>Since he was elected in 2014, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pushed a strong sanitation agenda on the country. A big part of this has been a widespread crackdown on open defecation, popularized by NGOs and the World Health Organization over the years. Suddenly, poop became very political in India, with millions of rupees allocated to building toilets across the country.

>But a few days ago, Dipali Rastogi, an Indian official who was focused on tribal issues, took to the pages of a national newspaper to push back. In an op-ed called 'Some Washroom Wisdom' she wagged her finger at the way the government and the inexhaustible list of nonprofits in India have shit on some habits in the name of progress and adhering to Western standards. Rastogi points out that forcing Indians to build or use toilets without addressing water scarcity is ignorant. "Now, however, the goras [white people] are saying it's unhygienic to leave your excreta out in the fields. That it causes underground water pollution. That it causes diarrhoea, even malnutrition. We must build a toilet within the house," she writes.

>Rastogi points out there isn't enough water to sustain or flush these toilets in a lot of Indian villages—around 774 million people have inadequate access to clean water. Building toilets, then, just becomes a bandaid on a much larger wound, and forcing people to use them without proper infrastructure becomes discriminatory, especially against rural Indians who have coexisted peacefully with fields and forests for generations. "During the routine summer village visits," Rastogi writes, "the toilet was the khet, the fields. One carried a tumbler of water [to wash]. Somehow it felt good, the wide open spaces, the twilight, and the feeling of having left the stuff far away from your house. Covered in mud or sometimes just left to dry.



Other urls found in this thread:


>The scorching sun saw to that. And by the next day it was manure."

>Open defecation can be, of course, be very dangerous. An estimated 564 million people India open defecate every day, and if human feces get mixed into drinking water or food systems, it can cause serious illness and death. Diarrhea from poor sanitation is one of the main reasons children die in the country. Human feces can become manure, as Rastogi points out, only if it is free from pathogens, which requires some regulation. But poorly built toilets with stagnant, unclean water pose just as strong of a health threat—collecting bacteria and attracting mosquitos. And they can be inhuman. Just a couple of months ago I was reporting on polio in north India when I came across a cluster of migrant workers living in makeshift homes behind a brick-making company where they were working.

>The company's owner lamented to me that he was embarrassed to bring visitors to his warehouse because the migrant workers—most of them from rural villages in the state of Bihar—would poop wherever they could find space. "I built them toilets right there," he told me, pointing at two facilities. There were two squat toilets built under some corrugated metal sheets, meant for all 100 people in the dusty row of homes. I think it's dangerous to romanticize pooping in the open as India becomes more populated, and people move closer to open gutters and streams in rural areas. And I've written about toilet programs that work before—usually only when village leaders themselves take charge rather than outside NGOs or government officials. But forcing solutions that look good on paper without meeting people's basic needs seems like a form of global development colonization. And that will do nothing to benefit the public's health, or their agency.


Why are Indians so fucking disgusting and what can we do to bring a swift end to their race while still keeping the more attractive variants of their women for sexual entertainment?

lol remember how white people did it before we figured out plumbing? we sure didnt shit on our crops.

>be Icelandic
>live on an island with some of the most beautiful women in the world
>still have the desire to mate with poo women
what the fuck is wrong with you

Haven't you curry munchers ever heard of an outhouse? No water required.

You know what they say
You can lead pajeet to toilet but you can't make him shit


How do they live without water?

they have top notch water extraction machine technology, it's called cow. Produces two liquids, one is sacred to poos, they drink in instead of water and use in sacred rituals the other one is milk.

Yeah, but where does the shit go after it gets full?

Didn't think of that, milk btfo

It was meant as a joke that poos drink piss...

Kerosene, fire, done

Hello humor my old friend
I've come to shitpost you again

21,000 convictions are overturned because of a fem poo.

Think of all the innocent people thrown in jail and all of the guilty people who will be set free.


I thought Bill Gates spent millions training them to poo in loo

I have never seen an attractive Indian in my life, and I've tried.

Because the pajeets softly creeping
Left their shit while I was sleeping

Explain the water dilemma please, do they simply drink imperfect water?

>they use Hyrule money to pay for toilets in India
Probably requires the Adult Wallet and most Indians haven't done the side quest to get it yet, that's why they don't have toilets.

Look dude I am a middle class brahmin boy , we have been taught to avoid poor people and dirty villagers like lepers , always have and always will .
Probably gonna bail from this shithole so I couldn't give a fuck about them

lepers btfo


certain parts of india don't have access to as much water as necessary for latterine

>bail from this shit hole
I don't think you realise we want you shit stains in our countrys. Stay there and help fix your own problem you cunt. Not caring about your own countries poor and uneducated shows that you're a piece of shit.

Population of 1.27E7 aren't enough to make a fucking national sewer system?

No :D

Are you posting from a phone?

They're all cousins

Made a typo. I meant to say we don't want you smelly, hairy fucks in our countrys.

Why do u ask ?
And yes.

You throw it in the street, of course.
t. Pajeet

>Probably gonna bail from this shithole
>"Why India Will Always Remain A Backwards Dump: 101"

If you shitskins tried to improve your country, instead of fleeing to the West en masse, maybe India would have a fighting chance.

Just a thought, Pajeet.

Beat you to that point captain cavity

Are you outside right now?

>Clean the Ganges River
>Poo in loo
I don't know why this is apparently so difficult.

