Ever get annoyed about how many people on Sup Forums spam "cultural marxism" when ever they see something the don't like? With no references?
Well this actual marxist actually debunked it.
Ending The Cultural Marxism Meme
Other urls found in this thread:
going to check my own digits you niggers
The video would have been much better had he actually covered the Frankfurt School much more in-depth, and thoroughly explained why they would have been AGAINST SJWs.
If Sup Forums bothered to rread the Frankfurt School they'd realize they'd agree with most of what they said.
It doesn't matter what they think of their progeny. Marx wouldn't have thought much of the Frankfurt school either.
>4 min
>the theory about who is behind it has changed
No it hasn't. It has always been jews.
everyone on the internet calls them globalists now
To be fair, the Frankfurt School were influenced by Judaism (Walter Benjamin and Erich Fromm especially) but nonetheless it would be wrong to designate it as part of a Jewspiracy.
Irrelevant. He lied. It has always been jews and no one has alleged otherwise. Nothing about this has changed except the amount of power held by those inclined to this sort of thinking. Political thought evolves over time and what we call cultural marxism as well.
Most of the world's wealthy aren't Jews, and outside of the US and Israel you will be hard put to find any "rich Jews".
infowars goes on about this user. They obviously can't name the jew
Judaism is genetic, it is not simply a line of thinking.
It's a religion and an ethnic group. Judaism has always accepted converts.
>To be fair
The school was almost entirely composed of Jews. This is objective fact, no need to act like you are doing me a favor by not denying it.
Where did I say this? Jews are disproportionally represented amongst the wealthy.
>influenced by Judaism
influenced by Judaism? Are you daft, mate? Almost every member were jewish and fled Germany because they were jewish, and formed ways of thinking to prevent jews from experiencing ""antisemitism"" again.
>The school was almost entirely composed of Jews
pic related is Adorno, basically
>Judaism has always accepted converts
Gas yourself. Conversion is rare and they treated as second class members for generations due to being genetic outsiders.
/leftypol/ plz go
>The school was almost entirely composed of Jews.
Of course, and there's a lot to say about the influence of Judaism and kabbalah on the thought of the Franks (just look at all the tikkun motifs in Benjamin for instance).
>Where did I say this? Jews are disproportionally represented amongst the wealthy
"Disporportionately represented" in the US and Israel only. There are very few rich French Jews, German Jews, Turkish Jews, etc.
>has always accepted converts
A huge schism called Christianity took place because they didn't want their faith going outside of their ethnic group. The few converts they get are rare and notable, and paraded around to show the goyim.
Adorno was a social conservative as was Marcuse. Both of them were viciously attacked by the SJWs of their time during their later days.
It's difficult to convert, yes, but Judaism does believe converts are fully Jewish once they go through a kosher conversion.
>Adorno was a social conservative as was Marcuse
No they weren't. I am a disciple of the Frankfurt School my man. My mentor in college was a pupil directly of Marcuse. The Authoritarian Personality is a treatise whose entire premise is to debase healthy families and kin selection with its bullshit F scale
>the most rich jews are in the nations with the most jews and few are found in nations with few jews
You don't say?
Irrelevant. It is about the ideas and their impact on the left.
And I thought it was because they wouldn't accept they messiah came and they killed him..
oh no it's a jewish thread.
that's not the point of the video
and for the record, i already know all about the sophistries of my posting career forum trying to somehow spin that cadre as some misunderstood conservatives.
No, they were marxists and post-modernists who had SOME interesting things to say about social alienation and atomization. Adorno (iirc) hating "nigger music" doesn't make him /ourguy/
>Judaism does believe converts are fully Jewish once they go through a kosher conversion
>But after filing for a wedding license and being told she needed to prove the Jewishness of her maternal lineage for four generations, she is wondering whether she made the right decision in immigrating to a Jewish state that doubts her Jewishness.
>The Authoritarian Personality is a treatise whose entire premise is to debase healthy families and kin selection with its bullshit F scale
Adorno had very little to do with that book and regretted having anything to do with it later on, so it's ridiculous to paint it as representative of his work.
