"White students at Western Kentucky University have voted to pay for black student's tuition as payment for slavery"

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I self-identify as a transnigger (pronoun: muh dick). I also deserve free tuition.

>it's real

It won't actually happen though.

pay up white boi

Meanwhile, I have to incur crippling amounts of debt and am eligible for virtually no scholarships that are greater than 500 dollars. Why? I'm white and a male.

It's about time proper restitution was made.

it's because you're a small-dicked dweeb.

>white people
not even once

I live in Kentucky. Not too far away from Bowling Green, too.

Kill me.

when does that go down again?

If you give a mouse a cookie.....

That mouse will accept the cookie, and in-between bites will say you're oppressing it and that life is harder for mice than it is for you.

It'll fuck your wife and steal your iPhone

>have voted to pay for
I can only assume they won't be paying personally.

Dont they already have a basketball team?

and kentucky is a republican state

good god this country is cucked

Is it a "one drop" rule, or do you have to prove at least one grandparent?

Social Engineering & Demographic Replacement in action.

KB with important intel:

I unironically want this to happen.

Shit, how far back can we dig up old shit that will benefit me, today?

This history degree might actually pay off...

baka this fucking shit right here kills the white race

OMG what a bunch of loser cuckolds. Reparations for what?

>that """""ass"""""
>fridge body
They can have it

Of course not, it's always the same shit with these commie fucks.
>"the right people" make the decision for the collective to jump ship to socialism/communism
>"the right people" take money from the collective
>"the right people" choose where that money goes
>"the right people" never personally pay into this system
>"the right people" skim a little (or a lot) off the top for their troubles
>yay, income equality more ruthless than any other system but at least I got mine

I'm sure the people who actually PAY the tuition (their parents) will love paying for dindu tuition and allow all of this.

They deserve a reward. How many bananas should we mail these brave students?

I'm in Franklin County, bro. I thought our state was redpilled? What the fuck?

I don't really care in this case as I imagine the university will "pay" for it, and by this I mean not charge him and take a "loss" - granted this brings up the issue of university not being valuable for the cost but I'll ramble about that in another thread.

Just college cucks mate, not real people

>sour grapes

>White students at Western Kentucky University have voted for their parents to pay for black student's tuition as payment for slavery.


How the hell is the student government going to pay for this??????????????????????? Only the Kentucky legislature can

But they're gonna be the fags running the state when they grow older... aren't southerners supposed to hate blacks!?

Northern Kentucky here
Unfortunately our universities seemed to be very cucked like many others
I attend NKU and can confirm also Louisville, UK ,WKU, and EKU are filled with leftists ideologies.
NKU is literally filled with Mud Slimes, that are paid to attend university.

Will it always be like this, bro? Have the kikes won
? I don't want to deal with these degenerates when I go to college, then ostracized and called a "racist" when I speak against their views

Fucking libs from Missouri or something coming here.

It won't always man
We need people like you to speak out
I do at my university
Many people secretly applaud me, And people openly hate me, but thats life.

It's weird all of you think any of this is on the up-and-up. Group persuasion is a powerful aphrodisiac...

lol, people who hate the country get to go to college for free, meanwhile we have to pay out the ass and PAY DENBTS the rest of our lives. I'm so glad I said fuck college and decided to just be mediocre instead, look at what a degenerate cesspool of absolute shit "higher education" has become. comfy

>One of the whites states in the world

muh white people are waking up

im half jew. are they gonna pay for my tuition because of the ""holocaust""?


Do I really have to remind you all that THIS happened? This is real.

>A guy pretending to be a cop calls a McDonalds
>Says one of the employees stole and describes her
>Employee is brought back to the back office and investigated
>The fake cop has the manager strip search her completely naked
>The manager has to leave to help out, so her brilliant idea is to call her husband to come watch the girl
>The fake cop has the manager's husband give her orders
>Has her do jumping jacks
>Makes her run in place
>The fake cop says hand the phone to the girl
>The fake cop then wants to speak to the manager's husband and says she didn't say sir so she needed punished
>The manager's husband was then ordered to spank her bare bottom for 10 minutes
>The fake cop then ordered the girl to give him a blowjob
>This went on for 3 hours until a maintenance man basically said "are you sure this guy's a cop?"
>They eventually hang up on him
>The police department is a quarter mile down the road

All of that actually happened. So nothing should surprise anyone when it comes to Kentucky.

>import slaves
>don't deport
>pay tuition
>Republican 1,202,971 62.5%

You know that the only thing that matters are what you do. You can talk your conservative talk all you want if there are no conservative results.

You should go Bowling for Kentucky on them.

unfortunately for you, most normies see jews as whites

in fact, that's how i accidentally showed my power level one time

me and some people from work were having a discussion about races at the time of that dylan roof thing. in the restaurant someone pointed out that every single person in there was white. my dumbass said 'no, there's a couple jews right there'

you would have thought these cucks had seen a ghost. needless to say i was fired the next week for unrelated reasons supposedly.

>Nineteen students voted in favor, 10 voted in opposition and one didn't vote at all.

It's just the student government voting on this shit. I wonder what that government looks like.

