ANTIFA Tactics:
1. They rally around and follow the Black/Red Flag.
2. Their Tactic is called "Black Block" which comes from the stupid "V for Vendetta" Movie. They all dress in black and wear masks so the designated attackers have the "Zebra effect" when they retreat into the rear of their lines.
3. They are given a color designation:
RED are the ones willing to attack and destroy. YELLOW are the ones that play "Red rover" and block police or pursuers from chasing down the REDs after they strike.
The BLUEs are the ones tasked to block media and cameras from recording the actions. These little POS think that they're living "V for Vendetta".
Grab the flag with one hand, tug it into your chest, with a small razor in the other hand, give it a slash and get out of there. Wear your helmet because you for sure will be getting attacked from behind. They will lose their center of gravity.
OR The plain clothes and obvious fattys n chicks are the BLUEs, and if you look just behind them you'll see the REDs all blacked-out. They try to stay in a tight formation the call "Black bloc". Lob smoke into their center that will blind their cohesion, then have our Spartans do a Breaveheart charge on their flank or wedge the center. That should cause another route. They try to bolster their lines with "fortified banners".
"For God and Country!!"