Give them back what is theirs

give them back what is theirs

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Fuck you, shill

Here you go.



damn beat me to it


as soon as turks give back anatolia and thrace

Glass house, Leafy

As soon as we ship all the niggers back to Africa

we want our land back, white man


Its not these Americans fault, nor are they responsible for it.

>Different generation, not ours.

Blankets? Winter just ended, have em.

This is bullshit, the FREEMASONS DID THIS, not the Church.

Sorry you Injun piece of trash we've got a Jacksonian President and if you don't shut your god damn mouth we're having a Trail of Tears II

Kill yourself

kemo sabe and fake-oh

Honestly they didn't deserve to be jewed as hard as they did. I'd be okay with Natives taking back America as long as white people have a guaranteed home and culture in Europe.

I don't like to see cultures die. Genetic erasure/dilution is absolutely unacceptable no matter what race someone is.


So more blankets?

They have to go back (to Siberia)

Give it back

i will as soon as every non white gets the fuck out of europe and the turks go back to fucking uzbekistan and the arabs and go back to Saudi

This should do it.

Shit forgot my pic.
Give it back

They were exterminated fair and square. Sorry it didn't work as well in Deutschland. ;-;

>"native" americans
>wanting to go back to living in tipis
>wanting to shoot each other with bows and arrows
>wanting to scalp each other
>wanting to go back to dying of small pox


seems to me its ours now, the natives can't get their fucking shit together for anything in life anymore, what a stupid ass idea to give them anything at all just to watch them piss it away for liquor and drugs.

>give them back what is theirs

>I'm a Shoshone-Bannock
Two these really piss me aobu this thread..

>1- Using Indians to push masonic political agenda
>2- Trying to justify genocide.

Look, i don't hold any American responsible for what happened.. What happened wasn't between us, it was between our grandparents.. even tho your grandparents were masonic/jewish pawns, i forgive and forget.

No, you had your chance to defend your land.

Losing a war has consequences.

Should we give it back the way we found it. But, no, they'll just have to take it back. Maybe we can offer some beads and firewater in exchange.

Should we give it back the way we found it. But, no, they'll just have to take it back. Maybe we can offer some beads and firewater in exchange. Maybe throw in some small pox blankets.

do you think the mexicans will canuck cuck?

>giving car keys to a drunk person

You first, leaf

Should have fought harder, boy.

>barbaric savages

I don't think we should let animals go extinct either.

you win for stupidest post on Sup Forums tonight

They either traded or sold their land away legally or lost it legitimately by being shitter at fighting than Whites.

Not our fault they thought a couple of beads and a bottle of booze was worth giving up their land for or that they completely failed to take advantage of the wildly rich resources of their continent to progress beyond the Stone Age so they could put up a proper fight against superior races when they arrived.

>caring about animals

Either your shills, satanic, or just plain stupid..

>shills, stop bring us into your slide threads.
>Retards, stop hating on us, and taking the shills bait.

Sure. I'll give you back whats yours. As soon as the bolshevicks give me back the vast swaths of land stolen from my Kulak ancestors and every single non white gets the fuck out of Europe. Oh hey, when we leave we are taking all of our technology with us. Welcome back to the stoneage fucktard injun.

Do i get to stay if i am like 5 to 10% native american?

samefag here,
>Shills, STOP bringing us into your slide threads.

Don't steal the dindus ways of explaining things..

Okay but I wanna go back to Yurop if they get their land back and I want the muzzies to go back to their lands as well.

>t. Chief Wappawoowa

Lol technology was created by people who hated being called white.
Most were leftist who believed in a one world one race ideology.

You can't claim it.
Those men and women would kick your ass if they ever heard your vitriol.

>I believe that no new nations should ever arise and other's lands should ever be conquered.

This is you. By this logic, every nation on earth is illegitimate.

I swear Natives are the most useless race, there's at least 3 of you drunk and harassing people at every fucking corner in Winnipeg 24/7. In sleet and snow, rain or shine, whether it be 8am or 8pm there's one of you niggers drunk as shit ruining peoples day.

Beaver fur and beads?

Alaskabro here. After working with Alaska natives for over a year I un-ironically hate them and wish the Russians had taken all of them out when they explored the place.

Property and land ownership is white supremacist

You're not wrong.

But indians didn't scalp other indians. They scalped white guys and mexicans. They didn't have any reason for it other than it was done to them. Folks used to take indian scalps in and get paid for them. So indians were just like "Scalp me? No scalp you!"

>Most were leftist who believed in a one world one race ideology.

What drugs are you on? Every person in science and tech pre-1990 was extremely nationalistic and conservative.

Oh, interesting theory. Did you happen to know them on a personal level! Didnt think so jew.

