Wow Chelsea Clinton is so woke
Wow Chelsea Clinton is so woke
The only way she could be remotely "woke" is by disavowing her parents and naming the jew
She's never been to church.
Wow she's even uglier than her mother.
I want to pee on her and make her drink my pee and then slap her in the face for being a piss drinking whore
What kind of a fucked up 6 year old wants to kill unborn children?
My god she's conjuring up a dangerous support base. The worst harpys will be at her rallies.
>When i was 6 because it opposed abortion
Considering all the pedophilia scandals around the clinton family, its a really shitty argument to bring up when you are just 6 years old...
She is truly without any talent, isn't she? She has nothing to offer in any field or area of human endeavor. She's trying way too hard. Have her parents found her a safe congressional district with +80% Democratic registration to run in yet? Even there she'll get probably 52% of the vote and be hailed by her parent's media allies as something special.
>Fetus: I Left The Womb When I Was 6 Months Because It Endorsed Abortion
The 6 year old that is pregnant with alefantis child.
So many HR employees will go
>Implying that unholy spawn has ever set foot in a church
She looks like she was aborted but managed to survive.
it's almost like she intentionally set you up for this.
epic / 10
>women praise this
A creature I will truly never understand.
>knowing what abortion is at 6
>Clinton family
>Anything but Moloch worshippers, ever
I would leave the church too
Demon spawn. Had to marry a blasphemous Jew because she can't say the name Jesus without gagging and throwing up. A self imposed exorcism.
I'm not surprised that an abortion is pro-abortion.
Wtf i love burkas now
Probably because mommy kept telling her she wished she had aborted Chelsea
Proof that the Left is populated with idiots who would fall for this tripe.
Honestly, what puzzles me the most is being so retarded that she sees none of the obvious backlash that will hit her for this retardation...
Seriously, someone has to make Chelsea a poltard, or else she will be sucked into the reatardation of her parents.
This is some next level virtue signalling. Literally no 6 year old in history has ever pondered the moral dilemmas of religion and abortion.
Some please kill her
>pol needs ninja
>every word is capitalized
Chelsea Clinton is black?
Too bad killary didnt abort her
Too bad she wasn't aborted
Is this real?
So she lies, just like her mother. Great...
Six year old's can not physically understand what abortion is yet. Their brains can't think in abstract. They have to see something in order to grasp it. So this would mean her church was literally showing her pictures of aborted fetuses.
Great - there's going to be another round of this shit.
Maybe she'll pull a JFK, Jr. and nip it in the bud like he managed to do.
They're becoming so woke so young these days. Little angels. Just like the two year old girl that fucking slayed the evil backwards clerk when she wanted to buy a doll of colour. I'm so glad there are people around to bring the truth of these stories to us all.
Knowing all the shady shit the Clintons are implicated in, it actually is possible that Chelsea was exposed to dead babies at a young age.
I unironically would support an abortion up to a week or 2 after birth
So she's admitting her "loving" mummy made her go to church for 6 years.
Sounds like she's DL admitting child abuse.
6 year olds have no idea what an abortion is, so if she was anti it means someone told her to be.
even with 90lbs of makeup she is still the stuff of nightmares
Only if the baby is ugly.
Like ugly baby Chelsea.
meh, she's bad looking but not viscerally so
Fuck offfff shill!
She had an abortion at 6?
What a whore
fuck is wrong with you, heathen?
she is debbie shultz's daughter. it came out years ago after hillary failed to be reelected to the senate but was still giving speeches that she is debies daughter
some one had seen the 2 of them at the same democratic convention and thought they looked alike. they floated a rumor. to put the rumor to ease they did a blood test and she isnt the clintons daughter less than a week later it was released she is in fact debbies daughter
Oh yeah she is a cutie.
Look at her with no makeup.
this, honestly
this is not a human fuck
yeah I've always liked her eyes
on a different note, does anyone else run picrelated every day, multiple times?
BLASTED! SLAMMED! DRUMPF BTFO! Top Ten Reasons That Chelsea Clinton Has Seven Reasons You Should Get An Abortion In Three Quick Steps.
Who the fuck writes this shit?
Bill and Hillary were always in a loveless and sexless marriage. Even when she was FLOTUS they had no natural chemistry. Hillary's entire life has been scripted.
abortion is a typical argument a 6yo faces in family and school apparently
Neither of them are
the new fad is like this 'liberal ideas are truer when kids say them' thing...
it's like they want to make it sound overwhelmingly obvious that their beliefs are morally superior
like a kid wouldn't say "gas the kikes" on national TV for a full size snickers bar if you offered.
those words won't come back to haunt her, no way
>6 year old
>concerned with abortion rights
Fuck, I hope this cunt dies in her sleep soon so we never have to see or hear from her again.
Nah, scratch that, I hope she lives just long enough to see her parents hung from the public square, then she can have a heart attack and die.
>my feelings are more important than divine, objective law
Yes, I can imagine the conversation she had with mom.
>Chelsea, sometimes the stork comes with his delivery at an inopportune time in a mommies life... so she instructs the stork to take the bindle and its contents and throw them into a wood chipper.
She should start wearing a burka. Would help her image.
Bill liked her at first, and asked her repeatedly to marry her.
she said no, but then couldn't pass the DC bar exam and realized that he was the best option for her career.
6 year old fucked by Podesta
Better than the truth "I left the Church when I was 6 because I felt my skin starting to burn whenever I entered one"
hahahahaha lefties are so pathetic
>divine, objective law
Your high from yesterday can't still be going, can it?
And you really believe this story?
I remember when I was like you, naive, innocent.
Too bad I Took the Red Pill When I Was 6.
The dumbest shit comes out of her.
do I believe she failed the DC bar and moved back to Little Rock to ride Bill's coattails? yes.
Children of (((progressives))).
That's why she aborts it.
One day, she'll be president.
Everyone below 30 seems progressive in the US nowadays.
Prepare for a Clinton 2028 campaign. The messy truth.
I can't unsee this fucking shit now
Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums? You should be out voting for Le pen.
Is this what passes for "news" or "interesting opinions" these days? Liberals spouting basic liberal points? Jesus fuck, journalism is truly dead.
i can't believe the elites are letting white trailer trash like the Clintons lead the country
With all the (((Pedo/desta))) ties. That actually makes sense.
How can you say that about this fair flower...
Nice, can I have her dentist number?
>Probably because mommy kept telling her she wished she had aborted Chelsea
That's been repeated multiple times in unofficial Clinton biographies I wonder if there is smoke there is fire.
K I K E.
Why do the truly deserving never die in random car crashes, or from young onset cancers?
Wonder if this bitch even realizes she was probably within an inch of being aborted. god so fucking dumb
>naming the jew
>she married one
>started solving it from habit