This fag who brags about fucking black cocks is the face of conservativism

This fag who brags about fucking black cocks is the face of conservativism

what went wrong? i thought conservativism was supposed to be about purity and family wholesomeness

sucking black cocks*

Reddit AKA nu-Sup Forums

He's the face of unemployment

I had a bigger audience reach than him last week


Yeah boy keep making threads about this faggot, it's like as if Sup Forums seriously gives a shit about this homosexual.


>i thought conservativism was supposed to be about purity and family wholesomeness

you're thinking of cuckservatism, who are either christfags who still let religion cuck them out of pussy and think 'purity' isn't a meme, or r9k virgins who are bitter they don't get laid

conservatism is about hard work, independence, and letting people do what the fuck they want. people can defend their weed farms with ak47s, people can have as much sex as they want, this isn't the puritanical 1600s for fuckss sake

>I had a bigger audience reach than him last week
Uh no you didnt nigger?

You mean classical liberalism?

That's classical liberalism.

Who gives a shit about your stupid board of racist idiots who spend their day whining about women and blacks and whatever else. Tossers.

Look at the etymology of the word, you dumb nigger.
To conserve. To support tradition. Not to be a fucking degenerate.
Your logic is the same one that says racism is power + prejudice.


i.e. what true american conservatism is about

tired of bootlicking authoritarians who need nanny state to tell them how to live their life co-opting conservatism for their retrograde meme philosophy

He's a kike puppet. Makes me sick seeing Sup Forums support this filthy aids carrying degenerate.

I don't think there was really any logic behind it, he just got the definition wrong.

In milo defense... BBC is pretty damn hot

Would he have made it this far as the "le face of le alt-right" meme if he didn't have the gay, jewish and interracial relationship shields?

Welcome to Sup Forums you will be integrated sooner or later, the more you fight it the faster you'll join us.

Just when did classical liberalism become conservatism?

he is a paedophile

Almost nobody on Sup Forums supports him

I bet it hurt you to type out "fag"

Attention whore in a very literal sense.

>the face of conservativism
You mean the disgraced pedophile brit?

Doubt it. I hate 4shit. I only came on here to insult you 4faggots

Go and eat some pancakes

Definitely no. He's a trolling conservative jew fag who dreams of black dicks, that's what makes him different from any other conservative out there. It's a shield against progressives of sort as they can't label him as a nazi, homophobe or racist without having weird looks thrown at them.

>I only came on here to insult you 4faggots
what if i told you... we all did

They were gargling his cock during the election.

Don't be homophobic. Milo is a very important troll for us all. He doesn't need more prejudice from his own political friends.

Not that I saw, I almost only saw people calling him a nigger loving faggot kike, at most people tolerated him.

why did you include 'brit'?

Coming here to shill again? These threads used to be posted daily before he was exposed for being a pedophile sympathizer. Sage.

He's a homosexual jew that was promoted by the kikenpress as the face of the alt-right. The jewsmedia wanted to choose our leaders for us, so they got this degenerate, which intentionally on their part, was a horribly contaminated spokesperson that insured his followers were headed down a dead end street. They finally got tired of him themselves and shoahed him with something pro-pedophilia he said a while back.

He's a pretty good figurehead, you have to admit. He's magnificent at dropping redpills and stirring the normies.

Sup Forums just realized he was shit tier at debate and an attention whore and just abandoned him.

The alt-right meme was criticized and rejected the moment it started.

>The new generation identifies as right leaning conservative more than ever
>Conservatism has been redefined and watered down and they are all pro gay rights, pro-zionist, non-christian, anti-marriage, pro-MGTOW and pro-degeneracy

After seeing /nupol/ circlejerk of a talentless cancerous gayming swedecuck for several weeks, Milo seems just fine.

conservativism has been redefined as being for small government(which means you could a pro-gay conservative or a pro-abortion conservative). traditionally conservative has meant that you were a religious fag who opposed faggots, abortion, communism, etc. it doesn't really mean that anymore. now you have people calling themselves liberals who would have been called "rinos" ten years ago. milo would have been hated by the right in the 90s. only accepted now because of a culture of liberalism that accepts him as a faggot.


