Is voting UKIP a wasted vote?

Is voting UKIP a wasted vote?

Genuinely curious, no shilling

Other urls found in this thread:,_2016#Central_Scotland

This time it probably is green tier wasted vote almost , but if you can't stand anyone else then why not

what is this based on exactly? polls?

Most people are going towards the cons since it looks like Brexit will happen when the cons win ,which they probably will win considering Labours Unpopularity and all that .Polls do show a shoa for the left . The cons are even doing well in Scotland i hear

The FPTP voting system ensures a strong government over a representative one.

So yeah, the system is basically designed to only be a choice between establishment left or establishment right.

It is now, most people will be voting Conservative myself included so we have a chance of getting Brexit done and not getting a watered down version of it, myself incluided.

basically, as has been stated in brit/pol/ threads:
If your constituency is a Tory stronghold, vote UKIP. Everything else vote Tory. This is basically another referendum - Lib Dems being Remain and Cons/UKIP being Leave. Labour say they support leave but they have repeated endlessly that they would put "british workers first" which has been hinted and coughed at meaning certainly NOT leaving the single market. So Tory is a must. Feel free to vote UKIP if you live in a tory safe seat just to give them a little encouragement when they see the total overall votes for each party, but don't jeopardise a straight up tory/lib/lab fight by voting for them cos are nige, the lad is done and really isn't anything to do with the party anymore.

Their main purpose has been achieved, so most of their voters have left for the cons.

In other words, don't bother unless the cons fuck us over.

It's splitting the vote

Can someone explain to a burger what exactly is going on. Why are you having elections all of a sudden? What is the likely outcome? Are they trying to take back brexit again? Has your media started calling this a referendum on Trump yet.

Yes, the purpose of UKIP has been fulfilled. Vote Conservative, it's the only option at this point.

There is an election because the current government has a majority in parliament as thin as a tit's hair.
Our voting system ensures strong governments either way and every party other than the Conservatives is a train wreck. Current government will gain a massive majority vote and PM won't be held back by the MPs pushing for a hard exit

as a ukip voter yes it is desu, im voting conservatives but im no tory

so you are saying conservatives will increase their majority?

UKIP are not a single issue party. They are the working class conservative party who strive for a Britain first brexit as opposed to a (((global))) brexit like the tories

I'm a UKIP member
But it's time to bite the bullet and vote Tory

Yes, by a lot.

It's looking like a bloodbath

UKIP are a single issue party, they are dead. Even Nige isn't bothering standing for MP.

They went from 12-14% in the polls to 6% in the latest one. Tories are at 49%, if we can get them over 50% the left in Britain will die. They will realise the majority of the country are EBIL TORIES.

I usually vote Labour but there is no way in hell I could vote for Jeremy Corbyn. Cutservative it is.

I can't get behind UKIP with the same vigour without Christ's gift to humanity Nigel Farage at the helm. I'd say I'm a right leaning centralist in general and plan on voting conservative.

Well my good sir,
Voteing for the Tories would be a waste because there tories, voting for Labor would be a waste because there's too much in-fighting going on, voteing green would be a waste because who the hell votes green and Ukip would be a waste because just look at there leader

That is very much true.

The Conservative Party will wreck the SNP's shit in the next Scottish Parliament election.

Farage explained it pretty well - yes and no.
Yes because they will not reach any significant numbers, no because the Tories need "motivation" to follow trough with Brexit.
In the end it comes down to not give labour and the lib dems any ground so decide for yourself. Probably best to check wether your local tory is pro Brexit and vote accordingly.

What I'm going to do is play the long game and vote UKIP. I know they won't win anything but I want to keep the flame burning so that by the time we get proportional representation there will still be plenty of people who have faith in UKIP.

Ignore the tory shills, no such thing as a wasted vote with these poll numbers. If you don't vote third party you are fucking retarded and deserve mass immigration

Hey Brits why is this so bad for Labour

I would vote for the Conservative Party this time around and in 2020 (if there'll still be one then) you should try to raise support for UKIP if they've gotten their shit together by then.

Labour are way down in the polls. They'll lose more seats.

Because Jeremy Corbyn is an extremely left wing politician and has been tanking the Labour Party since he became leader.

No it's not, it's sometimes the tactical thing to do to damage the left as much as possible. Don't let my flag fool you I'm on holiday

The way I see it is that my vote won't tip the balance of my constituency. Instead I'll vote for who I think are best. And that's not the Tories that's for sure.

>so that by the time we get proportional representation there will still be plenty of people who have faith in UKIP

Fuck me i feel at this rate we will all be long in the grave by the time that happens

Not surprised since they have not even made legislation in a year . fucking idiots they are

It's actually very similair to the dems in the US mate , almost to the letter

Yes, and no. Fuck off. This retarded thinking made a tonne of faggots not vote for UKIP in 2015.

Depends on what kind of constituency you're in. If it's a safe conservative seat, vote UKIP. If it's a marginal Labour or Conservative constituency, vote Conservative. If it's a safe Labour seat vote UKIP.

