"Humanity is better when we are trying to work with each other instead of fighting against one another."
Sup Forums thinks this statement is controversial
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Damn straight, Schlomo.
>work with eachother
Nothing wrong with cooperation. Forced integration and miscegenation are a different story.
Make a peace deal with Palestine then.
I want Putin's version of working together instead of American/Israeli version
If i was in charge of this country, this would be one of my top priorities. i would put enormous efforts trying to solve the middle east conflict
Oohh yeah jewstein
its just that easy
ugly hook nose witch xoxoxo
I'd be happy to cooperate with shitskins and rice niggers if they'd stay in their own damned countries. I'm not delusional enough to think the USA was meant to be white from the get-go, all the same, I'd appreciate it if we could put a stop to the rampant immigration and dilution of traditional culture.
American blacks are american.
America is their country.
Israeli Blacks are israeli.
Israel is their country
It's that simple :)
>"Humanity is better when we are trying to work with each other instead of fighting against one another."
>Post comment that is literally true
>Use Israeli proxy to try to discredit it
Ah conservashits. Always cancer. Good job on posting more than once though.
Notice how the kike specifically mentions all of humanity "working" together.
What they fail to mention is we get the shit jobs and they get to collect interest.
Your group evolutionary strategy is showing
Too bad we keep working with subhumans
Pic related is a subhuman.
What do you have against subhumans? they are pretty harmless and kinda cute sometimes.
This is why slavery needs to come back.
Two races, one nation, one cotton!
>Dumb fucking asshole shitposters
Why do libcucks have such a limited vocabulary when their jimmies get rustled?
I'm genuinely israeli
Why do neonazis think libbbrrrul is a bad word?
>It's the low IQ
I doubt that.
The misunderstanding here is that non-whites, especially muslims, want to work with you. They want your money and your women, that is all.
>rip your face off
Jews, not even once
Not if you're working towards the wrong goals.
Some of the biggest areas of growth in technology have come from war.
>pro-war, anti-free speech, pro-welfare state
It's not a bad word, it just doesn't mean anything these days.
>pro-war, anti-free speech
You're describing republicans.
>pro-welfare state
>Welfare is BAAAD! You shouldn't make sure your citizens have everything they need! That's COOMMIENIZM!!
Lel retards.
>He thinks liberals are still about liberties
Liberals are pro-welfare, pro-war, anti-white, anti-men, and anti-worker.
People don't need multiculturalism as much as Jews lead on.
Huh. Redpill swallowed.
>Humanity is better when we are trying to work with each other instead of fighting against one another...
and unite against the real enemy who wants us destroyed.
Yeah I forgot it wasn't Obama who fucked a stable Libya into the stone age, it was that evil Republican squirrel living on his lawn.
>implying foreign invaders are working with us and not just exploiting our systems with plans to wage cultural/ethnic warfare.
There is no equality, only domination by one group or another. Gas yourself.
>implying different factions of """humanity""" don't have diametrically opposed goals
Yes (((master))), lets work with the muslims to make the entire world a caliphate and work with the Jews make us all one mulatta mogrel race.
We work together best when we're separate, but in trade relationships. We fight against each other less when we're properly separated.
It's controversial, because there is no true benevolence, and "working together" means multiple parties all working in their own best interests in order to take advantage of the other parties while pretending to be fair and equal in all regards.
People are shit, and typically only work together for a true "greater good" when survival depends on it. Even then, once survival has been guaranteed, people will turn on each other in order to take advantage of one another and force their ideals on those who did not want to abide previously.
>he still thinks people are inherently good and don't want to jew each other at every chance
>Being pro war
We don't need to destroy our own life with the horrors of war to have advancements in technology you fucking idiot
I would argue that there is true benevolence. look at all the people who anonymously contribute to charities. there are alot of people who do that
not an argument
People are stupid. They like the dopamine release from doing something "good", even though donating and sitting on your ass doesn't do much. They could care less about the hard work and planning necessary to actually fix problems.
>doing good things that contribute to a better society as a whole is stupid
No user, you are stupid.
If everyone in society were selfish psychopaths, our life would be inherently worse
This triggers Sup Forums
People are almost universally selfish, it's just that most people are incredibly stupid and incapable of the dastardly kind of planning necessary to really fuck people over. You know, like kikes in the financial industry.
So they are selfish by pursuing only sex and drugs and being total degenerates. Elites don't mind, they want people broken and unable to compete.
Yet people still work together for the betterment of human society.
It benefits all of us to work together. both sides lose when we fight each other
No one ever said to not work together, most people here support Assad, a Syrian Muslim.
However, forcing diversity and miscegenation where none previously existed, well that's a problem Rabbi.
Now go to hitting sand niglets with precision missiles.
Flag checks out
because people are scared of dying
sometimes violence needs to happen, to depose the people fucking you over
You are really stupid.
unnecessary violence leads to disastrous consequences. you should resort to violence only as means of self defense.
The problem with this is that some are simply too dumb to cooperate or contribute.
See: Africa.
Forcing racial purity where none previously existed is the real problem. not multiculturalism
See: america
>My dog is born in a stable therefore it's a horse
> global hegemony
> too dumb to X
pick one and only one
opinion discarded
>also, jew
Implying there's a genetic division between blacks and whites that is even remotely comparable to a dog and a horse.
Goyim are so fucking dumb.
I'm not really stupid, I've just read some history books, understood the circumstances of revolution, and agreed with the motivations. Violence has been demonstrated to be occasionally necessary. It is self-defense, that's what I'm talking about. But there's no equality, the intelligent and wealthy dominate others because they can.
This is a ridiculous argument. I'm not going to politically agree with liberals because I think they are stupid and mostly pawns, and I disagree with key aspects of their current ideology. They're not going to agree with me that spics need to leave and that the Jews here are fucking us over on Wall Street and in the government.
The elites that want to enslave me in all but name and ruin my homeland by letting invaders in are a graver threat than liberals, and they'll pay with their heads if things continue to get worse.
>We're all better when we work with diseases instead of against them