Yeah Yeah.
Alternative facts strikes again.

Yes actually.
I listened to them.

have a cold one on me Chief.

No they are welcome to try and take it but there to weak being subhumans and all.

Why are modern whites so reluctant to admit that their European ancestors did anything wrong when settling in the Americas? Feeling guilty is one thing, but completely denying any wrong doing and revising history to make the Europeans look like well-intentioned bringers of enlightenment is another.

Are whites the real DINDUS?

>Natives migrated across Bering Strait
>Killed natives that were already here, driving them to extinction
>Our land now!
>Divide into several different tribes over time
>Fight each other over land and resources
>Enter white people
>Neo-Natives get BTFO
>Muh sacred land :(((
>When a colonist shames other colonists after getting colonized

what was theirs? they had no personal property.

daily reminder that quitana was cheated out of the 2016 tour. your not allowed to run without a bike.
give that half indian what is his!

You know man, natives should definitely have their own nations, and be given land and stuff

But really the Hollywood image of what they are doesn't correspond at all to reality.
If you were to go back and time and meet them, you'd probably be shocked by how fucking savage and animal they were

I like you, leaf.

You know my great grandfather spoke of WW1 when he was alive. I asked him what do you remember from world war 1 the most. He said the thing that stuck with him the most was that all the turks in the POW camp would wipe their dicks off on the same post in the same spot after having a piss. Are you guys still wipin your dicks on posts over there?

because it wasn't wrong we took what we wanted because we could we built a better nation then any of those filthy subhumans could ever build we were smarter, had better weapons and we used them the wrong doing was not killing every single one of them.

>merciless Indian savages

Right there in The Declaration of Independence.

In other words,


Manifest Destiny bitch

if you think building the best nations this world has ever seen is wrong your a retard.


Why should I feel guilty for disease and inter-tribal bloodshed? Those are the two leading causes of natives loosing thier lands.

Injuns are a plague upon modern white society. Their listerine stinking breath, watfting across your olfactory senses is a terrible thing. I don't want the last thing I smell before being murdered for firewater money to be Crisp fresh breath.

Chief shitting bear can go back to the res and die from guzzling too much gasoline.

europeans are always calling americans savages when they were sawing people in half and burning them alive on a regular basis

The only alternative facts is you shitskin roach, you didn't even provide a source.

You really think Aristotle or Plato or Da Vinci hated themselves for being white and would believe some shitskinned turk was equal to them in intelligence?

The Nez Perce people had a good relationship with the white settlers of eastern Oregon, until the white man turned on them and took their land.

Wait thats crazy horse
fuck the Lakota

Fuck all the Sioux, they need to fuck off back to Minnesota

Or Newton, or Pascal, or Watt, or Tesla, or Diesel, or Kelvin, or Gauss, or Heisenberg, or Von Braun, or Curie, or Edison? Even that faggotTuring didn't hate himself for being white.

Fuck you

Look, I can tell you're misinformed by just how much you overestimate the Europeans' technological advancement of that time.

>had better weapons

Guns of that time were no more accurate than a bow and arrow, and in some cases less. The bigger advantage they had were the diseases they brought with them, which is acountable for 90% out of the 95% of natives that passed away following the European's arrival. And if you're going to take that as an indicator of their inferiority, remember that they were never previously exposed to these diseases, and therefore had about zero immunity to them as opposed to the Europeans.

>Leatherdaddy Walrus

Ok sir to test your theory I propose we meet at dawn wearing biohazard suits.

My weapon of choice

And you get one of these:

See you there

well then we're taking our post-stone-age technology with us


>posting a gun that was in service a full four centuries plus some after the Europeans initially touched down in the Americas.

user, pls. Get your timeline of Columbian era colonization in order, and then chat with me.

Oddly, the indians still performed raids up to that time. It's even in the Texan secession statement that it was a problem.

You think they'd have figured out by then

goddamn indians, almost as bad as niggers as far as annoyance factor goes.

They did, move them further away, much nicer than the Mexican slaughter every last one policy don't you think?

Your way was so much more elegant. Our way seems barbaric. You manipulated the land to let a species prosper, then took what you needed. Thousands upon thousands of bison roamed the plains and fed a huge population of people.

Now we just pen up cows and walk them single file to the slaughterhouse. It's pretty disgusting how we treat animals now.

I'm actually in the process of personally claiming a small fishing village of natives in Alaska all for myself.
I've been here only two years and the population has decreased by 15%


You goddamn moron you think Plato called himself white lmao

You fucking autist learn philosophy a little.

They hadn't even invented to word "blue" in Plato's time, what's your point?

Sorry. All out of infected blankets