(paid for and brought to you by george soros)
stay tuned
(paid for and brought to you by george soros)
stay tuned
Where is your proof my man?
Post proofs my dude
Just look at the vids.....
Old man with a cowboy hat????
it's obvious, isn't it?
>antifa is mostly a European phenomenon until 2008ish when Obama was elected
>they get financing and expand to the US
>suddenly after Trump gains support the 'alt right' emerges complete with a useful idiot good goy leader to take the fight to the streets
>Spencer agitates for committing the same completely useless, futile acts of street thuggery that we roundly mock as Jew financed agitation when it comes from the left wing
>implying that entire event wasn't carefully orchestrated as a way to justify taking our rights away when President Kushner decides he has to step in to stop the civil strife, getting the silent majority on his side to sign away all of our rights
So this again
interesting. but this would also mean that lauren southern, "based stick man", all of richard's alt-right crew are all paid actors in this event
idk this shit seems really tin foil hat to me
who threw the first m80?
who yelled charge?
who is the uncle of Nathan damigo?
why do none of the actors with their own camera crew ever strike an antifa handler?
why do all handlers carry a firearm?
We have a man on the inside feeding us intel, hes in deep so be patient. all info needs to be released at once. if anything happens and the info isn't released by tonight in full i've been compromised.
stay tuned.
You are an actor as well. Look outside. You think those people just happened to walk by? You think that thing inside of your scull is your actual brain?
OP is a Giga-faggot and just deepthoated a bluepill.
He has 0 proofs and is probably a Shareblue shill
>Lauren Southern
The fact that anyone takes her serious is a mystery to me. She's obvious there to attract a different breed of goy into the political discussion. Previously the "good ol'boys" had been too busy drinking beer and doing normie stuff, but now (almost out of the blue) we see a bunch of attractive women who all champion the same candidate? Seems fishy to me... It's almost as if (((they))) are trying to pit the goyim against each other (chad vs hippy).
>"based stick man"
Literally a nobody. He assault some guy at a rally, and then managed to crowd fund his own bail. It's literally nothing... (((They))) may be involved, but either way he should be ignored and dismissed.
>Richard alt-right crew
Goyim, plain and simple. The crew probably believes what he is preaching, and (((they))) use them for what they are... And that is a bunch of idiots.
Only new faggy types identify with this new meme tier 'alt-right' label.
Anyone with a cluster of functional braincells can see it's been subversively propagated, designed to funnel individuals into a group so those with dissenting and dare I say it, influential political ideologies can be safely drawn in and subsequently disbanded.
Not that I'm suggesting OPEE isn't just a LARPing moron I'm simply pointing out the fact that I don't see many around here taking on, accepting or embracing the alt-right label so readily as some of these 'media outlets' and political groups (antifa) seem to suggest.
It's like a a bad forced meme.
soon as in when? i agree with you btw say no to ANTIFA
What is this from?
Soros-funded "Amerifatsha Redux"
no, no, no, some faggot op's weird theories should be treated as fact, no one goes on the internet and just lies...who would do that?
> lauren southern, "based stick man", all of richard's alt-right crew
the one thing they all have in common is Zionism/Civic Nationalism
lol look at this jew shilling for shekels
Show us the evidence, nigger. If not, you're probably a shill. Die in a hole.
i think you overdosed on red pills mate
This, no one have a shit about the alt-right till the newfags started flooding in after the election. I want old pol back. Pol on 2015-2016 was an interesting thing to have been apart off. Newfags ge out or lurk more
O.O my life is a lie
Could you stop being a bitch?????
exactly, alt-right is totally cucked. Listen to Varg who attacks the French equivalent of FN.
the nationalism of these people is 100% cucked, nationalism is okay for them only so long as it is subjugated to zionist cuckpitalism. They worship a false god.
The sad thing is I think most of these people are sincere in their beliefs. They may not be actors but they are useful idiots all the same. End of the day, this street violence is a designed phenomenon. Maybe not every individual play, but both sides are financed by the same people for the same end: to make the case that WE CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO HAVE RIGHTS to ASSEMBLE and BEAR ARMS.
Who is your agent? Mine is doing fucking terrible. I've received no good roles since Barack Obama. Hook me up with him, lad.
gas the alt right 2bh
Varg is a libshit in hiding... There is nothing right about him.
>he fell for the Varg meme
Kek, Varg is redpilled as fuck. He is a bit stupid on certain things, but you cannot deny that he is redpilled on the JQ and multiculturalism. On another note, you cannot deny that his life looks comfy af.
1) If you are a paid PSYOP shill. who ends up with the PROFITS?
2) IF You are a red-pill Sup Forums ... PROVE that you are not making $ off this.
3) How does your post (philosophically speaking) intend to remove power from the Oligarchs and worshipers of PROFIT?
You have a point about his life being comfy.. but he believes in massive gibs.
Shoo shoo antifaleftypol retard.
Varg is literally living the most Sup Forumscore life possible, he got a cute autistic wife, had like 5 kids with her, drives military vehicles around his estate in the south of France where he makes kickass dungeonsynth music and hyper autistic rulebooks for a white nationalist tabletop RPG, occasionally taking some time to hang out in his old Russian van and make videos about Jewish schemes with comfy background music and pictures of European tribal shit.
Don't give a shit.. he supports the welfare state.
Nice proof faggot
When one studies Crowd Psychology and Communist Dialectics, it's pretty obvious these Stormfaggots and SJWs are working together using tension based agitation to instigate some kind of Anti-US revolution. The US is too strong to bring down from the outside.
Unfortunately some faggot can just call "solipsism" on the entire OP. Information wars were a mistake, the only way back from this hellish collectivism is to dismantle society. Wew laddie, now I'm on a new watchlist.
youre the one being a bitch.
fuck the internet was so much smarter before you fucks with your iphones an tablets showed up.
What shitty trigger discipline.
And that coat gives no tactical advantage whatsoever.
>trigger discipline
He made a meme in mspaint, isn't that enough?
>le infographs are silly meme
No he doesn't.....
he supports bleeding the welfare state white.
>shitty infograph
>no source
>questions no answers
Gtfo faggot
Look up the Communist strategy of creating a Revolutionary United Front. Mobilizing the masses against the State necessitates a great enemy. One that sufficiently produces a terror and revulsion that outweighs the responsibility the masses feel toward their positions within society
Track some more antifa
A namefag is bad enough but you're fucking retarded
As in Josh Goldberg?? The Jewish, Nazi, SJW, that's doing time for inspiring the Garland TX ISIS attack?
Don't let the Stormjews slide this.
How are you so damn funny?
crisis actors are in high demand thanks to Soros and friends.
2008? You have no idea what you're talking bout. Antifa has been in the US since the 80's and 90's they are called ARA(Anti Racist Action). They are mostly in the hardcore punk scene.
I recall the Anti Nazi League existing in my teen years, mid to late nineties.
ITT: Leftists try their hand at using memes to create a phony conspiracy to distract Sup Forums with.
Wow.... These tactics... So incredible. So new.
This thread is fucking stupid, I don't know what to say.
Did it really make you think?
It's all true....
we are being played
Like a Fiddle
Fiddler on a Roof
Oy...what is next?