IMO his views on abortion and such are rock solid
Honestly, what's wrong with Ben other than "He's a kike"
He's a neocon shill
>inb4 manlet
He went full cuck supporting Michelle Fields during that Lewandowski scandal.
Also his podcast is sponsored by jeans and bedsheets which is pretty embarrassing. Otherwise he's all right.
>He's a kike
This is not something to simply gloss over
but what's wrong with his views tho. What jewry is being committed here
I like the guy too.
He's great at debating, I agree with most of his views or understand where he's coming from.
That said, he lost A LOT of credibility for me at least because he was critical of trump throughout the years (in a good way, a devils advocate kind of way not a cnn way) but now recently he started celebrating him like crazy for the strikes on Syria without questioning him for a second. Just like CNN and Shillary did.
He's a
Fucking faggot that sided with that stupid Jew bitch when she accused lewandosky of raping her.
That's why I started to dislike Ben. He acts like Trump is his candidate but only if he's winning in his eyes.
Kikes deserve abortion
Nothing. He'd be /ourguy/ if he supported the Glorious Emperor
(((BEN SHAPIRO))) is a leftist neocon warmonger kike.
He only didn't because he thought he would lose in the general election, only so he could berate people and have the moral high ground after the election.
I feel that he just takes his religious belifs and makes really good arguments to support them. It's like he could be wrong and still convince you since he is good af at debating. I agree on him on most social issues tho.
I'm a fan of Ben, and I take in his podcast and watch his Q&A's with audiences all the time, however:
>Jewish nationalist good/white nationalist bad
>American business nationalism bad/foreign workers good
His voice.
He's a kike
He's a manlet, shill for Israel, neocon, never Trumper and a jew.
Neocon, he wants war in Syria, is loyal to Israel before USA. Dishonest about alt-right wherever he can plausibly deny it.
Fact that he's Jewish is superfluous after knowing this, he admits to anything I'd complain at a Jew for anyway.
His allegiance to Isreal surpasses that of America.
He's kind of smug and looks like he's twelve. But I like that he triggers all the fags and sjw commies.
Do I need another reason not to like him?
>other than "he's a kike"
There doesn't need to be any other reason
He's a filthy Jew
Fuck off nupol. Go back home
He *seems* to support economic/immigration/trade policies that will fuck over most of the citizenry of this country in favor of cheap stuff. He *seems* to want to shift the blame for economic stagnation of working and middle class onto the victims themselves ("if they aren't smart enough to compete with foreigners/ immigrants/ other countries workers that artificially suppress the wage those workers recieve, then fuck em' b/c they deserve to get the shaft" type mentality). He *seems* complacent and OK with exporting huge amounts of jobs while artificially lowering wages b/c non-citizen workers. He never seems to address the long term problems of these stances and how it effects the long term stability of this country and how it burdens this country. Instead he focuses on the idea that allowing American and International businesses to make the most profits possible for the short term is some how the best way to keep this country stable. His attitude toward these issues appear to me to be a very elitist, anti-populist outlook.
I used "*seems*" b/c I've never watched him address these issues in depth and thoroughly; he just used quips and skirts the issues with apparent strawmen/dismissive type approaches and arguments. IMO, this is why ppl will call him out for being a neocon shill and behaving like a kike or a jew -and I would not say that are are wrong. As an aside, he seems to be of the opinion that America should support Israel at ALL costs, no exceptions which doesn't help the case for him NOT being a neocon shill and behaving like a kike. Also, he tends to use debate tactics as opposed to just putting forth an idea and letting the idea stand on it's own merits. Basically, using language and framing an argument to win as opposed to winning by concept. This is also pretty stereotypical of the "shifty jew" trope.
So, when ppl call him out as behaving like a kike, are they wrong?
supports mass immigration and white people going to war for greater israel
also debating retarded SJWs is being done by tons of people by now
He's supporting ISIS by opposing Assad and being friendly to Saudi Arabia. Typical zionist neocom.
I'd say the main difference between 'right wing' and leftist Jews in the USA is that leftist ones want to actively kill whitey whereas right wing ones just don't care about them one way or another.
>Israel should carpet bomb Gaza
This is wrong because...?
He's a hypocrite when it comes to Israel
Ben Shapiro 2024
It's kike logic: "war crimes are OK when we do it!"
Better than snake oil supplements and gold bullion
Fuck Ben.
Besides his bullshit neocon views on foreign policy, Shapiro's great.
Ben is great, but keep in mind his allegiance is to israel and then the united states. He isnt a defenerate media leftist jew hes a right wing orthodaox zionist.
the fact he even talks about abortion makes him a retard
hes a neocon kike
I think it would be fine to exterminate certain populations and wrong to exterminate others. That doesn't seem contradictory.