UKIP isn't going to get into power this election because of the sheer number of UKIP voters voting Tory, and because Farage isn't running the party.

To prevent a left-wing coalition taking government and fucking up brexit you should really just go out and vote conservative. Even if your constituency could possibly get a UKIP MP, it's not beneficial because they can't do much in parliament without a majority, and you actively detract the power of the conservative majority, or detract from their chances of winning. If the people who want brexit are divided in voting conservative and UKIP, then the left could sneak the election with a coalition.

This is outdated, there is literally no reason to vote conservative this time

Though the simpler thing to do would be:
Con safe - ukip to scare them
Con not safe - vote con

Is this why she felt comfortable doing it? I couldnt imagine a US president wanting anymore elections than are required

If you are in a Labour constituency and then imo you're best to get them scared by voting Tory.

I live in Scotland and I want to stick it to these SNP pricks.

Technically it's a gamble but considering the way the electoral map looks it would almost be a miracle for Lab to win seeing how bad things are for them

Care to explain a bit?

Tories are never going to get anything but a majority, shill.

s h i l l

>If you are in a Labour constituency and then imo you're best to get them scared by voting Tory

Not many of them left in scotland mate lel

I feel most of the Anti SNP vote will go the torries way

explain what ?

it's that kind of apathetic thinking that causes constituencies to swing

Why is the left so fucked up in the UK? In the US people seem to be just fed up with identity politics and weak leadership over the past 8 years.

I feel you mean about the legislation bit .They have not passed any propper new laws in scotland in a year

Who cares, they'll still get a majority. There's no better time to vote third party than now

>voting for the mass immigration party
only one shill here

Ach, Labour or SNP. Same Paki, different tracky.

I just want these fuckers out of here so they stop making an embarrassment out of Scotland.
>explain what ?

Just about the legislation stuff. I was a little surprised by that.

Yes they're polling at 11%, down 3% from the last election. Even LibDems are beating UKIP and until the election was announced. I though Clegg was still the LibDem leader, they're total nobodies and UKIP is some how lower than even them.

Toris have a huge majority and can btfo labour for a decade if they crash them now. I understand Consersatives are cucked as fuck but they're literally the only right wing party with a chance in this election. Labour, LibDem, Green, Plaid Cymru, SNP, all leftist cunts. Vote for UKIP and you may as well have just voted for Labour instead

Corbyn is an old commie who signals for the Ira and las malvinas and republicanism n shit

Absolutely not! I know i'm voting UKIP. I want the flow of Muzzies to stop and to tell the EU to go fuck itself!

They just haven't moved with the times .Plus they are very out of Touch , even the non SJW lefties are on another plannet and it's hurt them badly

>just want these fuckers out of here so they stop making an embarrassment out of Scotland.

Totally get that

This is why I'm voting Tory again. I want to see those cunts crash and burn.

>still trusting the establishment that fucked you over in the first place

I wish you'd gone somewhere with a rarer flag

Where are you from? Are you stuck in a lefty shitpit as well?
They will.

Just look at how the Conservatives soared in the last Scottish election a year ago:,_2016#Central_Scotland

I can't wait to see what they'll be like in 2021.

The British voting system is so stupid and unfair it makes me angry. You can hardly call it democratic.

I will vote ukip.

>Where are you from? Are you stuck in a lefty shitpit as well?

Manchester so i guess yes, the outer bits but my area voted to stay in the EU lel .Fuckin fags

How so? Is it do to immigration and them wanting the EU sticking their noses in your economy and laws? Are most people sick of identity politics there too?

I live in a strong lib/lab area, no chance of anyone else getting a look in. Might as well vote ukip as no way in hell are the Tory's winning here.

How's barbados m8

Its literally the same as in US politics, just smaller scale.

Fucking nice flag man, aesthetic as fuck

I never said the US system was democratic either.

Unlucky. Manchester doesn't seem bad though.

I was swamped in 'Remain' rhetoric up here as well.

>How so? Is it do to immigration and them wanting the EU sticking their noses in your economy and laws? Are most people sick of identity politics there too?

All of it , all of it . immigration SJW tier politics , class attitudes because they are usually such condescending cunts and makes people hate them . could name shitloads more but it's late and i'm going to bed

It's identity politics, it's that he's too left wing (the UK is a conservative country - last time an actual left wing person and not Tony Blair got in to power was like 40+ years ago) and it's also Jeremy Corbyn. He has a long history of anti-Britishness
>supports giving up the Falklands
>supports giving up Gibraltar
>supported the IRA
>has been on Iranian state TV (the British government currently considers Iran the biggest threat to global peace)
>Supported Hezbollah and Hamas
>Has had loads of high profile problems with anti-Semitism

PR is shit go away

Planning on moving to cheshire soon anyway .It's no way near as bad as london manchester , no way near but the older i get the more i hate cities

It's shit when you look at it like that but remember the only reason we had an EU referendum was because David Cameron was scared that UKIP would start to get Conservative seats, hence him promising an EU referendum.
It's entirely possible in a PR system they would have had a coalition with the Lib Dems again and not promised a referendum.