Well ur opinion doesn't count and u can rest easy I have no intention of coming to ur crappy country u Aussie cunt

>Live in Toronto
>Go down to the beach
>See Indian family walk along
>Father pulls down his shorts, pops a squat and leaves a steaming turd on the sand
>He is less than 10 yards away from a brand new self-cleaning public toilet

nuke fucking india already. fucking animals.

>Wow, look at how bad we've fucked up our country and society. Better go live with those evil oppressive colonizing white people so I can have a good life.
Poos are no better than niggers.

Well done, faggot. Your medal's in the post.

No and I live in a decent neighborhood no streetshitter in the vicinity



I was referring to white man countries. Also you can't call my country "crappy" when you have the shittest country literally in the world. The feces concentration there is the highest in the world.

>need to toilet train a whole country

>decent neighborhood
something like this?

aight aight hol up
[spoiler]where's the loo?[/spoiler]

You know, you can't force toilet training. Once they're ready, it happens overnight.

Why are you abusing the Indian?


You had your "the great stink",we will have ours soon.


Potty training?

You can't make this shit up


You have me curious dont disappoint us like you did with geert


>"we will have ours soon"
Mate... Your streets and beaches are "the great stink".

HAHA. Holy fuck. The pajeets crying on Sup Forums and getting asshurt about the shitting comments could very well be paid government shills.

The day of the flush is coming...

>that thing

Try harder shlomo

What's the point, I say something u people insult me back with the poo meme
this goes on until thread gets 404d or archived.

The government has tried numerous times to potty train the villagers ,what can we do if they stay backward and dirty

At least dig a hole though. Even when I go camping I bury my poo atleast that way someone doesn't step on it.

Alright I'll throw you a bone. Post a pic of your loo with timestamp and you'll be okay in our book.

Don't you dare come here either pooskin. Stay where you belong, with all the rest of the lower caste.

>"what can we do if they stay backwards or dirty"
We can make fun of them and make poo memes.

You're ignoring a problem that is extremely pervasive in your country and costing millions of lives in an effort to say "Well, I'm better than those lower castes!" which is, itself, another major issue with your country.

We have an expression for that in French... "Tu pètes plus haut que ton cul".

i'm really convinced there's an active IIDF
can't go 10 comments in any political video without encountering an india shill

This made me sad.
Please delete.

ya cmon. post a photo similar to what a decent hood is in india. im honestly curious. ive seen shanty town slums, rich estates and not much grey area. is there middle class suburbs?

Poo in it

Why don't you just do what Bangladesh did, they amde their public defecation rate go down from 25% to 1% in 10 years, and they are much poorer, corrupt, more problems due to climate change and much more dense.

India should be able to sort it out in a jiffy


It's human nature.
You fuck the "alien" if you can or kill it.

Kek. You know India is a disgusting shithole, when even Bangladesh can poo in loo.

Still waiting for might also be a good idea though

Care to elaborate on bangaladesh's solition?

>1e7 pajeets
Man, that's some serious shoah

No water is required in an outhouse, you filthy vermin.

Indians and Pakistanis are some of the most disgusting people you'll ever meet. In UK they are always getting their food establishments closed down for being disgustingly filthy with rats and shit everywhere.

God knows why anyone thought it was a good idea to import them in to the west to spread their degeneracy.

If they don't have water, just build toilets that have a long shaft down in to a cesspit where the shit can degrade. Or do what Caravan owners do and shit in to a container which is emptied regularly away from the camp.

It's not fucking hard.

one thing i wonder and maybe a poo can tell me.
are streets in india named after poos? imagine you get a street named after you and it ends up as a designated street.

How am I supposed to stop poo jokes when even their own country looks like a giant poo

God Almighty
Holy Spirit

Bless the USA. Bless Freedom & Liberty. Never leave us Lord. We Love you. That's the Truth. Strengthen us against your enemies. May we express ourselves freely. May we farm the Earth. May we carry the will of our Ancestors. May your Light shine through us, Lord. Eternally you reign.

Thank you Sup Forums I love you. We'll get there.

>defends shitting in the open
>No clean water
>Is some how considered a major modern society
Burn it down.

whoops wrong thread :)

>564 million people India open defecate every day



Not this fucking shit again. Don't click

You sprinkle lime in it as you go which breaks down the shit. Once in a while you have to tamp it down with a shovel or something

MP Poonam falls in to a sewer

Not to mention the Paki grooming gangs.

that might work in Baghdad but pooloos will burn their entire village to the ground that way.

they can't be trusted to not shit in the middle of the street, how can you trust them with a high temp controlled fire?


I'm indian myself and im pretty tan anywhere sun toiches and pale elsewhere but I have seen this weird group ofnindian people who are always really pale looking and have lighter eyes. They arent Punjabi and they don't look Persian. Whenever someone posts attractive indian women or whatever I never see that type. And the girls are always above average from the few I have seen. Do they come from a specific region or?




The Indians go out in the field and poop. Seems reasonable to me. The poop fertilizes the field.

The problem here is not open defecation, it is the inefficient peasant farming methods, and the various government subsidies that sustain these peasant farming methods. The government subsidizes the peasant lifestyle, preventing industrialization.

Not him,i live here,in seclusion.

>Through a dogged campaign to build toilets and educate Bangladeshis about the dangers of open defecation, the densely populated South Asian nation has managed to reduce the number of people who defecate in the open to just 1 percent of the 166 million population, according to the government — down from 42 percent in 2003.

They went down from 42% not 25%, makes India look much much worse than I thought.