How would you fix it?

How would you fix it?

I'm guessing smaller government, but HOW?

No meme answers please.

Immigration ban for 5 decades.

Only allow the people in the pink zone to vote.

get rid of the masons, get rid of the satan worshipers and beliefs.. Make America Traditional Roman Catholic.

Kill/deport all browns, Jews, and Asians.

>traditional Roman Catholic
Fuck off popecuck. The puritans left England for a reason.

1 vote per family, only if they actually pay taxes, and served in the US military. If you don't work, own a business and pay taxes, why should you have a say in how a country's finances are run? That would be the most peaceful option, option b Fascism until things are sorted out.

>smaller government

>but HOW?
by getting smaller. Split it all up in smaller and smaller regions. You can still cooperate where it matters and makes sense. But other than that, things should be dealt with locally, which already cuts out like half of the nonsense bullshit overhead, just like that.

Run for, and get involved with real world politics.

Masons are in the church too, Francis might be one, Benedict's still pope really... And no, I'm not going anywhere.

America would be great without Masonic rule, and beliefs.


It would need to be traditional roman catholic, not Modernist Rome Novus ordo "catholic" but real Traditional Catholicism.

>no conscription
>must have served to vote
So where's the logic?

neo con


people who have an iq over 160 are not only extremely rare, but don't give a shit about politics; they're borderline sociopath

no one on this whole board would be allowed to vote, to put it in perspective

Constitutional convention from the States.

Republicans could theoretically sweep enough states in 2018 to make this a reality.

Turn away from currency and develop a resource based economy.

mass murder

Genocide of all niggers and numales

It can't be fixed.
The whole thing is broken.
It must be balkanized.
But it's not as simple as "muh independent states"
The state lines do not correspond with cultural lines.
NC, for example, would fall *roughly* toward pic related.
The US is an empire, and like all empires, it is destined to fall.
Unfortunately nothing preceded it, so we will have to see what happens to the inhabitants of the union once it's gone.

Can only run for pres if you've served in the military.

>Universal healthcare

Commie detected. Kys

Repeal every law in any form passed after 1792 or later, autistically enforce everything passed between 1787-1791

*pic related

I wouldn't kill anyone, sending them to live in a monastery/community would work just fine.

We need to balkanize a white portion of the US

need to uproot the deep state's control and power.

You can't fix it, the corruption of America is at the core. The only way to fix it is to destroy and build something new. Society is crumbling, our debt grows larger by the day, it's harder and harder to make a living while the wealth of the nation is hoarded by a few people.

America is dead and has been dead for the last 3 decades.

Nothing we can do for it, the 7th president tried to stop the evil which consumed it but he is dead now and with it, the American dream that was supposed to be real.

Why is nobody listening to us?

>How would you fix it?
>I'm guessing smaller government, but HOW?
>No meme answers please.
It's simple remove everything the Federal government shouldn't be involved in remove the National Firearms Act get the government out of healthcare shut down the epa etc

start being more aggressive towards terrorists, we have to take them down fast. straight up get in a war, opens up jobs, economy rises. smaller government but similar power distribution to todays system.

>Why is nobody listening to us?
You guys got a shit ton of migrants right

>a shit ton of migrants
We also got some of those, yes.

Do a search on 4Plebs for #RepealHartCeller
You'd be looking at Right Wing Mobilization and Tinyurl/repealhartceller7 mainly

Kill all the shitskins or send them back
nationalize banks and healthcare
Banks can no longer loan over 1% interest, they cannot loan with money they do not have
fix education (dont really feel like writing all my thoughts)
Remove social security, only welfare is food stamps
annex Canada and do it again

Mass deportations followed by death camps.

Make the state governments more important and the federal government can't come in and ask why your state doesn't allow gay marriage and free heroin for addicts.

>non violent
Pipe dream

>get rid of brown people
>let people kill themselves out of stupidity (legalize drugs, etc)
>all government workers live stream on the internet 24/7

>Remove Jews
>Remove Blacks
>Hispanics back to Latin America
>No further immigration at all for 50 years
>Then only immigration from North-Western Europe
>Some extremely limited immigration from rest of Europe

America was great when it was an idealistic poor agrarian Republic during the early 19th century. Industrialization fucked it up and brought hoards of stupid Papists

Mandatory LSD

you commence day of the rope

>fixing USA
no one can do that
Just nuke the place already

>everyone spends childhood practicing to ace IQ tests
>an entire society of test takers destroys the meaning of IQ
Honestly I'd like to see this piece of shit IQ meme die, but before I do I'm just going to point out how you're probs like 115 tops.

Drop nukes. A lot of them. Like a LOT of them.

A lot of the damage is unfortunately irreversible at this point. Our government and economic system is built on corruption and some of the problems we need to fix the most would have severe consequences.

For instance, we need to stop funding terrorist groups and overthrowing regimes in the Middle East for Saudi Arabia and Israel. The problem is the Saudis sell their oil on the petrodollar which helps establish it as the world reserve currency. If they decided to sell on the euro instead the dollar would collapse because we have no real value backing it other than our own trust in it.