Trump HATE Thread

I'm tired of all the freaking cocksucking that goes on with Trump. All the alternative media won't say the truth that they fucked up supported this asshole.

You will never see Molymeme, PJW, Infowars crew and Cernovich admitting that they fucked up big league by supporting a politician and that they dragged a horde of braindead idiots (including Sup Forums) with them in their mistake.

They should have remained pure and libertarian.

Post criticism on Trump.

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We didnt start a war in Syria though. Also nice b8.


>Post criticism on Trump.
He is not man enough to run the country. He has to have his spoiled globalist elite leftist daughter by his side 24/7 to help him. And if she can't be there, he has his globalist elite leftist son-in-law right there with him.


For the benefit of those of you not old enough to remember. Bush 43 also said he wanted to avoid interventionist foreign policy too and then did the exact opposite.

They keep getting away with it.

And we keep falling for it.



You're right we should all watch The Young Turks more often

>implying we didn't pick the only way to actually avoid a war

False dichotomy

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