Ask a future political asylum seeker anything

im planing on going to iceland via norway and destroy all my identification and lie about my identity so theres no way for them to deport me.

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Isn't Iceland somewhat not cucked about that shit? Also I doubt their gibs are great compared in relation to the cost of living.

i researched alot and everyone says theyre more cucked than sweden but their position makes it unlikely for them to be swarmed.

I figured they would be restrictive with it being a small island nation but I don't know.

Still, Iceland cost of living is sky high

why don't you go back to your country and try to make it there better to live?

im in my country u idiot are u blind

Why not Germany? They will give you a ton of gibs and probably kick a German out to give you free housing? Much closer as well.

too many turks and shitskins for my taste desu senpai. i hate crowded places.

t. turk shitskin

Well, you can always try here. Kind of have low quotas but if you get in they like sticking shitskins in random comfy areas to fuck with the demographics

Syrians in Idaho, Somalians in Minnesota and Maine, etc.