Get in here boys, Its happening.
Get in here boys, Its happening.
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Christ he is going full Stalin on Venezuela
Socialism is awes---
Are they /ourguys/?
Guess outsourcing has it's downsides.
dude look at the videos on this guy's twitter
I mean the protestors btw
exterminate all commies. venezuela needs to be liberated.
What the fuck is this real?
That's what GM gets for moving their factories into a communist country, no sympathy from me. In fact, Trump should taunt them on Twitter.
Bloodshed when?
...did they seize the means of production?
brah they been seizing and nationalizing shit for well over a decade.
this is nothing new.
The entire country is starving the military can only subdue a starved populace in total poverty for only so long
yep keep looking there are ones from last night of them blowing up military trucks and military firing into crowds. Craziest shit I've seen since the Ukraine thing
>nationalizing US industries
we all know what happens next lads
Leaf should get a (you) for a good post.
Military coup when?
Top tier post leaf. Have a (you)
Nah. It's never been tried.
This literally CANNOT be fucking real....
>no food
>here have some televisions
>invests in a socialist country
>has its means of production seized
All GM saw was that it was really fucking cheap.
The revolution will not be televised.
yeah that's fucking disgusting. Anyone who actually trusts the msm at this point needs to be gassed
Commies gonna com.
Say their military is usurped. What do afterwards?
Eat then have a nice post prandial scramble to rebuild a nations government ? What hell. America next when?
How does hard socialism/communism deal with the problem of international business? This is kind of a big deal.
Also, GM should build a private military and take their plant back by force.
Well, this guy is definitely /ourguy/
"Venezuelan president to arm militia supporters after confiscating civilian guns"
And this is why the US has the 2nd amendment
So if Venezuela is Socialism, how have they not seized it long ago? Foreign companies shouldn't even exist in Socialism.
Why did we bailout GM when they're so retarded :-(
Nothing will happen now, the Venezuelan opposition are worse than cuckservatives, they are actual socialists who agree with Bolivarian objectives but disagree about its methods. They are also middle-class snobs who fear violent riots so will never escalate anything. Besides, the government has the support of the military and civilian militias armed to the teeth.
I'm more interested about what will happen in 2019. Maduro can't win free elections, so I doubt he shouldn't let it happen, but he can't prevent it without dropping all the pretense that he isn't a dictator. If the opposition wins the election, though, they will have to rule a bankrupted country where a lot of unpopular policies would be necessary to put the economy back in order, such as removing price controls and ending welfare programs. That in a country where the socialist opposition would be armed to the teeth and fanatically devoted to the Bolivarian cause.
So 2019/20 is the time to look for Venezuelan happenings.
And this is why we should not have bailed out the fuck mothering auto industry.
>people believe this
Just a reminder NOT TO GIVE ANY MONEY TO ANY VENEZUELAN! Those fuckers will tell you anything to get a few bux just to buy a phone and get drunk.
Stalin would demolish foreign companies, not seize it. You should seize your own companies, to nationalize production. GM still produces American stuff, seized or not.
We just saw GM's plant get seized.
What do you even mean it does not matter who owns what company there is expensive machinery with infrastructure that could be used for whatever the fuck the government wants to do.
>GM still produces American stuff, seized or not.
That plant is fucking useless without GM's support.
No Jobs but I can see many prostitutes from Venezuela here in Madrid desu.
Times have changed, foreign companies are all over the world. During WW1/WW2 was mainly financial sector and monarchy shit to deal with. Demolish it all, it's quicker, less painful. Ask a gypsy how to do it, just melt it and sell it. Well Nazies also melted monarchy gold, as well as any other civilization like British Empire. You don't want to spend too much time dealing with foreigner products, you should break it down to elements and build your own.
Its common for a large Co to have local manufacturing. It allows GM to build goodwill in VZ and navigate its currency exchange issues. The VZ army and police probably use GM trucks made in VZ. However parts and other add-ons are made in USA.
How did Venezuela come to this hyperinflation slow-death?
Ayn Rand.
Not really, they could build shitty chinese cars with some modifications.
