the Government and we are not fighting and dying there.

US has not killed isis fighters. US has been bombing empty desert for 4 years now. Claiming to bomb isis.
Moabbing empty caves, thats what US does.

Nah, you're just probably being paid to do this shit because of how obsessed you are. POG.

>Yes, goyim. Overthrow dictators and spread chao- er, democracy.

Fuck off. Dictatorship is way better than your jewish "democracy".

It's a volunteer Military. You enlist and sign a contract. You sound like one of those days that signed up after 9/11 and went to war and didn't like it and become some fucking liberal cuck that protested against Bush.

No, you kill yourself you fucking faggot.

>strong capable men
>Sup Forums

Really makes you think

We bombed Assad once faggot. It was a show of strength.

You're an idiot, senpi.

I'm too old, unless WW3 legit breaks out, I'll probably be pretty far down on the list. I think if it really gets bad, I could still fight effectively though. I'm old (41)but still in good shape and have good vision.

I have 15 years of martial arts training, I know how to use multiple kinds of weapons fluently and was trained in infiltration, which would be good for me?

6 months of boxing

2 years of Wing chun

13 years of Ninjitsu
I'm tired of sitting on all these skills and not using them, maybe special forces will be good for me? Anything that involves stealth.

Whilst you americucks are off fighting for israel, the enemy is pouring in through the back door

>what do they do that enlisted can't?

Put their hands in their pockets and call each other by their first names.

Metal Gear Solid

I always tell my grandson when he reaches his age to NEVER join up and serve that government of kike mobsters,their banks and their corporations because they are responsible for daddy's persecution.

Hopefully it sticks in his head.

what does that have to do with your car crash analogy?

dude youre a limp-dick chickenhawk good goy, who hasnt even served yet is on here shilling for things you clearly dont understand. you don't even have a grasp of the basic concepts. and here you are shilling for first world kids to go to war, when you don't even have the balls to sign up and back up your rhetoric

i cant think of anything in the world worse than what you are right now

id rather argue with a literal kike. fuck off

Yeah the rest either end up physically disabled, homeless, insane, drugged out, or become permanent community college students.

If we aren't fighting to save Europe from the globalist islamic menace then count me out. We should only be fighting was for the advancement of OUR people, to ensure WE have a prosperous future. Not fighting wars so the mega rich international bankers and multinational corporations can get even richer off the blood of our youth.

No youre just a fucking cuck from /sg/.

Okay and I guess Russia doesn't have this problem because Russia is based? Am I right?

>tfw history of mental illness

How do I make sure I get a waiver?

Don't want to die for kikes, we lost the greatest generation of men that way and the worlds been fucked ever since