Science Proves It: Parenthood Is the Absolute Worst

>The study, published in the journal Demography, found that unhappiness stemmed from three main causes: health issues before and after birth, complications during the birth, and the generally exhausting and physically taxing task of raising a child.

So, we're supposed to preserve the white race, but the trade off is that it ruins your life?

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Here's the full article if anyone wants to read it.

Good. Don't have children. My genetics will live on to conquer foreign planets while theirs die off. Good riddance

nobody said preserving the white race wouldn't require self sacrifice.

My life isn't even good without kids. I just have the advantage of being educated and being able to predict the outcomes of my situation if I had kids and it would be an unimaginable nightmare even if I had everyone supporting me. And that's not accounting for the chance that it will be another autistic faggot mess no matter how hard I try to raise them properly.

Yes, stop breeding white people! Also. work hard and send food to africa.

We are not going into space.

no one cares. your descendants will eventually be killed off by niggers and/or blacked into oblivion

Eh, I disagree. I have two kids and my happiness has gone way up.


t. beta faggots that will never have children

Unlike most pol fags, I have children. It is tough, but it also is lovely. But you need to be married, and have a good woman, I don't change diapers.

Evolution is a massive experiment, and I think we're a dead end. We've evolved to be smart enough that we decide not to breed, and don't have a sufficient endorphin source to make it worthwhile (as the study says, it's ultimately not worth it). I think that after humans die off, probably dolphins will come back on land and be dominant for a while. They're okay with murder and infanticide, so maybe it'll be alright.

Fucking betas.

Do not listen to this shit. I have a 1 year old and he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't even want to imagine life without my little guy.

That's always been the case, and having 4 kids I can say that it actually does get easier, the first child is always the worst because no amount of reading, no amount of preparation from your own parents, NOTHING will prepare you for literally running off of 20-30 minutes of sleep per 24 hours for weeks at a time, if that. Nothing will prepare you for trying to wipe your baby's ass and having them ol faithful more shit into your face. Nothing. Not a fucking thing.

except experience. Experience will prepare you to be able to avoid the shitgeyser on your second kid, to maximize your sleep times by scheduling tradeoffs with your spouse for who sleeps in the baby's room every night to coddle it when necessary. You'll learn to ignore the baby's crying if there's no actual reason for it. [did you just change it's diaper 15 minutes ago and fed it 30 minutes ago? It will be okay, check the baby monitor just in case, but it is more than likely fine.]

You just have to do it, but yes, it will make you miserable, but the reward of being able to tell that little shitstain to go get you a glass of water when he's old enough to not drool and piss his pants is magnificent.

And the love and care and devotion and stuff too I guess.


>By Megan (((Friedman)))
AUG 12, 2015

JIDF shilling with 2yo articles... low energy kike today :(

I sleep like a baby knowing your children might have to fight one another over contaminated water.

>gee, I wonder who could be behind that post.

>So they analyzed data from a German survey that covered more than 20,000 people across the country, and tracked their reported well-being from three years before having kids to at least two years after their first child was born.

Well there's your problem. Having kids pays off in happiness later. Of course the first years aren't the best.


Well, GOLLY!
I bet the researchers are jewish too, ehh?

2 kids, would not change for the world. Study is bullshit

Getting married and having kids is literally the best thing I've ever done with my life. I didn't grow up until my first son was born. Suddenly I'm trying to be a good example instead of not caring about anything. My wife is great, we get along so well. I knew I was going to marry her early into the relationship.

Having kids is only hard until they're old enough to sleep through the night. The lack of sleep is brutal, makes everything else in life harder. But it doesn't last forever. Once they sleep it gets a lot better.

Find a good conservative wife and marry her. It's the best thing you can do.

good goy

I wonder why (((OP))) didn't include this part

It's not bullshit it's an agenda.

Oy Vey


keked and checked palindromed

So, exactly how far would you go for your children? I know you feel that your love for them is eternal and boundless, but what if you had to walk across a tight-rope from end of the Grand Canyon to the other to save their lives?

