Guys.. I think that one poster just not only 100% red-pilled me, which is what you people say, I don't now, and solved the Israel/Jewish problem, and literally proved 100% that The Holy Bible and being a Christian is logically truth. Even in itself.


Don't thank me, or thank me later, thank God above.

>all who have The Holy Spirit in faith know Him, it is God. The Baptism is very important. Read what The Holy Bible says about it. Figure it out. We already won.

He who shows a handicap, or a person of mental demons in a battle, Jesus Christ and they find him, in any sort, Have Eternal Life if they believe. For oh how great it is, when the blind can see, and the crippled can walk.

Do you hear me?
I'm typing for you all.

In Jesus name amen.

Verily verily I also say unto you, he who has seen Jesus Christ in a poor man, a also moreso homeless, have Eternal Life. For to see Jesus Christ one must know him, He Is God.

Imagine being One with every good seed. Being One In Love, In Consciousness One With God. But Also Yes Your Own Self. It Is Like How Though Jesus Is God's Voice, He Also Is Jesus, Son Of God Himself.

In Heaven, remember, before the world got all corrupt. Jesus Christ is coming down, for it is written He is and is to come. Lord, God, You Are My Church, For You Are The Treasure Of The Old And The New. You Are Alpha in a way like Genesis, and Omega in a way like Revelations. The First And The Last, The Beginning And The End. And, Also, THE ETERNAL.

WHEN ONE CAN ASK IF LIFE GETS THIS CORRUPT IN SINS "God, the world so I see it truly with all my heart and mind feel unimaginably corrupt. Do they.. Do. Do they even deserve the Gospel anymore? OR WILL THEY NOT ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS!




Know Jesus the Christ, faith in Grace makes you saved.


I mean, HEY! The truth, the real truth, is something I care even for the government to know. Hey, God Christ Jesus Holy Spirit Lord Amen came for you all to know God.

Everyone. You're becoming one in the wrong way here with this new world plan in the flesh. STOP! Learn The Lord! Isn't that correct? Or do you all always reject the Real Truth Solution That Is For Everyone Without Conflict Is The Holy Bible!

>God Christ Jesus Holy Spirit Lord Amen
That is His Name. He owns it all and it's all true even if it were his name thus as expression yea, that is His name too.

My Father, is, God Christ Jesus Holy Spirit Lord Amen, amen.

Those in Christ Jesus, all the people any of you Christians Baptized met, if you seen them, and known that The Holy Spirit was working in them. They, are saved. In Jesus name, Amen.

The Saints Shall Judge The Earth.

Guess how the blind and deaf may pray to God. In a way sometimes with body language, in a way you cannot understand. They too cry out for Abba.

Look, humankind, at how an x-ray shows your human flesh. Look, humankind, look how all the doctors see your FLESH. And know, you are in The Potter's Clay, WHICH IS TO SAY, The flesh body, which you, your Spirit, is in. Your body is like your spiritual vehicle. When you allow God to rule the temple, It Becomes The Temple Of A Child Of God. Lord Most High.

Woe unto you, those who keep obsessing, OH ALL SEEING EYE, OH ALL SEEING EYE, AND YOU THINK OF YOUR OWN MIND!

Does God not also own, because logically he created it, your, "Third Eye."

Thus ye who opened up to the spiritual and had not The Christ. Ye are cut off from Heaven. And God will, always remember.. And that's why I say sometimes a select few at a time will sit around the camp fire, and remember how God loves us so much. That's how serious Jesus Christ is.

See, and that's how the disciples wrote the book........... YES LORD.

It all makes sense!
Because they merged into you like two water drops becoming one, were they able to, but not them alone, but The Holy Spirit Of God did it within them.

holy shit leaf kys

Canada no

praise be

Canada no? Verily have I not told you? Before your post flag was, God owned it.


You know I see you. What manner of text is this, uqk0pipJ?


I am actually interested in this now.

part unto me your wisdom, leaf.

Does indoctrination hurt? Or do you just become numb to it?

