I've always found this so confusing

Why are National Socialist groups called rightwing extremists when they're as economically leftwing as you can possibly get? Has no one ever read the nazi party's program?

Because the media is left wing, so to portray something as bad and evil they call it extreme right wing.

> Has no one ever read the nazi party's program?
Duh, only extreme right wing white supremacist would read that.

>Has anyone ever read the nazi party's program?

>the media is left wing
The media is neo liberal
Liberalism is not socialism
Liberalism is the cancer of the world

The so called SJW are neo liberals

>economically leftwing
This whole socially vs economically axes of the political spectrum is from the (((libertarians))) trying to manipulate people into sympathizing with their goals.

You either support crown and altar or you don't. It's not a matter of supporting crown and altar but only if they don't actually do anything.

Bump, this bothers the hell out of me. They do this with Marine le Pen all the time

Because it makes their viewpoints look bad, so they project NAzism into the right; knowing full well that most leftist followers are uneducated, and refuse to do the research themselves.

because they are fiercely conservative

This is now an Nordic Resistance Movement thread!

>economically left wing
Sucking up to corporations and privatizing everything except railways sure is socialist, huh OP?


Cause the media targets a double digit IQ audience



Fiecely conservative does not mean right wing.
You have conservative left wing too
you also have progressive right wing, its just about economy....

Always wanted to know. How is the right people living in Scandinavia?

OP never claimed they were socialists... retard.

That said, they were mixed, they used both capitalist and socialst ideas/views

The scale that is in use today isn't about economic leaning or about the balance between liberty and authority.
It's solely about the inclusive vs. exclusive stance you hold.

Try again ivan.

>Has no one ever read the nazi party's programs

No they have not. They're scared of it. It's been the global boogeyman since 1946

What do you mean?
How do people with right wing political leanings live?

Everyone with half a brain knows that neither 100% socialism works, nor does 100% capitalism.

Some social programs, regulations, and economic protectionism are necessary, but so are low taxes, business-friendly policy, and a mostly-free market.

The problem is that socialism has now turned into globalism, and capitalism has turned into corporatism. So the people are revolting against both, and trying to get back to some kind of sanity.

> Economy defines the political spectrum

Our modern generation is truly retarded.

This desu, the whole shebang was a centrist authoritarian government. A little bit of social I'm, a little bit of capitalism.

Because when Soros funds them, it's about money and power, not about actually changing anything. Leftwingers and Nazis are like hammer and anvil between which western civilization gets destroyed.

Funny I consider the media right wing nut jobs, national socialists are socialists with simply different citizenship policy.

ffs. stop conflating economic stance with political idealism. This is like the 3rd thread today.

You know, a group could be all for free health care and education yet still want to exterminate Jews, Muslims, ginger haired people, people that look at the dear leader funny, right?

The two are in no way synonymous. They do not prevent either action.

Fucking tards everywhere.
Why won't you go back to fucking reddit!? You don't belong here. It's like we have to hand hold through fucking basic stuff, as a result no discussion ever happens.

Different citizen laws does not mean aggression.

This is the difference between them and those stupid ass kids. Look at the organization and discipline


OK... that's a bit non sequitur but whatever.

> free healthcare
> free
Quite the opposite. For these to be "free" you need to take other people's stuff away by force. Which is what you have in common with the leftists, they also want to take away and redistribute resources according to their whims.

I introduce new law only whites can be citizen, everyone else has to follow law and if non white self deport or wait for police to deport, that's it.

i mean there is too many antifa and other groups who wana make some shit for you (if you are "right" ) - and on the pictures of Nordiska MotstÄndsrörelsen - there is no one of them covered his face with mask.
They do not feel any danger from the left?
Because nobody wanna take a sucker punch, how ever

>They do not feel any danger from the left?
they do, pic related

rofl )

Well, if its true, it makes them an honor.

I hope the Nordfront will not prove to be a senseless pacifier like most of the merged right-wing organizations of Russia.
And the guys will succeed at least in some way.