I mean, yeah, love for your children certainly blinds you, but it also has limitations, doesn't it?

My point is that, even though I don't have kids, I just don't believe parents who tell me it's the greatest thing ever, I don't believe them when they say they would die for their kids. I'm 28 and most couples I know my age with kids are either getting ready to end it due to financial difficulties or are outright fucking regretting having them.

Two kids as well.
I am a very busy fucker. But even when I hear my kids crying to me about wiping their ass or one of them split food all over the floor and I have to pick it up even with a headache I still love to see their smiles and hear them laughing knowing they are mine. I see my face in theirs and it feels wonderful to put in effort and see them grow.

Just the other day I played catch with a bouncy-ball with my 5 year old. Later that day he went up to me when I was sitting down eating dinner and wanted to play catch with me. It feels good, and the work is worth it.

If your goal in life is simply happiness then go shoot up. You will not lead a wholesome life if your main goal is "happiness".

Same situation here, he'll be three in May, I used to hate kids with a passion but once my little sprog came along, changed my mind completely, other people having shit kids put me off the idea, but if you can raise your kid right, it's rewarding.

Have kids and you will answer that question, I would easily give my life for my children.

I don't think it's the greatest thing, it's hell. But there's just a level of care and a bond you can't really explain because they are literally part of you, manifest into their own being. You will hate them, and they will do stupid shit, my son got sent to detention for ripping another boy's hair out when he called him gay, it's bittersweet in those situations. lilke "fuck yeah teach that little shitstain, fuck him up" but at the same time you have to instill values to not go around maiming people you don't like.

And yes, I would. Easily. It's a primal urge to put my kids behind me when there's something I even think is dangerous, it's just instinct for me. It might not be like that for everyone, but it is for me. I can safely say, with 150% certainty, that I would die for my kids if it was necessary to keep them alive and unhurt.

install coincidence detector my newfriend. it could save your life one day.

Is this real?

Social Engineering to make people not breed.

New KB:

Your descendants will be conquered by automated checkout points at Tesco.

The author is a Jewish broad, yes, but the study was conducted in Germany with no Jews involved.

There are several studies like this and they all come to the same conclusion: Parenting makes your life miserable.

Coincidentally, the financial strain is the greatest in my country and there's a study that shows American parents are the unhappiest of all parents in the developed Western countries.

People that are married longterm are always the happiest.

We will go to SPAAAACE!



That's not what the study claims at all.

The study is about how the experience of a first birth affects the likelihood of parents having subsequent children.

The study doesn't compare parents to non-parents at all. You can't argue that childrearing results in greater-than-average unhappiness without this comparison.

Imagine my surprise to find that Good Housekeeping and the Washington Post don't understand the shit they write about.

The question really is what is meant by "happiness." In terms of immediate pleasure, hookers and blow is probably the way to go, but the satisfaction and joy of raising a family and long-term thinking may ultimately outweigh short term pursuits.

I'm not even thinking in Sup Forums wannabee Volkisch terms, this is classical liberalism 101.

Who would have fucking thought that giving birth to a child is stressful and difficult? That being said not many people are cut out to become a parent so we really should do something about the scum of society soon.

>ignore your biological imperatives and wage slave the rest of your lives to make your boss richer
>being selfish whores is the key to happiness

>Yeah, I will not have children ever. Period.
>Why would I waste my time and effort with children.
>Oh God I just turned 30 and I do not have a baby yet I will kill myself!
Why are good goys so retarded. Children are a miracle of the universe.

I worked a project in Germany maybe 12 years ago. One engineer I worked with was a young guy with a pretty wife. He often told me how great it was with his many state paid benefits. We talked quite often and he explained why he would never have more than 1 child. Basically he felt it would overly restrict him from having a relaxing and enjoyable life. Also he asked me privately 'what do you do about the niggers'. Naturally I was taken back by his whispered comments but he explained that he was very worried about the spread of islam, the degradation of german society and saw it as a racial issue. I could never make him see that his own selfishness and material greed, lack of family values was the source of the end of his civilization even though he could see it coming.

