how do we fix the homeless problem?
How do we fix the homeless problem?
Set up rehabilitation centres, but that makes me sound like a socialist which im not.
Spend aid on them instead of niggers in africa 1-14 billion a year
(foreign aid)
Then instead of dumping money we create programs and buildings etc, cheap labour force provide meals and shelter for whatever jobs are required in society like factory work or cleaning up the cities etc.
They would be badly paid but housed and fed. And it wouldnt cost a fraction of the foreign aid amounts that we already spend.
Large housing facilities like perhaps a few skyscrapers purely for the homeless would do the job, they dont need fancy houses or many rooms AT ALL
Build more houses. Two birds one stone. Unemployment and the homeless
improve society, there are already so many programs to help the homeless. Homeless are either lazy af, mentally ill or drug addicts.
t. was homeless for a few months when my parents kicked my neet ass out
Stop giving them free gibs. Some asshole today was bragging to his other homeless friends that he made 280 dollars pandering during traffic on the Triboro bridge in NYC.
better blankets
make rehab center where they work and learn to build their own house
then have them as paid construction crew build roads and shit.
I think we're onto something here lads
how did you survive? how are you ok now?
>don't feed the wildlife
Gasoline, matches and paintball guns
labor camps
cure mental illness
This + just print more money. duh.
>they dont need fancy houses or many rooms AT ALL
thats the funny part of this, socialists are hell bent convinced that its either give a mansion to each of them or ignore completely
if you build commie blocks for them, they complaint they're not super pretty
if you give them food, they complaint its not fancy gourmet """"health"""" food
if you give them jobs they complaint its not $20/hour comfortable desk jobs
no, they better stay begging in the streets rather than have a less that totally perfect life for free
Increase welfare and minimum wage.
>their countries have a homeless problem
sacrifice the homeless to kek
Get more immigrants.
they kicked him out for being a faggot
>how did you survive?
he sucked dicks for money
>how are you ok now?
found a sugar daddy
Camps in Utah?
>be homeless in Canada...
>freeze to death in winter
Right wing death squads
Exactly, get them on the farms, we desperately will need them now we cant rely on Eastern European people
You're asking how to fix someone who has pissed off everyone they've ever known to the point that they refuse to help them?
There is no fixing bums, they chose to be bums, let them freeze.
Or, buy them a plane ticket to Hawaii.
>addiction and mental illness
hard to solve
yeah ok tito
you cant complain and think of it like its a long list of demands. either fix it and do it properly or dont do it at all.
i took my camping stuff and just set up camp a national forest by my house, when into town to charge my phone and get food then go back, move to a new spot and shitpost in my hammock. I finally got a job at walmart when my money was getting low and it was getting cold. Now I have a desk job and an apartment but still shitposting, somethings never change.
nah i had several grand saved up
Throwing money at the problem doesn't always work. In the city I live in, San Francisco, spends roughly 250 million a year on homelessness and it's only brought more of them here and they're more violent and aggressive than anywhere else due to lax policing.
That said, we should drug test anyone using welfare money or services.
put those little spikes down wherever they could possibly lay down
You're a socialist, white Saudi Arabia.
define "properly"
because lefties now say wifi is a "basic human right"
you can give everything and they will never be satisfied
send the mentally ill ones to institutions. send the drug addicts to forced labor camps.
>nah i had several grand saved up
>from sucking dicks
>send the drug addicts to build the Wall
BTFO by a piece of plywood
whatever you say bud
Glad to see you're doing okay for yourself now, are you on a decent wage?
no i mean just quality of services. i think communism is retarded.
props for doing that. even with the shit posting could not have been easy
>quality of services
so, what would be this minimum required quality of services to be given for free to niggers?
you know they will keep asking for more
yeah, i had a degree, i was just a lazy piece of shit and told my parents i was looking for a job when i had never filled out an application. After a year my parents were fed up and told me to get out.
it was actually pretty nice, I kind of miss it sometimes
cant understand how parents can do that
you don't give it for free. you build services that are cost effective but high quality.
I work with the homeless so I'm going to ramble for a minute now. So far the most cost effective solution is housing. Seriously, I'm pretty libertarian (yeah yeah) and there is a real argument to be made for programs that put them in subsidized housing. Sometimes it helps them get back into the work force, but I will admit it usually functions basically like an asylum used to. The thing is, it's a fuck load cheaper (on average) to keep someone inside than on the street. That way they have access to affordable services and don't go to the ER every time they get cold, and that shit happens a lot. I've seen people get carried off in an ambulance for heartburn and that shit comes out of your pocket.
