Lets have another one of these friends

lets have another one of these friends

What's this?


Plastic surgery.

100% french, 50% north east of France, 50% center.

Here is the template

Rate ;)

Just updated mine. Basically my moms side of the family is made up of alcoholics who had lots of potential to become rich as fuck but screwed it all up and my dads side of the family are just poor but hardworking people that escaped their shitholes. My dad ended up finding the American dream and making a good amount of money.

You can r8


lol so this is what means WASP today in USA hahahahaha

Not one person with a homogenous heritage over at least the last two-three generations? What is this mish-mash

mine, dont bully plz

Here's mine, mother was adopted

My whole family is Catholic bro, not one protestant in that family tree

Your dad is a weeaboo? Kek

hey i have a question, is isreal really getting fucked by autistic leftist jews? if so when are you guys going to start executing those bastards.


My dad is 61 and has a poster of Steel Angel Kurumi in her underwear in his room. Not even joking.

Your father was from Cote d'Ivoire?

Fucking A that's supposed to be the Irish flag I rotated it incorrectly thank you for pointing this out

Your irish flag is wrong you fucking moron

Damn. Idk how I feel about that. Please tell me he doesn't dress up and go to conventions

Nigger I know I just fixed it. I was high when I made this

your mother is your sister???? Your Dad fucked his own daughter???


How old are you?

I'm pretty sure he just means he has a kid...



100% french and catholics, 50% Parisian and 50% from Normandy

100% French brother!

>2 blue eyed parents
Gene cucked


That has always been a mystery for me, my brother has blue/green eyes as my mother but not me. However, most of my grandparents have brown eyes so I guess it could explain it

You put a lot of effort into this. Good job, pretty fascinating heritage

Mixed family desu

LOL at your mum

rate me faggots.

>inb4 nigger

>fathers paternal grandmothers flag

>Huh euH
Nigger id

What about it?


Come home mongol man


i'm fucking crying


What your father did?????