Now some years later I wonder if his one child will convert to islam during Timon's lifespan. I guess he will sit quietly and watch his line become extinct, never seeing that he was the tool of the jew in extinguishing his culture.

An extremely conservative, right-wing, religious man may consider having five children as a huge net positive (leaving a legacy, doing God’s will, having little minions to boss around, prove to the world his penis works, etc) even if doing so makes him far less overall happy because of the extreme amount of work, cost, sacrifice and stress this places on himself, his finances, his wife, and his marriage. He’ll clearly be less happy overall than a man like me, but that doesn’t matter to him. He’ll still tell you that it’s worth it because there’s more positive (in his eyes). (And we haven’t talked about when this man gets divorced, which is statistically likely in the modern era, and has to pay child support for five children or go to jail.)

My argument is that having kids makes you less happy, on average, on the overall, over a period of around 15-20 years, until the kids grow up and leave. Because it does. Just about every study they’ve done on this topic indicates this. Just about every married couple with kids I see goes through this; moments of intense joy followed by hours or even days of irritation and hard work, as I explained here. Like with long-term monogamy, this unhappiness occurs regardless of “how you do it.” It’s inherent in the system. Having kids is hard, hard work, that usually isn’t fun for mom or dad.

I'm not saying that not having kids won’t cause any unhappiness. It may for some men. I'm saying that having kids will damage your long-term happiness (despite moments of joy), and if you add up all the unhappiness you’ll experience over the 18-20ish years (at least!), that will be far more unhappiness than any regret you might feel if you never have kids, while you’re living a great life, being a free and happy man.

I’m not telling men to never have kids. I’m saying if you really want kids, you can’t bullshit yourself with some kind of right-wing guy-Disney fantasy. You must fully understand that your average levels of happiness are going to take a noticeable hit for about 20 years. Do it if you like, but damn, you’d better want those little bastards so badly that you don’t mind decades of reduced overall happiness.


Get rid of the non-whites, rather than try to create more whites, then.


Could it possibly be the copious amount of bullshit pushed onto the middle class? Poor immigrants don't seem to be having any issues.

>Who would have fucking thought that giving birth to a child is stressful and difficult?

We all know that, but this idea that having children will make your life happier and better than ever that's shoved down our throats from birth isn't matching up with the science and the studies. I just picked this particular one, but there are several studies coming to this same conclusion.

I understand that women instinctively want children just as men instinctively want to fuck every vaguely attractive woman they see, but becoming married and having children? I can sort of see how women would desire this, but even they typically aren't happy after a few years. The only way this would be remotely fulfilling for the man involved would be if the wife took care of everything with the kids and the husband didn't have the fuck with them, but this isn't the 50s anymore and those days are gone.

I don't know, I just look around at all the married couples my age and see nothing but financial stress and resentment. I guess my generation's asses are just too spoiled for this shit.

When you're old and childless you're miserable and regretful. All 60+ childless are shitshows who realize they're going to die alone.

I wonder if and how Jews manage to avoid falling for their own propaganda. Like, does every Jew read this article and think "haha, that is obviously fake news meant to trick the goyim."? Who taught them to know that? Were they born with this ability?

found the problem with your argument:

as eddie murphy puts it " HALF"

>We evolved to be smart enough to not breed

A lot of species are actually equipped with instincts that prevent over breeding, especially r-type species like rodents which can overpopulate if a single disturbance to their predation occurs.

It's not this doom-sayer concept, the issue is that the smart people have chosen to not breed as a means to focus on other aspects of life and to maintain their civilization. Unfortunately other people don't get the memo and just keep breeding as long as they're given the resources.

i thought you neet faggots loved post-apocalyptic shit

u mad bout how ur kids will never rule the wasteland with cold iron and hot lead?


yep. "science says" is supposed to be like the command to overwrite part of that program called your self. if you don't update your personality with whatever new values science says you're supposed to have then you're crazy, stupid, or evil.