Someone said rehab centers, and that is helpful too but it's easy to go to far. I live in a place with a lot of services, and even as someone that works at one I feel we have provided far too much. Homelessness is the worlds second oldest profession and it isn't going away, and society is best served by spreading the resources for them around as large an area as possible. There is a societal price to pay not to be tripping over dying old people in the street, but you can't actually fix this problem in the long run.
Mental illness is a big problem, but the solution to that is thus far unknown from what I can tell. Most mental health "treatment" is primarily aimed at keeping a person sedated to the point that they are not aware of their own misery or a threat to anyone. It's not anyone's fault really, we are just starting to truly understand these things and the science has a long way to go to catch up. I expect vast improvements within the next decade, but it will be a long time before there is a true solution.
It's almost as if social programs prevent a homeless problem from manifesting...
How old were you when you got kicked out?
I had a similar situation but I was semi-actively looking for a job. Filled out about 1 application per day. Couldn't find a job for 8 months. I moved back with my sister in another city and Got a job doing pest control within 2 months. Then another as a security guard 3 months after that. Now I'm a QC inspector 9 months later. In some cities it's just retardedly difficult to get a job. Doesn't help it was a border city with 40% illegal population and I can't speak spanish.
Soylent green
Open up mental asylums and lock them up
i come from a long line of military officers, so are my brothers, sucks to be the black sheep, but it was the best thing for me, i would have stayed in their basement forever if they had let me
at least you were looking, i honestly thought i would get an interview and by sending in my resume to a few companies, when they didnt even respond to me i gave up
ok then
how does that solve the homeless problem?
we must have a party
If they are sleeping outside, you know 99% of them are already sleeping in cellars, sewers and so on. That's only the visible tip of ice(((berg))) problem.
>Mental illness is a big problem, but the solution to that is thus far unknown from what I can tell.
Americans are still ashamed of their previous mental institutions because of that damn Cucko's Nest movie. Mental institutions got closed all over America after that movie came out, and they STILL haven't been put up again IIRC.
>Most mental health "treatment" is primarily aimed at keeping a person sedated to the point that they are not aware of their own misery or a threat to anyone
This is tied up in the Big Pharma problem. Why actually treat people when you can just make them hooked on drugs that you sell for life?
Get rid of the big pharma problem and you get rid of huge chunks of this problem.
it doesn't.
When you have millions of furries, transsexuals and half country is fat, then it's little hard to lock up mentally ill. Mental illness is a norm.
how do you sleep in a sewer? fucking hell
still poor show. do you still talk to them ?
indeed, what we need it REAL psychological research, not this kike garbage we have now
modern psycholgy is pseudoscience, and when other scientists called them out on their unscientific practices, they just scream "muh oppression! muh discrimination! muh hard sciences are male dominated and evil!"
Give them homes.
of course
It's called tough love. Animals do it all the time.
It has to be done.
Some people are beyond helping and choose the homeless life whether they are aware of it or not.
We have pretty decent social programs here for getting the homeless of the streets and back into the workforce. We have housing. But we still see a fuck tonne of homeless people. The reasons being:
A) they are abos and hence dumb fucks who distrust whitey and beyond caring for.
B) they are criminals evading being picked up by the system for the latest dumb shit they did.
C) they are on meth (and hence criminals) and prefer to live on the streets than get their lives straight.
D) they are mentally ill and evade help out of paranoid delusion etc. In which case it's very hard to get through to them
E) all combos of above
The majority of homeless people just can't be helped. Any down on their luck kid who got kicked out of home has access to help, same goes for adults.
Just off the lot of them and dump them in the forest, they'll serve as nutrients for the nature.
Remove welfare altogether so they start thinking about the consequences to their actions, and to the ones who fuck up their own lives beyond repair, call it survival of the fittest. We want to life people up, but self-destructive people can only be helped if they help themselves first.
>high cost of living
>wages at their lowest, and workers more disposable than ever
>living paycheck to paycheck
Yes, it's the people to blame.
Actually build fucking houses
or simpler
Stop letting immigrants come in
Homelessness hasn't been an actual issue for ages in the Uk thanks to housing benefit, the problem is that humans are perceived as nothing but economic units and not actual human beings, and native brits are seen as inferior as they are harder to control and influence than the assorted foreigners that are imported
I'm low income, so I know about all of the things you're talking about.
>Wages at their lowest relative to cost of living
In Alaska where I live pay is proportionally worse compared to cost of living, relative to most of the US. You can still live a fine life on entry level employment if you actually bother to go out and look for work, but everyone talks about this issue as if opportunities just end up in your lap. You have to work for them, and remain persistent. Once you put in the time, it's not hard.
Free bus tickets to california and .45 ACP for those who refuse.
You faggots keep saying build houses as if there's a housing shortage.
