Fascism in America good idea or great idea

Fascism in America good idea or great idea

Everyday it seems more and more appealing.

Democracy is what's led us to this situation now where we're being overrun by the Hispanics, because the Democrats (rightly) realized that they could just import voters.

white sharia space marine rape gangs, maybe

your country is already fascist, retard.

the NSA spies on every single one of your electronics including your ancient toaster, the TV keeps spitting unhealthy amounts of propaganda, the cops would shoot you in the most asinine pretexts and get away with it, your president blatantly lied about almost everything he promised, etc etc... same as europe

But what are you doing about it? nothing, you're just a herd of nigger cattle
you know what the NSA/CIA niggers and other shadow government forms says about you? "oh, they're a bunch of nigger cattle, yay we're nigger cattle herders, these people are the most docile herd of nigger cattle ever, they just watch TV, shit and eat."

You need a fascist government in the fashion of Pinochet
He focused on killing commies and socialists, and fixing the economy
And he was greatly successful
Chile today has one of the highest hdis of south america.
He died of old age, thousands attended his funeral, he's the definition of a successful fascist.
The problem with other brands of fascism that is more hardcore
Is that they always get you involved in pointless wars of conquest
That makes you spend billions ans
Send young boys to die, resulting in the loss of great genetics.

I was just saying this to another friend. I hate the idea that it's becoming so appealing but drastic times call for drastic measures.

that flag is a disaster

Fuck I know its hideous mlp did one a million times better in like 2 seconds


So America is fascist? You do realize if it was these libtards that cry about anything and everything, the lgbt groups, and the sjws would've been killed for opposing the government and for being gay and not trying to increase the birth rates of whites plus immigration would've been completely outlawed and you have no need to worry about surveillance if you are doing nothing wrong so naw dude I'm not retarded but you might be

Fascism doesn't necessarily stand for WW2 definition (i.e italian fascism or nazism)
today's definition stands for totalitarianism.

>you have no need to worry about surveillance if you are doing nothing wrong
Get a load of this guy

even in my country's government, which is fairly liberal and libertarian, i still have worries (despite that i'm not a terrorist, a criminal or antistate) Let alone in a fascist government where there are 9999999 laws and you'd eventually get detained at 3 am and thrown in some gulag or executed by the secret police, bootlicker.

Lol, NS in 2k17. Let's make socialism for whites. We will not destroy our economy, really

Great idea

>in america
Too many niggers and kikes

Bad idea. We already have it and it's called 'progress'

1) State and corporate elites govern society and the economy as one unified class.

2) This status quo (i.e. The Establishment) seeks to impose a conformity of values and opinion that support the dominant narratives of the status quo via the mass (corporate) media and the state-controlled educational system.

3) Dissent from any quarter is suppressed via mass-media ridicule, the judicial crushing and silencing of whistleblowers, and all the other powers of the central state: rendition, extra-legal imprisonment, political gulags (in our era, disguised as drug-war gulags), character assassination, murder by drone, impoverishing dissenters via firings and blacklists, and on and on.

>ever being a good idea
Oh yeah, mass surveillance, gun control, mass detaining,secret police and a checkpoint in every roadblock sounds really pleasant, huh?

you know that you're saying the equivalent of "please government daddy fuck my arse until i die of anal fissures", you're advocating your own suicide

like i said, you're a bunch of nigger cattle.

If it isn't degenerate skin head fagism. I say it's a good idea.
We're talking about ideology, not your shitty buzzwords, fag.

>Fascism isn't totalitarianism
keep advocating your own suicide, nigger cattle

When did I imply it was not?

Antifa are fascists, you tell me whether it's good or not.

>not your shitty buzzwords, fag

I was implying fascism doesn't mean totalitarianism and people who say so are using fascism as a buzzword.

>fascism = police state meme