You say, "I am actually interested in this now."
There is one, just for you.
If a Child of God, started posting on the "pol" board just for you. In this hypothetical situation, if all my posts on here were just to find you, I would and have done for you, and all who see this.

When the Good Sheppard has 99 Sheep, and 1 is lost. He goes out, always knowing being The Son of God, The Word who is God, he finds the 1 sheep, and when he returns, everyone rejoices more over the one who was lost, than the 99.

Verily verily I say unto you, "oh he says 99, and my numbers on my post were 99." I know not who this, "Kek" idol is but smashed into utter pieces.

When Jesus preached he used language and imagery his audience would be familiar with.

Maybe follow His example.

You've only touched the surface Leaf, you must go deeper. God bless you, I'll pray that you find fulfillment in Christ, our Lord and Savior.

What the fuck is going on in here

Did He not preach, saying also to his disciples "I will tell them in parables." Those who have ears, let them hear. Those who find the light, let them hear. This is the Holy Spirit written Word of God in the Holy Bible. This is what My Father's Book Of Life Is.


user swallowed the Christ pill, "Oh the hour I first believed."

>I'll pray that you find fulfillment in Christ, our Lord and Savior.
What manner of speech is this? Do I not clearly already have fulfillment in Jesus Christ, but are also a part of the fulfillment, as all who know God are?

If you're not killing homosexuals then you're not Christian or Jew as it says in the law to put them to death.

And before you say that's old testament..

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” (Matthew 5:17)

Practice your faith or don't claim to be that faith

If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. Leviticus 20:13

“It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid.” (Luke 16:17)

Christians my ass

There is no pill written in The Holy Bible. We just, Know.

>still believe in a jewish god
as if you stupid whites ever learn

God! Am I allowed to jack off to thicc Chinese cartoons?

>And before you say that's old testament..
This is where already I caught you, for did I not say that The Old Testament is likened unto the old treasure in the chest, and The New Testament like the treasure after it? Therefore the old treasure and the new treasure are in the same chest. Verily the heart here in me is with God.

And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.

4 And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.

5 Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.

6 Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:

7 And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.

shit, we didn't use enough napalm

I said, I am with God, the one before the Jews ever existed. Jesus Christ is before any Jewish existed. Did you not hear me? The Word is the voice of God.

You've discovered the light of God, and are at peace in your soul, but until you've died and are before the Father, you're a flawed, mortal being, as we all are, and cannot know true fulfillment. Study the bible, come closer and closer to Christ, and live the scripture, your life will change before your eyes.

>le semitic scriptures are 100% right

What if I'm God, though?

It's just an expression. You've found the truth, dig deeper, study the Bible, and above all else, LIVE IT. You've discovered Christ, but that means nothing if you don't follow Him.

Again, God, and His voice, like the big bang or the point within the circle, said, "Let there be light" and the first word ever spoken, even before the words spoken by God, Jesus Christ is God's voice.

God owns all things, before He created human, and the land upon the earth and the sea was created before humans.

4 For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.

5 Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, those that remember thee in thy ways: behold, thou art wroth; for we have sinned: in those is continuance, and we shall be saved.

6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

7 And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities.

8 But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.


>but that means nothing if you don't follow Him.
Though to some it may seem as though I didn't follow Him, but indeed I did, and verily some also in ways you cannot understand but God alone. And yea, I walked where He walked. Yea, I was guided in places.

Though you test the Holy Spirit in this man, I'll tell you first, Thou Shalt Not Test The Lord Your God. And now, I shall say unto you, I already told you, go read The Holy Bible.

Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!

Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?

Woe unto him that saith unto his father, What begettest thou?

or to the woman, What hast thou brought forth?

Only Cowards do not ANSWER

Though I have preached things in Church to my family in Abba, I have also preached things on what I can say in its evil is the heart of this, internet, (though The Gospel Of Jesus Christ) be there. THE WRITTEN WORD LIVES FOREVER, and hey, does God's voice, from in a way, his voice box, ya know, when He talks, last forever for God is forever?

Also, I know this sounds silly but who gave you the right to tell us to do? I mean sure, you created us but creating a species, giving them an extremely powerful urge to procreate, and then damning them to an eternity of torture if they do it without special permission reeks of sadism to me.

