Why does atheist comedian Bill Maher always claim he was "raised Catholic" to justify his attacks against Christianity...

Why does atheist comedian Bill Maher always claim he was "raised Catholic" to justify his attacks against Christianity but never mentions that his mother is Jewish (meaning that he is fully Jewish according to Jewish law) or that he is ethnically Jewish?

Christians believe that people are only atheist haven't found the word of god yet. So it to let people know he has knowledge of Christianity.

You know why

you just answered the question

>it's a Jew pretending to be white while saying white people must be exterminated episode

>Liberals routinely operate on blatant social double-standards



He didn't find out of his Jewish roots until he was an adult.

>Fully jewish atheists

gets me every time


Because modern debate is imposible if you are not part of what you criticise
You can't say shit of islam unless you are muslim
You can't say anything about women unless you have a vagina
For example people will say "I have black friends" just so they can say one bad thing about a black man
Shit's fucked
Research culture of critique

jeudaism is a national ideology presented as a religion and based around a common ancestry
it can be a race a religion or a nationatl feeling depending on what's convenient

schroedinger's jew

You ask too many questions goy

His show is great and you faggots are so easily triggered, that goes for the left too, that's turned on him.
>H-he's smarmy

Grow the fuck up. He has conservatives on all the time, again, much to liberal chagrin.

>inb4 b-but he talks over them

It's quite Sup Forums in here, isn't it?

Because he's on a show based in an overwhelmingly Christian country, where Christianity has influenced government and public views much more than Judaism has.

Addressing his Christian upbringing gives him more credibility in his critique of right wing conservatives than anything to do with being a Jew would. Are you fucking braindead op?

Wow you're legitimately retarded

>but never mentions that his mother is Jewish (meaning that he is fully Jewish according to Jewish law) or that he is ethnically Jewish?

He does when it's relevant.

attacking the source, rather than the information it reports, is one of the first logical fallacies you'll learn to reccognize in Intro To Logic & Semiotics. Somrday you might even grow up and take that course..

He might have been oversimplifying it but there's are hefty percentage of Christians who stick by the teachings that their job is to spread Christianity to those who live without God's love.

>>american people problems

the civilised world has no problem with debate. perhaps your putrid fascist-ready corporate culture is to blame?

The same reason he rails on Palestine and muslims.

>where Christianity has influenced government and public views much more than Judaism has


That literally has nothing to do with it. Christians don't think atheists only exist because they've never been introduced to religion. And in being introduced to religion it's impossible to be atheist. That nigger is retarded and so are you goddamn

no, commies are to blame

Don't you have to get ready for Friday prayers, Ahmed? Why are you wasting time on Sup Forums?

This pretty much.

Most people dont understand that right vs left wing personal views have nothing to do with the US government, which is a neo-fascist oligarchy.

>reeeeeeeeeeee he's a Jew.

You can be ethnically Jewish and still raised Catholic you bonehead. Milo Yianopolis is exactly the same. Plus if you're criticising the OT and the NT alike what difference does it make.

You miss one key point
Bill was raised Catholic, yes his mom was Jewish but she didn't practice her religion so the kids attended mass with their father

But hey, don't let facts like that cloud this Sup Forums tier thread

Sage goes in all fields

wait who the fuck said that !?

and what kind of faggot would repeat such a claim ?! it is like all your faggots are in desperate need to maintain appearances infront of some kind of super ego.

this literally proves all those fascists right who advocate for ethnic homogenity

niggers of Sup Forums

Are you retarded?

Irony Test:

Are you posting from a country that literally puts people in jail for making Tweets that offend Muslims?

Racism is against the rules outside Sup Forums

Enjoy your bans

There's not a Western country in the world that does that, Joe. Stop using Sup Forums as your only information source

Did they drop you on your face when you were a baby?

Is this accurate?

Because his last name is a dead giveaway.

Why do you think goy

You need to add 2 more panels.
One where a woman claims the wage gap is real, and another where a Jewish person says anti semites exist in the west on a large scale.

Every European country does it. One British man was sentenced to multiple years in prison for dropping pork near a mosque. He was killed in prison by Muslims.

Bro, a fucking British politician got arrested for quoting Winston Churchill.

Not to mention the 88 year old woman sentenced to two years in Germany for QUESTIONING how many (((gas chambers))) there were.

I suppose, being raised in the Catholic faith and not the Jewish one, he considers his religious background to be Catholic not Jewish. And he does mention his mother being Jewish.

Sup Forums thinks jewry is passed on genetically but refuse to believe that fully european jews are not white

I don't think they even know what's going on anymore.

mte. funny how both the altright and libcucks both hate him. must be doing something right.

That, or he's just another kike whose main loyalty is to the tribe.

What the fuck is wrong with the flags

it's only in this thread, but they've all turned to question marks

On the Catholic point:
He tries (in a shitty way) to let you know that he knows what the fuck is he talking about.

Im also raised in a catholic family and school and i saw how shitty that shit is. In fact in my school, the priest raped a few kids and the church save his ass and send him to a farm or some shit like that.

About the jewish thing:

This thread was probably on /b or other freak board and the mods moved it to here.

Since were on the subject anyone else remeber how hard the media was BTFO out of the church for all that gay pedo shit, and then they appointed the new pope and it all suddenly went away? The catholic church is degenerate as fuck, even though i had a pretty cool preist im never going back

>He doesn't know how to make his flag a question mark

He's a lying jew.

What do you expect?

Bill Maher is a butthurt faggot who's been having a psychotic breakdown since Trump won.

I actually really like the catholic church, at least in the west they have learned their fucking lesson about the whole pedo thing. They thought that it would be a PR nightmare if they turned them over, now they know its a WAY bigger PR nightmare to try and hide it.

The church, according to the jay report, actually has a lower incidence of abuse compared to public schools, etc. It was the fact that they hid it that really got everyone pissed as fuck (rightfully).

At least regarding France, the renaissance of the Catholic church in its hyper traditional form is a good thing afaic.

>fully european Jew
They don't even look white senpai

Why do mods move threads now instead of delete and ban like they used to? And why do they blanket ban instead of justify each user's ban? Who did Hiroshimoot hire as mods when he took over?

Which board is this are they finally asking the Jewish question

Some threads get moved if the mods believe the discussion is suitable for other boards

>Why is the jew Bill Maher sneaky and dishonest?

Really makes me think tho

Which is dumb. Off topic discussion used to be punishable by a ban, now you can just whatever and it'll just be moved, why telling some rollfag to fuck off with his spam will get you banned because you replied to a rollfag. The mods are genuinely shittier since Hiroshimoot took over. That's all I'm saying. Please don't ban me, mod.

Nah they generally move discussion that are too good to prune, but yeah mods are faggots

He literally mentions it all the time and criticizes jews, too. He still sucks, though.

Sup Forums thread moved to Sup Forums