GM paperwork and suing and shit like that can take 20 years. They should demolish, melt, shaped and start building tomorrow. During Socialism people would all help building apartments and Commie blocks, since they wanted to get rid of monarchy that much.
There are not going to be elections in 2019 while they're still in power
Isn't this a good thing? Moving factories over seas and getting fucked for it? Fuck these traitors I wish every foreign factory gets seized.
Marxist Leninist at it work...stop with the fukken git me shits and start working for your happiness
>they could build shitty chinese cars with some modifications.
I'm not so sure manufacturing is that generic.
What happens when a machine breaks? You don't have access to any GM engineers to fix it. Where do you get replacement parts for that machine?
>They should demolish, melt, shaped and start building tomorrow.
This is a big flaw with communism. It assumes that people perform general functions, with people being more or less interchangeable provided they have the training. This isn't how real life works, though.
Technology doesn't advance like magic. Technology is advanced by a very, very, very small subsection of the population who are passionate about their work. It's simply not possible to grab "generic engineer" and tell him to fix up a car plant. The results would be so
vastly inferior it would be laughable. The fact that these authoritarian social engineers are blind to this is so completely baffling to me.
Practically all EU and Saudi Arabia construction workers are illegals, those are the people building your luxury homes. Maybe check Saudi Arabia's Indian population, they live away from glamor and rich areas, they are stuck inside small homes, but they build everything.
Socialism lifted us from feudalism and farming. Capitalists only enslaved you once again, but with different ways. Socialism build very quickly and very efficiently, it was build to last. Russia today still has Communist constructions, they build much less these days or build shit. Russia today is all about oil.
You're equating the labor required to build a house with the intellectual abilities required to design a modern car. Labor doesn't advance technology.
The problem with seizing a GM plant is that it stops being a GM plant. I don't care if your laborers can build nice houses, they don't have the intellectual capital or experience to rebuild a GM plant. If the people were capable of building a better plant than GM, how is it that their government hasn't done so already?
>That's what GM gets for moving their factories into a communist country, no sympathy from me. In fact, Trump should taunt them on Twitter.
Fucking this.
>private military
Should go full Teddy Roosevelt and use the military to enforce it. Sell some of the land once you secure the country to private companies and make sure the venture turns a profit.
Everything capitalism does is to slow you down, to enslave you, 99% of education you get is not needed. Capitalistic instructors want to make money, Socialistic instructors tell you exactly what you need and no bullshit, since they literally build for themselves, they build the country. Venezuela had foreigner companies build, they can only re-shape, they are not Socialism, they didn't build everything from scratch with national productivity.
>muh fucking cigars and muh cocaine and muh oil
That's all aimed at trade, not native production.
no stfu now we get to see real socialism it'll be great
this, top kek. fuck GM
Guys, I'm scared
all those niggers are going to come here
Man I miss living over there..
Fuck gm, +1 for Trump making fun of them on twitter.
I agree that most education is not needed, but that's because most people don't aspire to do anything with it. Most university students are dumb as a brick. This problem doesn't go away under any form of government.
Most of the top performers in a society either
actively took advantage of their schooling, or they learned through self education. Also, no university in the world has access to GM's trade secrets.
>Venezuela had foreigner companies build, they can only re-shape, they are not Socialism, they didn't build everything from scratch with national productivity.
People in general are lazy, self-centered, and stupid as fuck. Any advancement in technology comes from voluntary effort, not the government forcing you to do something.
Shhh close your eyes.
So what exactly did they expect?
That's what looters do... LOOT !
Did twitter ban him yet?
I have not used Twitter apart from links posted on pol in probably about 2 years and I just followed this man
The one with the humvee getting hit by Molotov's Jesus Christ
Pretty sure Ford opened or atleast helped open a plant in the USSR
people need to be seeing this from actual people on the streets not Richard Maddow's TV show blaming Trump....
Links plz
1) GM should not have been doing business with commies, serves them right.
2) I guess we have to build them in America!
This guy is brave as fuck putting this online. Fucking death squads rolling through the streets. This is why we have a 2nd amendment.
Neat, I wonder if they take all the buildings and resources and start up production under a new name.
>Alt-right nazis
Okay, Can you name them?
damn straight
So, the global economy is basically on hospice right now.