>>CPD Dispatch Stream:

>>Same feed with ambient music:

>>For Ambiance:

Zone-6 (isolated scanner of worst area)

#### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####

>>Get Behind the Vest donation drive:
>Chicago cops aren't even issued fucking armor by their shithole city.

>>The Chicago Police Department Memorial Fund (ALSO GET SOME SWEET SWEET MERCH):

#### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####

>>Shootings ScoreboardS:

#### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####

>>Chicago Racial Demographics:

>>Chiraq Gangland Map:

>>Police Codes:

>>Chicago Police Dept. Directives:

>>Related twitter


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/pD418Eky

Here we go boys.

Other urls found in this thread:


Robert, reporting for duty! I was *just* making this thread when I figured that I'd search for it one last time. You beat me by like, thirty seconds lol

>male and female trespassing; on top of a school trying to get in
>car speeds off into traffic, hits two other cars head-on
>Katie's former roommate is outside screaming at her

Car was stolen; both suspects now fleeing scene of the crash on foot. Friday in Chicago.

There's been a lot of gunfire today.

Last night, too, though I'm sure its picked up. People were walking through a crime scene, stepping on bullet casings.

>guy trying to get on the tracks

how do you do the flashing?

also do you use photoshop or AE

>someone on a platform, trying to jump on to the track
>another caller says he's already jumped

>Katie's boyfriend/former roomater is *still* outside yelling at her

>Cops in pursuit on foot!

Wish I could tell you; the pictures are mine from a trip to Chicago a couple years ago. I posted them in the thread last night and another Robert made them for me. I'm sure he'll pop back up and you'll be able to ask him, though.


I made some animated stuff a while ago for these threads but haven't been able to make some recently. Looking for ways to mix up how I do it because I've been kinda samey with it all.

Hey, that's awesome! I love the little animated background waves.

I'm just gonna dump everything I've made to bump this shit





sweeet; my chiraq folder grows. Drop any bingo sheets too, if you got 'em. I'm gonna dump mine when its /RRH/

and this is the latest one I made that came out kinda shitty. I messed up on the lights

Bump. Good morning Roberts.

Katie got some big ass tittays

No no user I love this one

That's the only place you messed up, though. But that's only my critical eye; I'm sure they look absolutely fine. Looks gr8 m8

Good morning Robert

>Nursing home calling in, 74 year old female missing for over an hour.

>needs to be interviewed about a homicide
>gang affiliation

She has to if her boyfriend's been out there for this long lol

I feel like this is probably the best I've done with scanlines, but those green lights just dont seem right to me. I might just change their color. There's also 2 red lights at the top that you can't see at all.

I haven't been here since last July. Shit active or is it mainly just nignogging?

Oh shit nigger, it's the comfiest thread of the night, how's everyone doing?

Have the massive amounts of power outages around the US had an impact on Chicago yet?


car vs poll

The struggle continues...

I really like how they bend— as though its like an old glass screen. Maybe make them less thick and more... flashy yellow and green? Hard to explain what I mean. I think it would make the lights and the color scheme fit more

it's starting early tonight

It's been pretty quiet all week actually

so now they are all rested and ready to start shit this weekend.

literally the comfiest thread

>male black in a baby-blue sweater
Robert's arch nemesis is developing a dainty sense of fashion!

>black male just robbed Pedro

Thank you, user. I was just looking for this. Let the games begin!

keys checked

Tribe versus ChiSox starting in a few minutes

>Maybe make them less thick and more... flashy yellow and green? Hard to explain what I mean. I think it would make the lights and the color scheme fit more
I know exactly what you mean. I feel like that's also a problem since I didn't get the color scheme right. I'm gonna try doing OP's picture and see if I can get a more natural looking animation



we have skykingx4!!!!!

Maybe you can make the building window lights bleed out in an exaggerated way; like the streetlights but softer. Could make you comfy without even having to mess with the colors.

wrong thread emus' bitch

Ya honestly I'm just gonna remake all the lights in that after I'm done with this next thing. Might try to add something new as well

hamfag here: I like to remind people that ham radio is a pretty red-pilled hobby even if political talk on the air is discouraged, and it's not difficult to get your license, nor expensive to get a cheap radio and get started on local VHF and UHF repeaters.

what exactly is HAM radio? Hobby-wise. Do you chat with other HAMs or is there more to it?

quick edit

Yeah, you chat with other hams. Your first license (technician) will let you operate on frequencies which are pretty much local (though you can do some satellite stuff too), the second (general) will allow you to operate on ones that propagate around the world. It's mostly older guys who are real hands-on do-it-yourself types - lots of police/fire/paramedic guys too.

