I really want to be Christian but I honestly don't agree with lots of what is said in Christianity

I really want to be Christian but I honestly don't agree with lots of what is said in Christianity
For one I don't think that humans are inherently evil and God is the savior
I believe that humanity is naturally good until someone fucks up, and then instead of correcting the problem individually people create rules and norms around it for the sake of efficiency thus creating morality

Can I still be Catholic?

>For one I don't think that humans are inherently evil

LOL what?!

Are you 12 years old or something?


It doesn't say that humans are inherently evil, just inherently flawed.That they have the potential for evil and without guidance will eventually fall into it, one way or the other.

You can still believe what you want to believe as long as you eat the cracker and send five bucks to the pope every now and then.

You should try Buddhism OP, be enlightened and shave your head later on.

> I don't think that humans are inherently evil
got bad news for you pal...

>For one I don't think that humans are inherently evil

Only Calvinists believe that. You were made in the image of God and your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

>I believe that humanity is naturally good until someone fucks up, and then instead of correcting the problem individually people create rules and norms around it for the sake of efficiency thus creating morality

open a fucking book

deism and neo-platonism is pretty legit

become your own savior

only Calvinism believe that humans are evil

>I believe that humanity is naturally good until someone fucks up
Take for example, eating an apple?

I don't understand these faggoty posts. If you don't believe then you can't be a Christian. Why are you so eager to join a league kid diddlers?

You can be whatever religion you want culturally while not believeing in the dumb shit. Im a lutheran but i dont even believe in god

>Can I still be Catholic?
Sure you can. You can be a catholic, orthodox, lutheran, protestant, whatever you want but if you compromise with the word of God you can't one thing: a follower of Jesus Christ.

You can't just take the parts of the Bible that you agree on and leave out the ones you disagree with.

You can be religious and not believe some parts, but you can't be a true believer and leave it out. God knows whether you're for real or not.

I know how you feel, I've been there myself. During times like this it's good to pray to Jesus and ask Him for the right faith, even though you might not want it, just ask saying "Lord I need your help because I can't make myself to believe/like this, so please help me become more like you and believe". Pray somehow like that but with your own words. Just go somewhere where there's no people around and pour your worries to God and he will answer.
I'll be praying for you as well. God, bless you user.

>Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.…
Matthew 7:7

PS: Tomoko really describes this sort of anxiousness perfectly :D

>For one I don't think that humans are inherently evil and God is the savior

That's not what Catholics believe. The original, sinless state of humanity was a supernatural gift of God, not something intrinsic to us. Without this gift, we are prone to sin, but we aren't inherently evil. That's a Protestant belief.

Cont. in the next post because this thread is on page 10 already.

> You can't just take the parts of the Bible that you agree on and leave out the ones you disagree with.
> Martin Luther got rid of seven books of the Bible
Really makes you think

>For one I don't think that humans are inherently evil
Not what the Catholic Church teaches. We were made good, and that is our essential nature. It has just been corrupted so that we stray from good and perform evil acts.

>God is the savior
This you need, we don't have the capability to mend the metaphysical wounds that happen when we sin. God took that upon himself for our benefit.

>Can I still be Catholic?
If you can accede to the Nicene Creed. Yes.

Human beings are capable of free will.
What they are is greatly influenced by what they go through, its order and how they respond to it.

>> Martin Luther got rid of seven books of the Bible
I never said that "lutheran church is the way". Yeshua is the way.