I don't really buy this. First of all, for women I am nearly 100% certain that women without kids will be totally miserable if they never have kids. Old, childless women are virtually never happy and often nuts.

For men, it's more complicated, but I would wager that in the long term, you would be more happy having kids and successful marriage than merely staying single. Obviously having kids will decrease your happiness in the short term, but virtually every study I've ever seen shows that old, married people are the happiest and single people are generally less happy. That could be skewed by women and I do believe that there are a fair amount of men that can genuinely be happy without kids (after all, most men did not reproduce so you had to learn to cope). But those who do have kids are probably happier on average in the long term.

It's not for everyone, that's for sure.

They left out one thing in the study
>We also found that the most unhappy couples are whites. So dont have any kids white people alright. We also found that blacks, hispanics and middle eastern couples were the happiest with multiple children
Fuck off OP, your (((((((((science))))))))) is fucking stupid


They've always had a very low birth rate and astronomically high rates of homosexuality. The difference is, any Jew who is into this type of stuff more often than not becomes very influential in the social sphere. See all the feminist leaders. For a male version of what I'm talking about - Tom Leykis

Jews are actually going extinct pretty quickly m8. They are falling for their propaganda for the most part.

top kek

>They've always had a very low birth rate and astronomically high rates.
Not really. Orthodox Jewish families shat out a bunch of kids all over Europe for centuries and had strong ingroup preferences. Today the birth rates are abysmally low and they are mostly marrying nonjews. There probably isn't a group that's dying off faster.


>Could it possibly be the copious amount of bullshit pushed onto the middle class?

What do you mean by this?

>Poor immigrants don't seem to be having any issues.

Yes, they also live with their grandparents and great-grandparents and cousins and uncles and aunts, so there's relatively few stresses for these traditional cultures when it comes to raising children, it's a communal effort.

Your average white couple lives alone and unless they're of above average yearly income, they're not doing terribly well coping with the kids.

I can't tell you the amount of friends I've had confess to regretting having children to me after knocking a few back.

Could we get names of the people producing the study? You know, for a friend.

Every time.
Fucking kikes.

>you will never have a daughter and teach her the ropes on top of pinching her little ass whenever she feels like wearing yoga pants

stay cucks and extinct

Not everyone gets to be happy. Welcome to being an adult. Now stop jacking off to anime girls and go get yourself a fucking job.

Kids are framed everywhere as a social obligation, and a burden; instead of a fulfilment of your own nature as a human being.

Kids were seen as an extension of ourselves. Our kid is to be like our arm or leg - a part of us. Therefore, his interests are my interests. This framework is similar to that of marriage itself where you get from the bible that "they are no longer two, but one flesh". Add a kid and you could say "they are not three, but one flesh".

This is totally ignored today. With all the raging talk on "freedom", "self-determination" or "being one's own master", the locus of discussion becomes the individual. Marriage is no longer two people becoming one but simply a contract between two parties. Having kids is no longer fulfilling your nature to procreate but a drain on resources.

So, the result you get from these studies is really not that surprising if you consider that people are constantly told that if they do not constantly engage in sensation-seeking behavior, they are not truly fulfilled. A kid fundamentally bars you the possibility to do this. So, this whole system is framed in such a way that having kids is a major obstacle to your fulfilment and freedom.

Also, I sense something funny. I cannot grasp it. I think it's those (((coincidences))) again:

Thanks for the chuckle Finnster

It is supposed to be this way, though. We are concentrating everyone into large cities and economists are justifying it is due to "network effects". This way, young adults move away from their home cities and go to major urban centers away from their family who could help him raise a kid. Then, women feel a very strong obligation to work like men, making it simply impossible to have kids.

We are sacrificing everything for physical technology and economic capital, and ignoring there is social technology and social capital too.