>thread about cultural marxism
>not about jews
pick one Nigel.
"Cultural marxism is a global conspiracy pushed by the jews/globalists to control us all" - complete strawman, he debunked nothing.
Don't worry, I'll bring back talk of the franks and Gramsci.
Fuck off commie.
We're not talking about Israeli policy, we're talking about conversion to Judaism.
Books everyone on this board should read:
>The Art of Loving
>Escape From Freedom
>One-Dimensional Man
>Dialectic of Enlightenment
>pic related
So, when are you leaving (((Jean))) ?
Topkek fuck off leftypol and keep crying about how much this faggot lost against the people at TRS's Kulturkampf. There are many different forms of neo-marxism in the world and just because Feminists protested against the Frankfurt School in the 50's does not mean that modern day feminism has no been co-opted by marxism.
can we talk about actual marxist economics please, thanks
>not knowing that Israel doesn't have civil marriage
You are either trying to speak authoritatively on subjects which you know nothing about or are being deliberately deceptive. This is an issue of jewish religious law.
If I were a Torah-observant Jew why would I be using the internet on the sabbath?
>Everyone who dislikes cultural Marxism is an Alex Jones Conspiritard
Makes total sense though
No. This thread has nothing to do with marxist economics.
Please do.
Again, I'm not talking about Israel. I'm talking about whether or not Judaism accepts converts, and the answer is yes.
>implying the alternative isn't also a strawman
How would you know that the Torah prohibits internet use on the Sabbath?
Because most jews don't give a shit about this kind of things and I never said that you were aTorah-observant Jew. You're just a random kike.
how does the ownership of production, the lack of consumerism, and a lesser gap between rich and poor lead to degeneracy?
Your statement was
>Judaism does believe converts are fully Jewish once they go through a kosher conversion
The key there being "fully Jewish" which is a lie.
But it's a literal Nazi conspiracy theory.
You have been posting this threads for months now, the fact that you try to defend Cultural Marxism through repetition and therefore infiltration and subversion is itself proof that Cultural Marxism is real, impossible to deny, and that you are a card carrying Cultural Marxist shill.
It's generally known lighting a fire is prohibited, and each time you hit a key you light a spark.
the video came out 3 hours ago you spook
Listen to an actual Jew:
Trips of truth.
Poor guys. They dindu nothing wrong but white people just can't stop being antisemitic for no reason.
>some random kikess linked to by a French Jew who denies he is one
>the actual jews in charge of jewish religious law
Hmmmm. I wonder who I should listen to?
Nobody is defending what you perceive as Cultural Marxism. It's just not directed at the correct target. Marxist have nothing to do with this.
I didn't watch the video and I'm not going to watch some commie. Cultural Marxism is no meme, pic related.
>It generally known that you can't start a fire
No. It's not. Alright Mordecai why are you here?
Also this.
Sup Forums would agree with Adorno on most things if they bothered to read his work.
Every good right-winger should read Adorno, Benjamin, and Kojeve.
Every good left-winger should read Heidegger, Evola, and Leo Strauss.
>Joseph Stalin disapproved of such art
Joseph Stalin was not a Bolshevik, he betrayed them and murdered them ffs what kind of bs is Wikipedia pushing here? The Bolsheviks on the other hand were hedonistic as fuck.
Those texts use the term "cultural Marxism" differently.
To defend his people. I can't blame him for that.
The video, but you and your Cultural Marxist pals have been posting this kind of threads for months, even trying to convince that they were conservatives kek
Could not avoid to use the typical marxist "meme" could you not? Fuck off Cultural Marxist.
>Left wing
Jus because you are anti bourgeoisie doesn't mean you're pro proletariat
This guy literally doesn't understand it at all.
His argument is that marxists would hate cultural marxism
It's a fucking weapon why would they want it to be used against themselves? It's as if he doesn't have any critical thinking going in his dumb head
The attempts to deconstruct traditional social structures to make way for new structures is a driving force of degeneracy. It's an ongoing large scale trend not specifically marxist but exemplified in the Soviet experiment and encouraged by all radical progressives.