Answer me
If you cannot answer me sufficiently

Then you have no authority granted to you

What about Islam and all the other religions? Got any thing for that?
>inb4 go read the bible
I want to heard your perspective on this.

>Only Cowards do not ANSWER
This literally says enough.
*Yawn* did I not say to Satan, "Do not tempt The Lord thy God."

See, when they can't hear anymore, and brother wages war against brother with scripture, or they are quick to think and respond when they can without taking in that which they're reading, they can easily go and perhaps in a sort of, sadly envy and stir emotions within them.

I never tempted God nor you, even if you were God ye have not been tempted of me. Unless if I encouraged you to sin, but I did not neither did I ask a sign of you

But I did not

Now answer

Or you have no authority

>If you cannot answer me sufficiently
>Then you have no authority granted to you
By who's authority do you say this? For the things typed here are not in any authority to William, which is his middle name, but The Holy Spirit within me alone holds this authority, which is The Spirit Of The Living God. Thus as it is written how The Saints Shall Judge The Earth, And Even Angels.

Grow in your understanding of The Holy Bible. Hey, I too thought something perhaps, almost the same. I've been to many different places as you all have. With your questions and all this. But I tell ya, just give The Holy Bible a try. Jesus Christ's The Light Of Man.

The light humanity seemingly can't find in some parts.. Ya know.

Even Jesus granted a sign to teh Pharisee
the sign of Jonah

But I asked for not a sign.

I asked you to answer me.

Not to repeat what I was questioning you about

If you do not repent you will recieve a judgement

Behold, all flesh is grass, and the flower fadeth


There are some in Islam, who have not rejected Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. Though The Holy Bible remains, know this, that those of Islam who in their hearts after reading or getting to know Jesus Christ in some way, more-so in countries they grew up slaves to in their law, may have Eternal Life. And those who on the scale of judgment, in their hearts put The Holy Bible above, like a heart open, light as a feather, they too have their reward.

This is why I also shake my head and say "what is this ISIS false wonder and terrorist mischief some actually wonder about, and then join?" Oh have they not read anything that is written?!

Some from The Spirit here some from me.

You must answer

>If you do not repent you will recieve a judgement
>Behold, all flesh is grass, and the flower fadeth
See again, caught you right there and I will type no more to you. God created flesh from the dirt of the earth, and though I understand your nature analogy, you act as if "(your "Holy Spirit")" is in "war" with mine!

Verily did I not tell you, that a house divided against itself shall not stand?

Therefore I forgive thee, and pray for you.

He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!


lol jesus is for real who's ready for revelations

Verily verily I say unto you, never marvel over me, if you see me. But give all glory to God. Truly truly I tell you, never worship the flesh and bones of the hands of the man who typed these things, but know The Son Of God glorifies the Father. And is, Him that was and is and is to come.

Do not worship man nor idols, but God alone. Christ voice of God Jesus be with you all.

Fuck off Jew worshiper

nigga don't talk shit about kek or thot

Behold the Ancient of Days, who can answer to him of this generation?

If he received you then you would have spoken on account of the sinner, not of yourself.

Behold a mortal man, bitter in thought and deed who will not rebuke his own pride, for devils have taken hold of thee.

Leave the man alone.

And this is the judgement.

You will not receive what you have said you give to others, a man sinks into the pithole of the mud and dies, he claims it is his glory but none see any therine. The grave will not praise you,
you claim a crown of shame, but corruption will hold fast to you.

If you be willing, the Lord will make a cause to receive repentance

This thread

Hello, Fellow brother of light

What about uncle hitler? Is he a good guy?


Its the fucking apocalypse


Proof that Abrahamic pedocult is mental AIDS

I don't feel tested, but I will say it digitally once more. Before the Jews were, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, Are. Before all things known to humans created in the image of God, a little lower than the Angels of God.

This is explained in itself. And no I am not agreeing.

I literally just for the sake of it out loud rebuked and cast off and asked for cleansing of all that you said in Jesus Christ name amen just to literally for the "eh why not" of it did.

