Pill me on economics

Pill me on economics.

Why is a little bit of inflation good?
Why is a little bit of debt good?
Why is a little unemployment good?
Why is getting all these to 0% bad?

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As long as there's a little bit of inflation and debt, the moneylenders will keep getting a little bit richer than the rest of the society. A little bit of unemployment is probably good as a reason to import more uneducated shitskins.

All currency in circulation is monetized national debt borrowed at interest.

An economic collapse is a mathematical certainty




The redpill is that central planning is a myth. Inflation, debt and unemployment should be wherever individuals want them to be. Let people plan their individual economies.

Wasn't there like 0% inflation anywhere before ((((((Central banks)))))))?

Can't be arsed with that, could you summarize it?

Test whether I can post ...

A little bit of unemployment is good because some people are unemployable. To get it to 0% would mean forcing companies to hire people who are complete fuckups or don't even show up.

Watch them man. It'll blow your mind.

"Money is fake" is the summary

>Why is a little bit of inflation good?

Stimulus. If money slowly loses worth, people tend to spend it. If money would slowly gain worth, people would cease most economic activities and hoard.

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as long as you're usa debt is not a problem

They're not good so much as inevitable. A growing economy is in general going to have some inflation, a free market economy is going to have some unemployment, etc.

>Why is a little bit of debt good?

It isn't? No one argues debt is good. At best, it's tolerable, because the investment pays off.

There is a public banking movement here in the USA but its all lefties unfortunately, because it would be a GREAT way to remove the jewish parasites from the red blood of the American people. The Bank of North Dakota has been extremely successful, they basically just finance the state's infrastructure projects and other things, all the interest goes back to the public revenues, so its cost its basically zero.

There was a bridge in California that cost $6.4 billion to build and $6.6 billion to finance.

That's right it cost more to finance than to build, and all that taxpayer money went to bloodsucking jewish bankers.

But a state having a public bank cuts the jews out.

Its really something Sup Forums needs to get behind for sure but we have a lot of fucking lolbertarian retards that don't get it.

>Why is a little bit of unemployment good?

That's an interesting question.
During Keynesianism (1949-1979) governments would target full employment. Tight labor markets mean competition for labor and strong unions. That led to rapid wage growth, but rapid inflation (up to 15%/year) as well.

After the oil price shock, this was abandoned. An unemployment rate of 5% keeps inflation in check. We used to have high wage growth and high inflation. Today, we have minuscule wage growth and low inflation.

Usary is a sin.

If you have usary in your money system, it is guaranteed to fail

>Collapse is a mathematical certainty
No it isn't. There is no reason debt can't be continuously covered by inflation as it is now. We simply end up with a continuation of this vampiric theft of real value from the economy into the pockets of the vampires.

A little inflation helps drive consumption and keeps the economy from deflating, which is really bad because then it's better to keep your money under a mattress than do anything with it.

In a fractional reserve banking system most money is actually debt, which is kind of a weird concept. Basically when you deposit $100 your account is credited $100, but the bank only holds $10, they loan the $90, which gets spent and deposited, so the cycle continues. What you end up with is people have $1000 worth of deposits even though the banks were only given $100 to start. It's jewish magic.

You can never have 0 unemployment, even by the most stringent measures. And there are like 9 different measures for unemployment. For example there is frictional unemployment which iirc is when people are temporarily employed between jobs.

>Why is getting all these at 0% bad?

It's not bad, it's just an ideal model economy that is not achievable.

>end up with a continuation of this vampiric theft of real value
Right - there will always be currency, but the more of it that gets created the less value it has.

You can have trillions of $ or whatever, but they will be worthless.

Doesn't inflation also make loans easier to pay off? If that's true, then inflation makes it easier to start a business:
You get a loan to invest in your business--> gradually money gets cheaper due to inflation, so it is easier to pay back the loan.

It seems to me that inflation is business-friendly in general.

Yes, inflation makes it easier to pay debt.

it's not. your money going farther is a good thing. the (((media))) keeps pushing the "little bit of inflation" meme because governments deep in debt want those debts to decrease in real value
debt is by definition bad. even if you only have a little, it's even better to have none
it's not that it's good so much as it's a consequence of periods between jobs. workers should be looking for better jobs. an economy is dynamic.
it's not bad so much as it's probably not ever going to happen. these things are indicators. if they are all high, that is definitely bad, but there isn't a "correct" level for them.

economics, fundamentally, is about how scarce resources are used. the best you can do is to let individuals and firms react to their realities. the ups and downs are a byproduct of a society spontaneously figuring out how to use resources.

even in places as rich as western first world countries, we are still constrained. we are very rich, but we can't do everything. if we constantly search for the best uses of our vast wealth rather than constrain economic activity, we will lift our standards of living even higher.

It's a pyramid scheme AKA Ponzi

Paper money has no intrinsic value as it's not scarce like gold etc
Any amount of paper or worse still, digital money, can be "made" from thin air.
So money doesn't even need to exist and it's still counted as an exchange of value.
The entire economic system is therefore a fraud.
The fraud has to exist in order for globalism to work the way it does.

The money is basically worthless UNTIL people are conned into working for it. It's only through human labour that money gains value. That value is then transmitted up the food chain to the top of the pyramid AKA Ponzi.

This is why we have a pyramid and all seeing eye as representing the illuminati. Wealth is created by the bottom of society and at each grade above the last..from lower, to working, middle to upper class..the majority of the wealth flows to the top..but it's ALWAYS generated at the bottom..no matter what BS you get told.