>About 15 percent of American college students are black, compared to 58 percent who are white, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. The gap in scores on tests like the SAT is also real: In 2015, the mean math score for white students was 534. For black students, it was 428.

Blacks make up roughly 12-13% of US Population. Whites make up 63%.

Blacks are slightly overrepresented in colleges while whites are underrepresented.

Don't niggers already get free tuition?

>saying jews aren't white=fired

I don't get it. Is it offensive to not be white now? why did they get mad, that seems like a completely inoffensive thing to say.

my aunts tell me stories about working in restaurants in the 70's. they used to call jews jesus-killers, the entire staff did this and it was normal.

So then that must mean that Jews aren't white.

it's not the 70s anymore buttercup

noticing racial differences is racism

Thank you white man!

XU here.

NKU is a shitty commuter College whose campus looks like a fucking commie block.

You are also all retards.

>slavery reparations?
Isn't that called welfare?

This sounds like fucking bullshit.

>whites are underprivileged, we should treat minorities nicer
>we are all exactly the same race with no differences

????? your ex coworkers confuse me


Typical white "Oedipal mommy" messiah complex. Trying to coddle their hopeless, dark-skinned children.

Don't borrow money for school. Especially an undergrad degree.

Huge mistake.

I went there. These are the stupidest mother fuckers ever and it red-pilled me hard.
I want a refund.

Race is a social construct user

Now gibs the black students free tuition

bigger issue is that he can't just go for free cause he's white. constantly held to a higher standard, expected to do it "the right" way, all while being demonized. very strange timeline we're living in eh boys

NKU's campus has more of a Bauhaus architecture look, definitely not commie
Who cares if it's a commuter college?
Retards? nice one

Should have bought a razor for that ugly moustache instead of a tatoo

Fuck! I love niggers now! I can get the Italians to pay for my education to atone for the Roman slavery and barbarity inflicted on my ancestors

Look up a Demographics Map.

Kentucky is one of the biggest Black states in the USA. Of course they will (((vote))) for their own free tuition. It's what welfare recipients do. Forget the fact that most of these "people" were allowed in via affirmative action lowering of SAT requirements based on race in the first place.

It's a camwhore you coping niggers

she actually looks like shit though

I can't believe they let all the muslims into Kentucky, especially Louisville and Bowling Green. It's only a matter of time until the whole state suffers under the manipulative SJWs and commies who are poisoning the schools and infiltrating into the small towns. Antifa plan on disrupting some sort of event in Pikeville Kentucky next week. As a native Kentuckian that still has a lot of family there, it makes me fucking sick.

>mfw Frankfort is full of Indians

Looks just like brutalism.

Commuter colleges are not real colleges. You need the on campus experience. The dorms are even more depressing.

And, come on, ya'll are at least half retarded compared to Cincinnati schools.

>It's only a matter of time

Trump got voted in to stop this though. hoping he'll shut down Muslim importing and fix voter fraud then this shit will slow down

I feel like they've been intentionally poisoning and killing off the native population for the last 20 years with opiates. They're going to replace everyone with muslims and Indians. My family has been in Kentucky for over 200 years and built that state and suffered through poverty like most people have never seen in America. And once again, they're cast aside and forgotten for these foreign fucks that did NOTHING to deserve what they're getting and will never appreciate it.

I'm slav. Where my free tuition.

Yee haw motherfucker!!

Haha, just kidding. Kill yourself you fucking rube.

Nigs gibt nogs.
Slide thread.
Moar important threads right now.

Fuck off you datamining, disinfo nigger shill.
>inb4 shill
Im at work, posting from mobile, using the local sandwich shops wifi.

Uses picture of the oldest building on campus....
Also you clearly don't know what Bahaus architecture is.
>Pic related
Yea ofc there are smarter schools in Cincy...
But I also pay half the 1/4 the tuition compared to UC and XU.
I don't need the on campus experience, I hear it sucks.

Guilt tripping "white people" for political, financial, and cultural gain has in itself become a form of its own slavery.

half to 1/4....

Trump gets impeached


Trump gets a second term.

Hey fags i go to WKU.
Ask me any questions

The on campus "experience" at UC sucks because its in the fucking ghetto.

I do know what bauhaus is, and really, it is unoriginal. A bunch of dumb blocks and squares. Your Campus is pretty much 90% concrete.

I went to XU on scholarship haha suck my ass peasant.

Yeah right, I actually like UC's campus. Hotter girls too.


are u fucking kidding me? universities in the USA are cancer

How do you even allow something like this to be up for vote?

Is social media rotting everyone's brain exposing them to shit they wouldn't give a shit about otherwise and making an imaginary cause out of it? Why are you guys submitting yourself to some guilt trip about something that happened a gorillion years ago?

>he was never a slave


Isn't that illegal under your constitution? Racial-based preference?

Also, you get what you pay for.

>dark eyes
>brown hair

Not even white, who cares what this mudblood slut does.

fuck off out of my state with that shit

We were the first one to go red. We are the bastion of the right. Get that shit out of here.

Mothafuckin' confirmed!

nigcoping is an ugly phenomenon


Holy shit.... They passed that unironically and then debated on this image.

The dudes who got this thing through literally have no power. They arent going to do anything at all.

>ppt not fullscreen