Scotland isn't bad either. It's very white but at the same we have been dicks to you by voting leftist and England has had to take in all of the brownies because of it.

We have a lot of nice little country towns which are usually always right wing and pro-Conservative though.

You'll find that the butthurt cities support the leftist parties more.

Ok, it's essentially the same thing here. The left here are insufferable cunts who now openly display their dislike of America. When Hillary called half the country deplorable it didn't seem like much at the time but it hurt her badly. They also have the media and hollywood on their side so it is just always in your face.

On top of that they have no coherent message, at least not one they are willing to express in public. If it wasn't for that god damn war in iraq the left would have never risen to were it was before last year.

you need to vote tactically.

>You'll find that the butthurt cities support the leftist parties more

Yup same here , i do like scotland tho , hope they don't ever Go independent because it would be like bradford in no time with cunts like the SNP . hope to visit sometime , not been there since i was like 10 in the 90s lel . night user

>Ok, it's essentially the same thing here.

Almost exactly , watch the Labour party now , you could be looking at what will happen to the dems in 5 or so years time .Night night user glad to have answered your questions

Truss is my MP and she is going nowhere so little point in voting desu senpai

UKIP are no longer relevant.

Can't you just look into how the polls look in your area and if there is any danger of Labour or Lib Dems winning?

>Tfw my constituency voted almost 50% for Labour in 2010 and has been a Labour seat my entire life
No wonder it's such a shit hole

Daily reminder that FPTP system WITH primaries is both representative AND efficient, and superior to proportional voting system in EVERY SINGLE WAY.

Tories need to expand primaries to ALL constituencies instead of select few tory safe seats.

I'm in a pretty safe tory seat and will either vote ukip for the vote percentage or not at all. If it's tory safe you may as well vote ukip.

Um no.

If you vote, does that mean you might get put on jury duty? I've never voted for that reason

FPTP with primaries is great tbqh.

Proportional democracy is inefficient and tends to produce weak and unstable governments.

Alternative Vote (STV systems and so on) tends to produce ideologically very indifferent parties clustered around the ideological centre with emphasis on consensus politics

Regular FPTP is obviously grossly unrepresentative, and favors tactical voting, leaving fringe voters entirely unrepresentative.

UKIP is a zombie party, it has all of the infrastructure but none of the people.

It's in a place similar to where the Reform Party was in 2000. Ross Perot had gotten the Reform Party enough juice to have good name recognition and all kinds of perks for having carried more than 5% of the vote in 1996.

But in UKIP, there's nothing behind Nigel, just like with Perot. They people I see as their spokesmen are defectives and losers when they're not outright crooks like Neil Hamilton. They look weird in a suit, like they've never had to wear one before, and seem intellectually incapable of making persuasive arguments. The human material is definitely lacking. And like in the Reform Party, it was made MUCH worse by a bunch of infighting and purges by people trying to protect their jobs brought about by Farage's past success.

Basically UKIP has more resources than talented people to use them and make them grow. It'll probably hang on a little longer after this election, but then it'll be some weird relic like the BNP.

i'm going to vote for karen anyway but yes

> destroyed the Labour party in Scotland by campaigning with Labour against Scottish Independence
> Labour is mathematically unable to win without MPs in Scotland
> became a suicide bomber that destroyed himself and took out UKIP by bringing the referendum


>They look weird in a suit, like they've never had to wear one before, and seem intellectually incapable of making persuasive arguments.
I watched debate between Douglas Carswell (First elected UKIP MP) and some green or labour someone.

The entire time he was visibly buttmad and he kept screaming something along the lines 'Y-YOU JUST WANT TO LET ALL REFUGEES IN AND ABOLISH THE CROWN AND ERADICATE BRITISHNESS JUST ADMIT IT' instead of responding to question or producing a comprehensive argument.

It was great.

>tfw no more PMQs banter

it's over m8, just vote for mummy may or cast a protest vote. i don't think there'll be any race realist candidates anywhere this election unfortunately

We'll always have the bantz on youtube but it's just not the same.

Yes. If you want the Brexit negotiations to result in the best deal for the UK, vote for the Tories.

>just vote for mummy may

but what about >muh NHS?

The Prime Minister can call an election before the next scheduled one with a 2/3 vote from the House of Commons.

May is probably doing this for two reasons:

1) to get a stronger majority in the House before Brexit
2) It's a rare opportunity that gives the Tories a huge reason to campaign on

Exactly this. BNP died with Bowden imo. God, I miss that man

>There are people browsing pol right now who are unironically voting for the tories

>Sharia May increases immigration every year despite promising not to

>She's a remainiac

Makes me think.

im ukip-ing it up. always been labour, but i now see how stupid the left are. and i want musi's out

You twat.

Have you even read those articles?

Have you read her SPECIFIC comments amongst all the bullshit rhetoric, fallacies and strawman bullshit?

Shes not advocating "Sharia4all"

But i guarentee; if LibDems, Labor, cucks get in - once we reach a Muslim Majority; it will be Sharia for all.