You can also get into joining orgs which do emergency preparedness stuff.

A lot more information here:


A lot of people from local ham clubs get together at local restaurants and stuff too.

>tfw you think these power outages are a test run by terrorists.

I hope Chicago stays safe. I love these threads and don't want those monsters to have full control at night

>El Chibo says three hispanic prostitutes stole his money

>trying to fight with her

>no real name but he goes by "el chibo" uh, "the goat" and he says three male hispanic prostitutes stole his money
this fucking city man

Planning to play around with the original a bit this weekend to see what I can come up with.

God could you imagine a massive power outage in Chicago, it would look like planet of the fucking apes.

Everything would be on fire and everything not nailed down would be taken.

I hope it doesn't happen, for Robert's sake :[

Did dispatch know that offhand or did this guy actually tell the 911 operator what his street name meant?

oh no, that babby! Hitting the concrete is no bueno

>found her stolen property in a shopping cart under the viaduct.



idk, sounded like they were told the translation too

>Tell the police they're on fire
So, okey doke?

"El Chibo" means 'the goat'

which is also slang for 'the devil'

so they are dealing with Le edgy mexican


>shot in the chest
>near the heart
>another shot to the chest




Jawon Terell
>Black male
No shit, dispatch

>either way there's some kind of a mess going on over there
thanks dispatch

tfw youre a robert irl with checked keys

fucking 11 year old calling in on her parents...

>Rel Rel pulled a gun on him

>not tryna creep on you but I see you over there
which dispatch is this? I thought sassy was night shift

I've heard that too. El Chibo more like El Burro.
Also, she has locked herself in the bethroom.

Okay this one took a while since I had to experiment with new stuff to get it done

Here's what I was going for:
>Color scheme actually making sense
>More natural looking lights
>Font Glow/Gain/Bleed/Whatever
Also went for the flashing look in
tell me what u guys think

Full Quality Version:

Foot chase is ON !


>He's got blood on him, no one knows why

Sounds like my ex, but female.


bretty cool user

Nice. I like the old analog TV horizontal scan line thing going on.

wtf was that call?

the one with the random shouting?
she asked if it's a unit in trouble but dont think there was a response

yep. I didn't hear a response either.

in AE its called venetian blinds

there's certain ways to make it look more authentic with things like feathering and different types of noises, maybe a png of an actual CRT screen over it with opacity/blending and maybe some glow

I'm sure it's nothing, just Adam getting pranked or spooped by Robert

Evening Roberts. I hope Mike is enjoying his retirement. Seems like everyone was too high to shoot each other last night, so we may have a lot of pent up anger this evening.

My white trash cousin was dating a mexican guy who called himself 'goat face' in spanish. And it was supposed to mean he had the face of the devil or something.

He ended up beating her when she was pregnant.

when are they going to learn?


Just wait until the beginning of May when all of the government money cards come in, they trade them all for hard drugs and booze

then the real fun begins

Injun Payday's always good entertainment

My biggest fear is that these threads will die out and there won't be enough posters and support to keep them up and running. For now, I'm enjoying it. Glad to be here, Roberts. Sincerely, Robert

I don't mind if they have ups and downs.

>threatening to hang herself on facebook

another attempt at this. Hopefully the guy who made them comes back and tells me how to actually do this

I guess these just remind me of what Sup Forums used to be.
I used to stay up all night doing shit with those guys back in 2008, 2009, etc

I honestly like it when they stay nice and slow

You can actually talk to people and they aren't over run with shit posters

I do too, but I dont want them to completely die is all I'm saying. Anyways, lets enjoy it!

>adult male peeing in store

feel sorry for the store clerk man

Adult male urinated in the store

I made the picture. Looks cool, but it's a little jittery. I don't know shit about animating. Cheers user.

>people fighting in the park

3-4 shots fired. (No descriptions)

Friend of mine told me the originals are dithering so i'm gonna have to figure out how to do that. I did it in a really roundabout way and it came out eyerape

I can fix that.