I think so, if he has China's cooperation.
I think so, if he has China's cooperation.
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty sure it's just to prevent refugees
Why the fuck would China let Putin invade the Korean peninsula?
If anyone is going to invade it, it will be China.
If you're listening to 8992.00 kHz USB, the call you want to hear is "Eagle Watch, Eagle Watch, Klaxon, Klaxon, Klaxon: Real World Event. I say again: Eagle Watch, Eagle Watch, Klaxon, Klaxon, Klaxon: Real World Event."
That means nuclear attack.
This is the game plan.
US knocks out North Korea by air.
Russians and (mostly) Chinese will invade to occupy in coordination with US.
This is the only way to avoid a resistance among the brainwashed population.
>Eagle Watch, Eagle Watch, Klaxon, Klaxon, Klaxon: Real World Event
Oh shit.
>Actually listening to that
Why? I've got at least ten virgins on Sup Forums tuned in for me ready to make a thread any time something vaguely remarkable happens
>If anyone is going to invade it, it will be Japan.
>virgin shaming
get out
Russia is broke as fuck
There's a reason they didn't take all of Ukraine
>If anyone is going to invade Japan, it'll be Iceland
Fixed and checked
>Russia is broke as fuck
only relative to the jew banks
>Shunning a fellow nordboi
I seriously hope you gdadt
Anyone else sympathise with NK right about now?
And that reason is Ukraine is a shit hole full of autistic faggots who poop and pee on the sidewalk
> Dailymail
>Russia, china, South Korea and the US vs North Korea
It's going to the biggest seal clubbing in history. Kim won't last a week. A few days mabey
Though Russia will most likley be in a more supporting role, they are busy with Syria and don't have the capacity to fight on two fronts for too long. Russia is Strong, but not as strong as they appear.
Hmm... Seems like Maxine Waters has some prophetic abilities... We should pay more attention to her mumblings...
What would Putin gain from such a thing?
If I were Putin, I'd just let the political invalids who run the US stir up more nork things to paralyze Trump.
I dont want to see a bunch of sexy japs in school girl uniforms shot
>If anyone is going to invade Iceland, it'll be South Africa
Wait, do you guys have internet?
Dumb and unrealistic as fuck.
Don't be rude. There are only about 20 of them there.
Ålanders are the welfare GIBSMEDATS of Finland.
Fucking hope Finland tests a nuke on them.
>american fucking education
>only relative to the jew banks
Is it too much to ask for a serious conversation about countries and foreign policy without bringing (((them))) into it for once?
I'm sick of hearing about the fucking kikes.
Or maybe the "Russian troops" became Volunters and drive US South Korean troops down to Pusan like in the 1950's
Just working in America.
I can't help but feel like someone is playing a game.
Russia and China will start WW3.
It goes like this.
China holds the line.
Russia Pushes in.
SK and US will not let any people into SK.
With China holding the line and Russia moving in through a smaller border.
It's to compress NK. Like a motor. The tension will rise.
NK wont really go ape shit and nuke russia, yet.
NK will not be engaging the US. Yet.
Someone or a group will light the sparkplug.
Maybe it'll be NK lobbing a missile into SK. Or something stupid.
US will see a buildup of tension and people as Russia moves into the country.
people will start moving toward China because they're fleeing refugees. They'll try to control and look they're being nice but they're really just holding them up.
Whatever ignites this compression will see the US uses another MOAB or three. Hits too many people and here we go...
I'm thinking Russia and china really were trying to fuck with the US.
Maybe the overseers helped put Trump into power so they could destabilize the US like it's gotten. So they have a better chance at winning.
The US is vulnerable and kinda fucked.
And they advance all the way to Seoul as "protection" ,then unify the Korean peninsula under Russian-China influence
How can you talk about wealth and banks without talking about the Jews though?
He's likely going to just secure that border incase of flows of people.
Also many regional powers are getting tired of NK.
Which is why you are seeing "Jaws" start to form around NK.
Important new KB:
Trump's been nudered. Maybe Trump is going after Assange now because he's fucked and he knows it. He's trying to force Julian's hand because he's powerless. Force him to let the cat out of the bag.
That'd probably start WW3 as well but maybe with different sides.
>tfw put on NPR one afternoon
>welcome rachel metzler-shmetler from the cohen-kratz-rosenberg foundation for ininfite freedom.
>tell us how we should think about this
>tell us how we should think about this
post nk qts and i might
you're fake and gay
It's hard to invade jack shit without a standing army
>uses another MOAB
Fucking larpers... you do realize the MOAB was designed to clear out underground complexes, right? It isn't meant to be used willy nilly. It's far cheaper, and easier to drop 30 bombs an eighth of the MOAB's size.
The very fact that you'd mention it brings the validity of rest of your post into question.
The truth is Russia and China will do as little as the possible can. They don't like NK, but Kim isn't threatening to bomb them. If anything happens it will be caused by one of the Koreas, or by America.
If they do intervene in any way it'll be a big signal.
>help the south, and their look like cucks in the face of american imperialism
>help the north, and their looking to start WW3
>do nothing is literally their best option
Russia and China don't want a US puppet on their border. if they were to just invade themselves it would remove the NK threat and more or less maintain the status quo
Why would they want to let the NK football go?
Do we have to blow up another missile launch? It didn't seem to work when we said one of them might make it all the way over to Hawaii.
of course they don't want to let it go as it causes a metric fuck ton of American butthurt but they also can't allow an insane fat fuck to have nukes either. basically if China and Russia are smart they will stop NK before they actually become a real threat. really the only alternative is the US invading which will then either unite Korea or spark a much larger war neither of which are in Chinese or Russian interests
Almost, but close enough.
Oh wait... you are serious????
How fucking retarded are you? yeah, and the Crimea invasion was "to protect the Russians living there" just fucking kill yourself and get the fuck out of Sup Forums.
Ok, I guess not.