Milo is a self admitted pedophile who has attended man-boy sex parties. He would kill himself if he had any decency.

Fuck off, cocksuckophobe.

say what you will but at least he understands homophilia is degenerate antisocial behavior and says as much

You're using words wrong.

Progressive = I have a vision of a better world, and we should do as much as we can to get there.
Conservative = I have a vision of a better world, but we should go slowly because the old world is not without its own merits.
Traditionalist/Reactionary = The world was better in the past.
Revolutionary = I have an uncompromising vision of a better world which cannot be achieved by lawful means.

Milo is indeed a conservative. He wants to conserve the values of the old world while still moving forward into the future. People tend to use conservative when they should use reactionary. You, OP, are not a conservative. You are a reactionary.

He's the face of r/the_Donald not conservatism.

Wtf is that meme classical liberalism.
I can't understand that meme.
There's just liberalism. No need to add "classical". We call these fanboys of "liberty" liberashkas or liberasts, and we hate them, because liberty = degeneracy.

Liberalism split into classical liberalism and progressive/social liberalism a long time ago, my dude.

>well i don't think social liberalism is real liberalism
Okay, that's a cool opinion, but that doesn't change its name.

Pencil lead isn't lead but that doesn't mean it's not called lead.

Are you too stupid to see that he is poisoning the liberal agenda?

You don't have to like him but he is on your side

>Liberalism split into classical liberalism and progressive/social liberalism a long time ago
I don't know what you are talking about.
I feel like this never happened in Russia.
Explain the difference to me.
In exchange, I can explain some of political namings over here.

He was just a Trojan horse for trump at the beginning of the election, he served his purpose of appealing to the zombified masses and is no longer needed.

Milo is a big gay cruise missile the right can launch into the midst of the left and detonate. That's his shtick. He's here to spout the same talking points as Ben Shapiro but in a flamboyant and provocative manner in such a way that can be shared in "EPIC SJW GETS OWNED" youtube clip videos and say things like "Haha I'm suck a black cock sucking faggot" to confuse the leftists and normies.

Classical liberalism is just what it sounds like.

Social liberalism says that freedom can only be enjoyed in a society where there is wealth equality (this doesn't necessarily mean 100% wealth equality where everyone is exactly the same, but that extremes of poverty reduce freedom) and so therefore a free society needs wealth equality and the government has a role in ensuring distributive justice.

The logic goes that even if there is no government law preventing me from owning a private jet, and even if there are plenty of people willing to sell me a private jet, and all the world is fine with it so nothing actually impairs my ability to buy one, my own poverty does - and so I am not equally as free as the wealthy man. This applies more concretely when people are so poor they can't even afford basic luxuries like dining out every so often at even cheap restaurants or taking the family out to see a movie on Boxing Day, or unable to afford putting their kids in the school play.

Social liberalism = "A society that does not see to the needs and rights of all of its members is not a society - it is a crime."

Is fixing minimal wage at survival minimum &/or state-funded affordable basic medical care counts as social liberalsm?

It definitely could be. You'll probably find some social liberals who say that the state should pay all citizens a universal basic income and have no minimum wage and no universal healthcare, but they're rare so far.

It could also be communism, fascism, monarchism, or any of a billion other things. Specific policies will generally fit into tons and tons of different ideologies depending on who you ask. It's better to look at the system as a whole, and the motivations of its architects.

Basically the entire Western world today is socially liberal. The US less so than most everywhere else, though. If they're saying that by giving out welfare and redistributing wealth they're making people more free, that's probably social liberalism.

Dude is already irrelevant

>If they're saying that by giving out welfare and redistributing wealth they're making people more free, that's probably social liberalism.

And if I'd say that
>by giving out welfare and redistributing wealth they're making people
more useful for the state, society, patriotism and stability?

Then you probably wouldn't be a social liberal, unless you followed that up with something along the lines of "freedom can only be enjoyed in a state and so the first priority is ensuring the continuation of the state" or something like that.

If you're solely concerned with utility to the state and stability then you'd be Hobbesian.

>purity and family wholesomeness
No thats a byproduct of social hygiene. Not a dam thing to do with being a conservative.