>The Bolsheviks on the other hand were hedonistic as fuck.
This piece is good for demonstrating that.
>'Some men have twenty wives, living a week with one, a month with another,' asserted an indignant woman delegate during the sessions of the Tzik. 'They have children with all of them, and these children are thrown on the street for lack of support!
>It was not an unusual occurrence for a boy of twenty to have had three or four wives, or for a girl of the same age to have had three or four abortions
it's hilarious to me how critical theory is considered to be a rigorous and worthwhile academic pursuit, when it is entirely built upon an appeal to novelty fallacy. the death of empiricism--or of the concept of "seeing is believing"--will be the downfall of civilization, and 2000 years of scientific advancement will be lost. apply critical theory to critical theory and ask "why"?
>I get my political education from jpgs
You guys have a bright future
The Frankfurt School were social conservatives who were highly critical of progress. Read their works sometime.
Of course, but reading the authors listed will help expand the mind.
>there's no group that has worked for the past 100 years to subvert western values and haven't written dozens of books detailing their plans to the letter
fuck off
Yeah that's fair enough. JIDF isn't enough I guess, sometimes you have to freelance shill for free
yeah, this is my first post about it. I'm sick of autists on this board giving me literally no convincing evidence behind this garbage
Why don't you call it by it's real name?
Is it because people don't like the Nazis anymore and you had to change it in order to do propaganda?
Could it be it only exists as long as you believe in it?
Is Cultur Bolshevismus a Chaos God?
Communism usurps religion, without religion the proletariat is too dumb to function without turning into sodom and gomorrah.
We evolved to have alphas/elites because the majority of the human population is below the aggregate IQ ability capable of strategic abstract thinking that can sustain civilization.
The problem is, the current elites need to be flushed and replaced because of their technocratic leanings that completely disrespect the idea of being alive.
How did the Franks try to "subvert" western culture exactly? They mostly wrote about the ill effects capitalism and modernity had on culture.
redpill me on Soviet social structures.
>Chaos god
Tzeentch is a commie Jew fuck
>For free
Hummm now I have a doubt about all of this...
And who are you to dictate how the current alpha and elites should behave?
Nice non-arguments commies.
They have lost themselves in the ocean of propaganda, so they can only speak in memes.
Cultural marxism isn't a thing anywhere outside very close academic circles.
Soviet Realism sucks.
Marx was just an edgelord. Communism can be religious
Read about Ted Kaczynski, the CIA tested men like him to see if they can still be productive members of society after being brainwashed by critical theory.
Did he really start the video claiming Judeo-Bolshevism isn't real?
This essay is literally "fuck the productive forces, return to HaShem."
>You would be hard pressed to find any rich Jews
Take a look into the Russian oligarchs who vacuumed up there nation's wealth in the 90s, right after the Soviet Union collapsed. County how many of them were Jewish, and how many were Slavic.
Answer: 9/10 were Jews. Putin has seen to it that things have changed somewhat, though...
Untrue. Most of the rich Jews left Russia following the collapse of the USSR.
In the US it's about half, which is why we shill for Israel so much btw. But the original revolution of fascism wasn't just against the Jews it was about "the Jew" which is materialism
They came back after the Russian Mob took over most of the banks
Here's the one on Gramsci:
Human nature is to kill or be killed user, alphas should always be in a position to be challenged, should they overcome, they are worthy, I.E. Genghis Khan.
The unworthy ones generally try to protect themselves from being tested, isolated away from people who would challenge them, I.E. Nero, and often causes the population they rule over to grow to angry and revolt.
It's worse nowadays because of elites like the rothchild's never even being in the public eye and have much of their identity forcibly obfuscated from public knowledge, it causes the people to misplace alpha status and are unable to place blame, so these elites often throw out discarded puppets to be sacrificed in the public in their place.
It's actually quite simple animal evolution though.
This is there "evidence" that Bolshevism was not Jewish. Notice how Jews are still over represented.