What the fuck?


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Is Pence in Melbourne?

What's the problem? Women are expected to cover their heads in a mosque



It's fine to wear another countries traditional garb out of courtesy, it's not fine for them to require it.


>Pence is reconnoitering the rebellious Dutch East Indies to aid the restauration of rightful Dutch rule

What a bunch of cucks.

>implyin we want them back
let australia deal with them muslims

He and his wife are converting to Islam

They'll never get the shoes back by the way. They serve a new purpose now.

Speak for yourself, my ancestral estate was stolen by the Japs and I want it back. Stupid inlanders made it into a favela. We could deal with muslims then so we can deal with muslims now

this obsession with shoes, I'll never get it
is it some kind of fetish?

maybe he is trying to get all the faggot liberals to like him

only a inbred jungle nigger like you would beleive that

I know right, no handsome asian man should be forced to wear a fez

>What's the problem? Women are expected to cover their heads in a mosque

Based Marine Le Penn and T May refused to.

Pences = cucked.

Pence is converting to Islam because in Islam you can kill gays without being judged


Was meant for

they are both in government so it's different.

still wished he would have told them not to wear that shit but they probably wanted to since women love to play dress up.

HAHAHHAHAHA cumskins SUBMIT to allah while we piss in your face if you ask us to go to your churches


>they are both in government so it's different.

>still wished he would have told them not to wear that shit but they probably wanted to since women love to play dress up.
And the Pences aren't?
Is school out today kiddo?

What's the problem? Covering their woman up is one of the few things Islam is doing right.


I meant that Le Penn and May are government officials but the Pence women aren't.

they never visited a mosque or met with religious leaders

I've already talked about this once, Christian evangelicals are fucking Muslim and Jew enablers, much worse than Catholics and Anglicans ever have been.

And? Making a stand against wearing hijabs shouldn't only apply if you're a government official. If they can't walk inside a mosque without wearing head coverings then they should not go into it.
Pence is a cuck.

i'm not disagreeing, just trying to rationalize why they would wear it.


It's like their biggest form of disrespect or something

>cucks his own family to appease Islamist's
Real Christian right there.

my thoughts exactly

muh city

look at them manlets

>Theresa May



Didnt they?




Fuck off Yank; Europe has some uncucked leaders; Pence is officially cucked.

Rationalize all you want, but it's only excusing the fact that he cucked his own wife to appease a religion that isn't even his. This is like a Protestant crossing himself if he went to a Catholic Church, there is no need to abide by it if it's not part of your belief structure.
Pence is a neocon faggot who will stand proudly like George W and say "Islam is a religion of peace."
Fuck Pence.

She isn't an elected official, the french and brit cunts are

The job of Pence's wife is to be nice and diplomatic
The job of the female politicians is to represent their countries as strong and equal (or even superior). Wearing a headscarf is them being beta bitches and showing their neck, letting themselves be subjugated

i can see her hair, what a slut

Dressing silly is a running gag for politicians visiting indonesia

>The job of Pence's wife is to be a nice furniture with no choice

Great! Thanks for the reminder Ahmed

If Pence was a woman, her husband would have the same job, just be a little cuck and smile. Nobody votes for the spouse, and they shouldn't be politically involved.

Like Obama's husband or Trump's whore daughter should just sit the fuck down

I'm confused though, wouldn't the left label this Cultural Appropriation? Why is appropriating Muslim culture okay, but should a white girl so much as twerk, she's labeled a culture vulture

I don't like them all accepting this stupid dress code
No matter you are a politician or not. If you accept some irrational rules just to please some idiots - you are a cuck

Damn ! Pence doesn't even visit a Mosque in some foreign lands without his wifes permission !

Nokia may suck but you'r al'right...