define evil you 12 year old and not according to 20 century commie brainwashing

The Fall, in which humanity lost this gift, had three results: original sin, concupiscence and death. The original sin is inability to possess sanctifying grace - the grace by which creatures can get to Heaven. It's pretty easy to get rid of this - the usual way is by baptism by water, although baptism of desire (desire of baptism combined with perfect love of God - a person who unexpectedly dies in such a state experiences the same effect as the one produced if they were actually baptised) suffices too, as does martyrdom. Notice that there is no right to sanctifying grace, it isn't inherent in nature of any creature. God by His own will gives it. This is the first reason why He is our saviour. You still have to deal with the other two, and there is no ordinary means to get rid of them. Of particualr interest to your question is concupiscence - before the Fall, the senses were completely submitted to reason. After the Fall, this condition was lost and now we have to struggle against sinful desires, which, even though we know they are wrong, are still tempting us. As is widely known from experience, we are tremendously bad at this - the worst that can happen to our soul, and indeed often happens, is mortal sin. Several sins - like murder, theft or lust - when committed with knowledge of their evil and with full consent - "lock" our souls on something which we identify as good, but which isn't God. When we live, this orientation of the soul can be changed, but not after death. Then, the soul is permanently set upon evil and as consequence is continuously and eternally punished. During life such a soul can't change its state by its own effort - for that, God Himself must intervene. Although it would still be just of Him to abandon this person, as the state they have put themselves into is their own, conscious choice, He neverthless prefers to have mercy on mortal sinners, giving them grace they need to reform themselves.

>I believe that humanity is naturally good until someone fucks up, and then instead of correcting the problem individually people create rules and norms around it for the sake of efficiency thus creating morality

One of the basic notions upon which Catholicism is founded is that good is a real, objective thing, defined not by personal beliefs but inherent in the nature of reality. I think you believe something like this too, considering that you say "fucks up" as if it was something objectively wrong. Can you explain your views on good and evil more clearly? First you talk about "fucking up", some objective "problem", but at the same time there is no moral system at this point. How does the combiantion of these two, (at least as far as I understand your reasoning) contradictory views work?

>One of the basic notions upon which Catholicism is founded is that good is a real, objective thing, defined not by personal beliefs but inherent in the nature of reality.

Christ though said that only God is good:

>17As Jesus started on His way, a man ran up and knelt before Him. “Good Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18“Why do you call Me good? Jesus replied, “No one is good except God alone. 19You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not defraud, and honor your father and mother.’”…
Mark 10:18

Are you saying that a morally good action is God? That's obviously bullshit. Clearly we are dealing with different, wider and narrower, meanings of the word "good".

>Mary worshiping cookie eaters
Worst religion,right below Islam

no but what I'm saying that humans, by nature ever since the first sin are bound to do evil things. So all humans are evil.

>They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt;
there is none who does good,
not even one.
Psalm 14:3

So we humans are pretty much hopeless. And no I'm not a calvinist, I'm just reading what it says in the scripture. So when Christ comes to live within us, our older self dies and Christ lives in us and we restore the connection to God.

My point is, humanist ideas like "humans are good by nature but can do evil" are trash. Humans are evil by nature and we need a savior to fix us. Lets face it, without God the whole humanity is screwed.

>Humans aren't naturally evil
>Wild tribal humans which still exist eat each other and other tribes and kill for things like blood magic
Pick one

There's your problem...You don't have to be religious to be a good person.

>Psalm 14:3

A few verses later "generation of the righteous" is mentioned. We are wounded by sin, but not fully evil.

>by nature ever since the first sin are bound to do evil things

This doesn't preclude them from doing good things too.

>Lets face it, without God the whole humanity is screwed.

This is true, but why do you think it implies that humans are inherently evil?

>I honestly don't agree with lots of what is said in Christianity
Neither do I. The bible was written hundreds of years after the fact. Even in accordance with the Holy Spirit's guidance and oral tradition, it's difficult to imagine that human fallibility didn't taint it in some way.
>I don't think that humans are inherently evil
Not evil, per se, but given to sin, which is why:
>God is the savior
We need God to 1. steer us away from evil and 2. forgive us when we fuck up.
>I believe that humanity is naturally good until someone fucks up, and then instead of correcting the problem individually people create rules and norms around it for the sake of efficiency thus creating morality
Nah, morality is only so subjective. Don't mistake rationalization for living right. This is literally the main problem with humanity. We don't take ownership.
>Can I still be Catholic?
Of course, but you're going to have to humble yourself a little, admit when you're wrong, and ask for forgiveness.

read the Tanakh and the Gospels. forget organized religion. both the Old and New Testament talk about the corruption of God's word and Jesus' main function was to clean up the mess early israelites had made, turning the teachings of the Tannakh into bread and circuses. pray in secret, not in public. talk to God directly. you don't need intermediaries. catholic church is just as corrupt as any government.

"when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Mathew 6:6