What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's actually senile.

How many houses do you need?
Not 3 commie



self hating jew. He probably just bought a new Yacht

I only rent a home, don't even own one.

>Complaining about the Bourgeois while having two or three summer homes

Fuck him

Why doesn't anybody call this retard put for not living as modestly as possible? Give away all your money bernie and live in a tiny house and ride a bicycle or take an Uber wherever you need to go. He doesn't NEED Internet access that's just a luxury. This dude is a fucking joke.

Does anyone else think he's a Disney character or hologram voiced by Gilbert Godfrey?

>Owns at least three houses
>Drives an Audi r8
>Collected donations after he knew that he would be endorsing Hillary

Obama was just at that billionaire yacht club. Is Bernie racist?

I swear to God I'd never though I'd see the day this video was actually relevant


YFW you realized you paid a higher tax rate than he does.

How many beachfront houses does Sanders need? How many summer properties does he need? Give us a break, he can't have it all.

>Bernie senses there's a problem at the top but hasn't been redpilled to know it's because of his own kind
>or worse is in on it and just another tool to keep the goyim clueless and financially enslaved

how many cars does bernie need?

He owns three fucking houses


He really is a dumb cunt the problem is them hording shekels and not put them back into the economy

he should give it to me i can actually maintain it


Lads I'm drunk as fuck. Should I piss on someone?

*drives off in audi r8*

Plate: NoRfnds

He means it's time to start setting up the people's wealth liberation devices to take back our production from the (((hoarders))).

Hes giving up two of his houses

Absolutely, or fling some shut at some pakis... Live stream it.

What about vid related?

"Oh no, people worked for things and have them but I don't! That isn't fair!"

Fuck socialists

How many summer homes and sports cars does Bernie need?

Imagine beating the shit out Bernie Sanders. Like really knockick. Kicking him in the jaw while asking him why he needs 3 houses while many Americans are lucky to rent one. I'm sick to the teeth of these hypocrite socialist. I don't believe he is stupid enough to not know how reckless his policies would be. Even worse, I think he's a lair and he does it for money. He deserves destitution and physical pain.

>He posts from his 600 thousand dollar house, courtesy of the DNC

How many houses does Bernie Sanders need? How many millions in donations does he need? Give us a break. You can't have it all.

He means from each according to their ability to each according to their need

>"Oh no, people worked for things and have them but I don't! That isn't fair!"

Yes goyim they (((worked))) really really hard for that money.

lol that works too


as many as they can afford, it's called ambition and success you socialist kike

Doesn't this man own like 3 houses?

Cringe tier tweet. Id expect this bullshit from a 13 year old edgelord. Not a grown ass man.

Some people just shouldn't be allowed online.

Does this fool not understand that wealth is created in a generational way? It takes time.

Most peoples ancestors who came to America were dirt poor but now their families are doing much, much better and will continue to do so if their offspring make the right choices, my family is a good example of this.

>"How much of your own money do you really need?. Give us a break, you can't have all of your own money."

This mentality legitimately terrifies me.

Remember, (((we))) are the job creators. If we didn't reinvest our piles of jewgold back into your economy, you'd have been bled dry decades ago.

Of course he gets it. He's just deflecting from his own wealth. He's a 1%er, but by calling out other one percenters he's ensuring none of his faggot followers ever question him.

There's very few, and i mean veeeeeery few people i hate more than this man. My wife was normal for the years. Then this kike appears during this last election cycle and she drank the commie kool-aid. Served me with divorce papers a few weeks after the election. Good riddance, but still I'mgoing to throw a raging party when this faggot croaks

Just kill yourself you human garbage

Usury truly is economic parasitism at the expense of the average and below average in income. It does nothing but siphon off shekels and weaken those with less money.

Kekistan must bow to President Trump. All traitors must die. ANTIFA shall be dismantled and mainstream media shall be exposed!!

>"Wah the rich people"

shut up faggot

Bernie belongs in a work camp with the rest of the socialists and communists.

It's okay, he only has 1 yacht and 1 $300,000 sports car. Any more is excessive.

Shouldn't you be in the other thread, you fat beaner?

He's going after an easy target that's hard to sympathize with so he can distract people from the fact that his polices would fuck over small businesses just as hard.

Audi R8 is not 300k. He's still a faggot tho

He wants to destroy boat builders and car builders jobs.

He's basically the left's michael "savage" weenier.

A fucking kike hiding the collective ignorance of stupid fucks.

>multiple yachts and cars are bad
>3 houses is fine
>also, I'm in the 1%

How many houses and cars did you buy with that donated money you hook nose kike

>How many cars do they need?
As many as they can afford with their own money.
It's the Bill of Rights not the Bill of Needs. Berntad doesn't get to determine how much a person 'needs' or can have.

Jews being jews

Didnt this tweet previously include something along the lines of "how many homes do you need?"

Well how many do they actually need?

And paid less taxes then Trump lol

Since of entitlement much?


Notice how he doesn't say houses??

Cause he has a few of his own.

He's right you know. Private property needs to be abolished.

>Give us a break
I'll give you a break.
Right in your fucking neck, asshole.

WTF is wrong with owning a yacht or a car? I am amazed this guy had conned Americans into believing he gave a shit about them. WEW!

Okay, let's start with yours...

>Jew trying to become president

>Wants to take everyone's money

God damn. Life just keeps making memes naturally


He means your a privileged Fuck



Any proof that that's him?

How many lakeside vacation houses given as political bribes does one kike need?

Underrated. Top kek

A photo of an old man with a cucky driving stance is all the proof I need.

How many $600,000 summer homes do democratic politicians need?

how many houses does a legit socialist need?

He meant that he is fine with his 1 (one) yacht and 1 (one) sports car. But people who own more are EVIL MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES.

He was following the bernie sanders for president bus

His quote sounds like the ramblings of a poor drunkard in some run down bar on the outskirts of a small town.


Did he delete this tweet? I dont see it.

100% this. How can people be so fucking stupid to support this rich "socialist" that has multiple homes and an audi r8 from money earned from politics.

>What did he mean by this?
He wants another car.


This insane old man is defending Dilma Rousseff in Brazil.

Dilma Rousseff and other reds build the most corrupted system of all cleptocracies known by human beings.

We need a sharia against leftists.

They haven't given him enough final four tickets lately.