Do you faggots know how many vacant and abandoned buildings there are in the US alone?
I can't expect non-Amerifags to know much about this or have the same problem in other countries (I don't know if there was a Euro-housing crisis), but were you niggers in America all asleep during the housing crisis when tons of people lost their homes because they weren't paying rent due to toxic mortgages that they bought into which they couldn't afford?
There isn't a housing shortage. Even if you got these homeless fucks to build their own homes, without jobs they wouldn't be able to afford the costs in keeping the thing livable by regulatory codes. The shit would be condemned and they'd be back on the streets in months.
There's a jobs shortage.
Conscript the ones who can actually work into chain gangs or labor camps. Euthanize the addicts and the mentally incapable.
In the UK the problem is different. There are people with jobs who can't find permanent housing because of the lack of actual physical space. If there were less immigrants and more houses built (really, theres enough houses we just need less fucking people) there is enough of a social safety net that the only people who remain homeless are the ones who should either a) be in a mental institution or b) prefer not to be homeless anyway.
It's not about money, it's not about economics. It's about government and media prioritising those things over the native british inhabitants.
Also, if there were less retardedly strict planning laws, and less people clogigng up land prices, homeless people or people who wanted to live off grid would have it a hell of a lot easier instead of being forced to spend the equivalent of 75% of minimum wage a month just to pay rent to some silver spoon'd landlord (or worse, the kid of a corner shop owner from india)
Literally handing over the rights of the land of the country to foreign families, how is that not suicide? Willing invasion? (answer: it is)
"lol you faggots"
the OP was british, nigger
prefer to be homeless anyway*
Well in México we drive them up to the border. That works pretty good.
I don't find this amusing, Juan.
Make them do work that Americans won't do.
By partnering Job Opportunity centers/networks with Homeless Shelters.
Important KB:
Well, I considered that after seeing the flag. Wasn't sure how shit was going down across the Atlantic.
At the end of the day it seems to come down to retarded regulations that prevent people from sorting out their circumstances and orienting themselves in a proper situation to where they're not bumming it out on the side of a park.
I gather this is an issue across the entire country and nut just urban centers? Like is there a less populated zone in the country people could look for space, are people just stubborn and don't want to leave their particular spot or is it really that fucked across the entire country?
With fire
Most homeless are nutcases with severe, recurrent, treatment resistant mental illnesses, and most are drug addicts. They have special housing programs for the chronically homeless where they medicate them and shit, just not enough of them.
Blood refinery.
Do what Seattle did and kick them out, then say the reduction homelessness is because of the 15$ minimum wage
Detention camps for junkies
Ingnore them. Do not feed them. Let them die.
Social Darwinism at work.
Problems with homeless people is mostly mental ilness or drug abuse, off course some people just want to be homesless it's a way of life for them.
I'm technically "homeless" as I live in a van.
Vehicle-dwellers are the normal, functional type of homeless. We shower, we are sober, we have jobs or some income, we can pay bills and be a functioning citizen. We're basically like normies but with a smaller cuckshed. You would never be able to tell I'm homeless. I go on dates, I have a job, etc.
Most homeless that you notice are the other type. They're either mentally ill (and should be gassed) or drug addicts (and should be gassed.) Maybe like 5% of street-sleepers are just down on their luck types, but the rest deserve it. You can't save them. Give them $5 for bus fare to a job fair and they'll buy cheap vodka.
There is no saving them. Just fucking kill anyone who smells disgusting. You can't give them a job, they can't even be a register monkey or a mop schlupper. They're too far gone. Their mental faculties are gone. Honestly we just need to kill them all.
I can't even go to the library because it's full of stinking hobos.
Somehow they survived our winter (below 0 regularly.) I even had trouble in my van with high grade sleep gear. Fucking hobo magic, man. More than a few got frost bite though.
SF is the dirtiest, most violent place I've ever been to. I'd feel safer in killadelphia or murdermore.
>send the mentally ill ones to institutions
>waste more money on wastes of oxygen
Just fucking kill them.
No, just fucking kill them. Tired of my police having their time wasted by calls to crazy bums doing stupid shit or having a meth fit in the streets. We have niggers to imprison.
Why do they deserve housing? Why does anyone deserve anything for free? If they can't work, fuck off. If they won't fuck off, kill them.
It's simple, we feed the homeless to the hungry. This way we can solve two problems at once.
honestly who cares
you cant save everyone, there will always be inequality. Help exists for those who help themselves already
gated communities
Just send them to Paris and London, like we did
good for you
IMO the homeless problem is because there aren't any insane asylums anymore.
I blame Jews. Penny pinching motherfuckers.
Why don't homeless people just buy a house?