Montana thread!

What is life like in Montana/North Dakota?

I have been browsing Street View of these two for like the past two hours and I am kinda amazed
>these views
>these small villages
>these houses in the middle of a fucking nowhere

Damn, it looks so comfy, I want to move there ;_;

Other urls found in this thread:,_Bulgaria

I'm in South Dakota... Which is close enough to the two states you mentioned.

We have some small towns filled with Polish people. The next town over is German, and the next Scandinavian, etc...

But, then there's the meth epidemic, and now fentanyl and heroin, and all the dumbasses who fattened up on the high-fructose corn syrup jew. And it gets cold and windy af in the winter.

holy fugg, let me in boys please

you can get a permit for $20 that lets you chop all the firewood you want. heat your whole house with a wood stove all winter.

damn, it's so barren and yet so beautiful

Just stay away from the reservations


The Indian reservations throughout the Midwest are notorious for violence, drugs, and poverty. If you pull up any statistic on rape, STDs, etc., the Midwest states are heavily skewed due to the reservations causing spikes in the data.

The natives frequently trash their government provided houses, the schools suck because no sane white person wants to teach there, and alcoholism is rampant.

so i could just move there and live with them in a fucking reservation? lmao

So they are worse than niggers? You learn something new everyday

montana is goat, no asians here

browning and polson are this shitty too

how's the job market? i've read it's shit

Make way for the superior Montana, cuckshits.,_Bulgaria


it's picking up again now that the oil pipeline is back, everyone is going back over to the dakotas
where's that?

Devils Lake, ND

go away, we are full here in montana

our montana is in the north and it's full of extreme villagers

how about USA montana?

what pipeline
ah nvm, your cucked country would rather take 9000 pajeets and joshuas from mexico than any white european anyway lol

go host another invasion

No, you'd have to have their blood, and they'd probably knife you too. It's a past-time of theirs to knife a white person when they can get away with it.

trust me senpai its wonderful

truth hurts, compare european immigrantion vs mexican immigration

Proud born and raised Montanan. Ask me anything.

difference is we're kicking em out
also mexicans aren't nearly as bad as muslims.
You'd never make it out here chink

It's also cold as shit

Like, significantly colder than poland


get the fuck out of here

now i'll rob and american tourist


>its a north Dakota thread

Williston, ND here don't ama

>What is life like in Montana/North Dakota?


WHITE MAN! Move to North Dakota!

Please, we need people. If you don't, the darkies will.

that's because there are no trees

You'll love America then, a lot of it is barren and empty nothingness. We're NOT full.

Living in Reno, NV taught me how important this is.
Fuck wind. Nice temps, sunshine, and low humidity don't matter if it's windy as fuck all the time.


Fucking retard

North Dakota sucks but Montana is awesome. Gets boring real fast though unless you are really into the outdoors

Why the actual fuck would anyone move to ND?


Nonwhites are moving to ND in mass?

>North Dakota sucks

That's only because we don't want you here. God damn the cuck farmers who recruit your kind to pick weeds in the fields.

Any nice paying summer jobs you know of, user? I'm /fit/ and white.

No you'll probably get stabbed
But getting native pussy is easy as fuck if you're white and not fat


Jobs, low crime, nice place to raise kids. But that will change if white people don't start moving here because

There is a noticeable influx from Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Chicago recently. I was sitting in on interviews for low level menial work for a company, and it was nigger after nigger. Someone is recruiting them.

As in working on the oil rigs? I've thought about it before. I'm currently doing computer work and am sick and tired of being at a screen. How does one go about getting those jobs?

>Damn, it looks so comfy, I want to move there ;_;

The only way to get to America is if your educated which begs the question, why would a high IQ individual want to surround themselves with the intellectual subhumanity of the rural and suburban retards of North Dakota and Montana? I'd much rather live in any big city full of culture, vibrant bustling streets, and high IQ, high achieving intellectuals.

i'm sure it's easy as shit getting a job, but everything there is super expensive, and it's really shitty work, but you get paid a shit load

It's real cold but Zyklon Ben lives there and a ton of white nationalists

>he fell for big city meme

I live in montana and do rapid prototyping, what do you do?