For example..china was up until recently the worlds sweat shop, with the worlds largest population earning pennies to make Nike shoes and electronics for the west..where those products sold at a much higher price and made a huge profit for the top of the pyramid.

And just like a pyramid..each successive level gets smaller until you get to the top. That's why in globalism there can only ever be a few very wealthy people and there has to be billions if very poor ones. This FACT is always kept hidden..especially by wealthy people such as Bono who continually try to fool the public into giving money to starving Africans. When he knows he wouldn't be near the top of the pyramid if it wasn't a fucking pyramid structure which relies on keeping most of humanity in the shit. ALL celebrities who push charity are exactly the same..CUNTS..JK Rowling and Shia are just the latest.

You cannot be rich without lots of poor people sustaining you..Unironically Antifa don't go after the cause of globalism or inequality..instead they get funded by it.



Well, at least in the US before the fed reserve deflation was more the norm than inflation, and prices were pretty steady for generations

Inflation was initially pushed as a good thing because plebs were in debt and they were fooled into thinking it helped them by diluting their debt

Nothing unusual


Im not muslim. Usary has been forbidden for crnturies in many nations and cultures - not just muslim ones

Simple. There are no experts. No one can actually predict anything and the people with Nobel prizes just spouted enough shit in their lives that they got lucky a few times. War is slavery and war is only used for economic advantage of the killer elite. Remove yourself from slavery by ignoring all economic mumbo jumbo and act on gut feelings only.

>Why is a little bit of inflation good?
fiat money
>Why is a little bit of debt good?
fiat money
>Why is a little unemployment good?
fiat money
>Why is getting all these to 0% bad?


You don't need inflation

Sex and economics are easy to understand

But since everyone has a stake they lie

The first recipients of new money get to spend it before inflation kicks in

You might as well just give them a cut of your real, non-money wealth

Inflation is the fat acceptance of econ

It's for fags

You need to watch them faggot the reality of the global banks is THE CONSPIRACY of our times. Its literally, LITERALLY the reason for the last dozens of wars fought and died for by whites

Because at 0%, kikes aren't making enough money out of us.

a little inflation is much better than a little deflation

deflation tends to spiral out of control more easily

inflation also leads to a more optimistic society which personally I think makes everyone a bit more productive

unemployment is needed to keep the inflation in check

also the Federal Reserve is actually a good thing - otherwise Congress and the White House would set monetary policy and we'd have a gigantic shitshow

I have some vague memory of an argument for inflation being that the means of production are always improved, so goods become easier and easier to produce all the time, so logically they should become worth less and less. wait that would be deflation wouldn't it. fuck I don't know.

>Why is a little bit of inflation good?
It doesnt matter if salaries are high enough, hurts a bit exportations tough.
>Why is a little bit of debt good?
Its never good.
>Why is a little unemployment good?
It is also never good, the only sistem accepting unemployment is sistem that lives of low wages.
>Why is getting all these to 0% bad?
Because you would be able to compete with a underground class that sells everything but doesnt produce anything.

a little unemployment is good because it means that people move around to jobs they prefer rather than be stuck with whatever they got. ideally you'd feel free enough to be unemployed for a while while you search for something better.

Import/Export. Who's going to buy American made stuff when the dollar is too strong? The cheapest wares win, which is why a strong dollar isn't always a good thing on the global market.

Having a debt is never good, but it's what you loan that can be good. You sacrifice the future for the present, and sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't. It also means people are taking risks, and risks means a lot of money, which is beneficial to the economy.

To keep your wage competitive. It's good for business, basically.

This is how I've understood this stuff at least. I'd like to be corrected if I'm wrong.

>a little unemployment is good because it means that people move around to jobs they prefer

False. Thanks to that meme, promoting employes from within according to time in the company/produtivity. is a rarity.
Its só easy to fire business men prefer to hire a kid for minimum wage if the old guy asks for a raise, just to repeat after the kid as learned the job.

It also brings another thing, bosses wanting kids with "job experience", after they fired the experienced guy.

>Why a bad is good?
It's good, but not for you, gou

>a little bit of inflation is good
You are in a constant state of inflation, you just have to make sure the inflation doesn't go up more than the salaries go, so you have to control it. If you just print more money so to combat inflation, your currency is worth shit and you need even more money to export - this is way national socialism is great, because it doesn't actually depend on others for resources. So you always have a "failsafe" if you get an inflation problem
>why is little bit debt good
the only "reason" it might be good is that other governments don't want to eradicate yours because you have debt like them. You can't go in the debt rabbit hole, if you have 1% debt, you borrow money so you can pay that 1% debt, but the money you borrow is the money equivalent to that 1% debt plus interest, so now you have to borrow money to pay that debt and so on and so forth. I think the moment your debt gets about 50% of your GDP then you're fucked because you can't pay with your own money. This is way national socialism is good, because people are encouraged to work and produce for the country , and the government never ever borrows money from (((them)))
>why is a little bit of unemployment good
Maybe to scare the living shit out of people who work? Having no unemployment is good because people will start to have tons of kids, therefore creating more opportunities therefore creating more jobs therefore stronger workforce therefore more appropriately aged people if you want to go to war why is getting all these to 0%bad
because then, (((they))) have no way to control you. This is way national socialism is good.

Now, I'm going to ask you: What is one of the best ideologies?

>blah blah consumption blah blah

Fuck consumption, real economic growth accounts B2B spending. Say's law.

inflation will lower demand for money, which would ultimately (macro wise) lower the interest rate in the long run (IS-LM model), therfore incentivizing more investment and business investment.