Go, tell your God if I do not His will here, to smite me down in Jesus name Amen. And outloud I say, "amen."

he loves his country and his people so yeah i guess you could say in his own way he was a good man

I know what you're typing, but it is written, even the voice of God Jesus Christ (God said it,) Only God is Good. For that is written. Anything that comes from above, is higher than anything here below.

>a house divided against itself shall not stand

Can you convince me in layman terms that you are not schizophrenic?

Now the world cries out "God is dead"

The Father in heaven reckons every work, and gives to every man the fruit of his own labor.

The man sows, and he reaps. And God abideth By. And he blames GOD for his everlasting shame, the Ancient of Days. Who can answer to him, when you get what you worked of your very own hands?

If you bled from a woman's place and did not accounted for it, you would have blamed God for it and yet YOU were the one who did not bathe.

If you were of God you would have submitted to your Father in heaven, who is above all creation.
And this is why you are given this judgement

For the Lord has rebuked you

Stand fast and repent

I am very serious about the Judgement it is very real

Easy, do you say this about all believers, or just some?

Your answer to your answer already is, who are you to even judge, though I also say I do not, but a sane mind and verily even a dumb, can The Holy Spirit through a Baptized man not do what He wills?

If I were to say to you that one of these should type, what is that to you?

Do a TL;DR I really don't get what you try to say

>Schizo posting

See, this is where you lose the majority of non-religious folk, because you literally type like you're writing the bible. Can you have a normal conversation? Is this how you talk to your friends? You said you met Jesus or whatever, what does that mean? You saw him with your eyes? Under what state of consciousness?

Again, convince me, with sound pragmatic reasoning and logic, that you are not mentally insane

>I really don't get what you try to say

I was walking with a woman, in the spirit yet she knew not. And when I showed her Jesus Christ, she gained some curiosity, but it quickly faded for the things of this world dried her out like a flower who had no water.

To answer your question, I asked her. "Do you remember when I walked with you?"

And she could have said anything and we have walked, but she replied strangely, "I don't remember."

This is how it is for some, but I am not saying you won't hear. Hey man, again if you want a TL;DR, read The Holy Bible because God could explain Himself for all eternity if He wanted.

Shearing the word of God on this board is a righteous and just thing. Godspeed, and may Christ continue to empower you in your future endeavors.

>because you literally type like you're writing the bible.

Does one who gets Baptized not merge with The Living Word, as it is written to have his flesh crucified also with The Christ in the spirit already? Verily this means, my spirit has been redeemed because redemption you could say, works backwards. We die in our flesh, but to God when he sees our spirit. He will see us clean, as if we died also with Jesus Christ on that cross. AMEN!

Everyone can leave now, ye lurkers

I wont say anything else
Hell be beside himself

Unless you want to watch the shitshow continue but you will get rotten fruit from it
And see you later Goy leaf
Remember the day of the rake

and yes my keyboard went lowercase but I did mean "He" because God is well, important you see. Just something I do too.

are you retards done with your snake handling, tongue speaking, and floor rolling yet?

Hey m8 pray for me please. Im in a hard place, just want Jesus in my heart more and more

>all seeing eye of God
>I have seen Jesus
>when He returns there will be blackness in the sky and you will see Him with your earthly eyes
Not quite. And. In the trash.

If I ever meet you in real life I will punch you in the ribs and kick you in the dick. This is your warning, fucking leaf

If this were the last post, and I didn't reply or anyone else, I guess I'd say.

"And that's the way Sup Forums goes."

And then it would go to the last page, and the thread would eventually end. Such is the same for this world.

Rebbe Yesha ben Pantera was a heretic son of a whore who is burning in pig shit as we speak.

what is wrong with this babbling leaf? is he retarded?


fuck your dead christ. UNDERSTAND ??? pagan filth

Everyone before around ~1000BC would be considered schizophrenic according to modern standards. The way you have learned to structure your thoughts is not the only way to do so.

Praise the Lord, and read Dueteronomy 7.

He's clearly having a psychotic episode. Such is life in leaf land I'm afraid. Mental illness rates are very high here for some reason.