Mandela Effect thread

Mandela Effect thread.

Remember when it was 'Shariah law' and not
'Sharia law'?

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No i am only 11 tho


It's called transliteration, not always standard


Mate have you seen how many ways they spell Mohammed?
I'm sure they have like 10 other ways to write 'sharia'

fuck merkle that jew mutherfucker burn her alive like the jews

I remember it as Shari'a law

I think you dropped something......

I keep reading that as "Shia's Law" and it just sounds better that way.

y dude? im just lookin around chill out
whats your staem?

When I was in school they taught us that the Nazis killed 12 million jews.
Now they say the Nazis killed 6 million Jews.
Did Someone time travel to save 6 million jews?
Did the holocaust even happen at all?

Anyone remember Pikachu with his tail end black?

What is shia's law? Is it 'shia must be at all times a massive bell-end'?

Okay what the fuck. It used to have a fucking H at the end and now it doesn't. This is so fucked.


'Just do it'.
Would really apply well to the caliphate, actually.

It's 6 million Jews and 12 million people in total you dope. Even the kikes aren't brazen enough to suggest literally only Jews died.

Definitely was never black, I've played and been into and drawn Pokemon since I was 6. Pikachu's tail never had black at the end.

This is the most retarded "Mandela effect" truth there is.


how about when fruit of the loom had a cornucopia in its logo?

But he is a Jew, sworn enemy of the caliphate. Having his laws in Islam is like Muslims using a pig as their mascot.

11 indeed


The mandela effect exists does not

Kek smiles on you young tadpole

It isnt Shariah law anymore?

no because I'm not a fuckwilted cunt like you

sharia means law so sharia law is just saying law law

Found a couple of places that still spell it as Shariah.

But yea, google doesnt recognise it anymore. Only Sharia.