Why are black "men" so insecure?
Why are black "men" so insecure?
Inferiority complex, they simply can't compete with the BWC and they know it's coming for the top-tier Negresses
Men are insecure in general if a woman dates outside of race.
It's a biological instinct meant to protect the in-group from unknown outsiders.
Black cocks are statistically smaller than non-black cocks.
I have a question for every American on here...
How bad is this race mixing situation there?
It can't be as bad as the media portrays I know, but are white girls actually ready to fuck black apes like it's nothing out of the ordinary over there?
It makes me feel to think of the Europeans that built and civilised the land and now their generations are total trash.
>Inferior complex
Yet white men have a specific word for their own women who date outside of their race.
Jesus Christ that headline. Tell me right now that these people's minds aren't completely biased towards seeing racism everywhere. They're picking apart individual couples now and somehow expecting the ratio to be 1:1 black to black.
hell black men have a name for people in their race that act like they arent as stupid as they know they are.
She obviously didn't want a jobless nigger to be the father of her children. What is so hard to understand about that?
when i look at black girls i always imagine them without hair
99% of the times they end up looking like males, even with makeup
>getting pregnant FOR a white man
Of course she picked a white guy, her facial genes need reshaping for her children, adding more black to it wouldn't be good according to beauty standards. Black is black in USA, unlike in Africa where they have actual races of black skin. American women that are black normally want white woman's hair or more sparkling eyes, but they won't admit it. Most Americans are mixed, really noting new, segregation times are truly over. Now comes the time of white dick, since white is becoming a minority, therefore more valuable according to capitalistic logic.
I've yet to meet or associate with the girl who has or would be willing to fuck a black guy, although that's probably because I live in the South. The upper class down here are still redpilled as fuck when it comes to niggers.
"rape victim"
Blood of slaves
Nobody is lower than the slave
Black women were made to SERVE the BWC
Black pussy is for superior white seed!
I seen that too, wtf is this shit
> reddit spacing
>Jesus Christ that headline.
Dear lord, are you retarded. That picture looks faker than your immigration papers.
most working middle class people stick to their own races, and prefer living among their own race.
most racemixing happens in the hipster/yuppie areas of cities.
I would definitely be that dude. Her athleticism and my brains would makes some strickly average children.
>How bad is this race mixing situation there?
Last time I went to walmart I saw 5 BMWF couples
You guys can't complain about white women being blacked every hour of every day and then wonder why black men are pissed off their sheboons are being bleached
It's also a lot of black women, who see any white guy romantically involved with a black woman as colonisation, because apparently interracial love is now bad again.
She looks like Mike Tyson with tits. He is a braver man than me. I would consider sex with a gorilla bestiality.
>that headline
I'm just going to assume you wrote this, but it's still true nonetheless given a lot of social media response.
My new neighbors are a bunch of race mixers. It's pretty bad in the south because of the popularity of rap music and hand egg.
Niggers be racis
i think this is a good thing because it will unite the south
>I went to a place where white trash and black people shop and seen a bunch of degenerates.
I live I Baltimore m8 white women will literally come up to you in bars and get you to hit on them to keep niggers away. Thanks black guys.
She doesn't even look black anyway, just a little tanned
>I would consider sex with a gorilla bestiality.
But does it turns you on?
That's actually good.
race mixing...i wonder why it's being promoted.
seriously doubt that
Pretty bad, but I'm in the most cucked area (probably) in the South.
trash/fat females do
thats it
LOL if this has never happend to you then you have never been to a bar in a major city.
I don't think the complaint is about the "facts" of the matter of race mixing as much as it is about the double standard. We see race mixed couples (white women, non-white man) in media in really disproportionate numbers, but even bringing it up is cause for harassment and shaming. But ONE famous black girl gets with a white dude, and suddenly the white guy is wrong AGAIN even though you aren't allowed to levy criticism at a black man in the inverse position.
That's just how this place is. WMAF threads are literally MUH DICK SUPERIOR SEED tier.
i have been, and i see a lot of interracial couples, i live in texas
the statistics show white women race mix the least of all races women yet its the most common portrayed in media
This is great, its hard to find white men cucking black dudes online so much black on white woman shit fucking gross.
>... FOR getting pregnant FOR a white man...
4X4 = 16
1 AND 6 IS 7
Sq root of 7 is 2.64 (or 3)
3 as in the number of sides of a triangle
It's honestly not a thing. It's incredibly rare.
If you go by all the shitposting on Sup Forums, then you'd think black men are stealing all the white women. The truth is: Porn stars demand more money to fuck black men and even hookers won't meet up with them. Girls who are paid to fuck them won't do it.
The only interracial couples I've ever seen in person were usually the Honey BooBoo Mama Bear type girls from trailer parks and some degenerate. The only thing close to race mixing you see is white girls in the bar taking advantage of the broke niggas who come in there thinking they're going home with them and they always end up sitting at a table just staring at them while they dance all night then go home alone.
no its just autistic people who think race matters
It's mostly shit posting.
In my experiences, ive only seen black women and gay black men talk shit about interracial dating
This. Upper class whites are top tier who never racemix, but have turbo Chad white genes.
Cool m8 to bad statistically what you think is a alot is not by all studies.
you probably live in maine where there are no blacks, come down to texas most people down here race mix
The bestiality is strong in that one.
yet the numbers dont add up for MOST to be true m8
How come whenever you go to a porn site, the "gay" fetish can be filtered out but the "interracial" fetish can not?
the reason the stats are low is because whites are an older demographic and old women wouldn't date interracially
but in the younger demographic, i'd say a quarter of young whites have a non-white partner, probalby a third here
>a alot
It matters if you still have a race. I'm guessing you're one of those racially challenged people.
What? No they don't. I've spent a lot of time around Austin. I lived in Columbus for a while too. God forbid you take two blocks in any direction outside of the Arena District, it turns into nigger city. No race mixing epidemic there either.
I'd love to know why you picked Texas of all places though.
Once you go black you'll never go back.
Again m8 the stats is less than 1-10 are you saying that young white women make up less than 10 percent of the population?
I live in baltimore and have more black per capita than Texas and its still taboo and gets you laughed at.
I live in NYC. Everybody race mixes here, although i dont fuck to have kids so its lit for me.
FOR a white man
not BY a white man
cucked by tyrone confirmed
This. It's endemic and fires up the ol' tribal instincts. I don't even like women, and get mad when I see a white girl dating outside her race.
Black women are sexy AF. They want to be women and mothers to their husbands, unlike demented White "women".
You know (((why)))
LOl no stat in the world would show ANY RACE any where in the US in majority interracial relationships m8
>a third
HAHAHAHAHAHA thanks for playing m8
Stop watching porn.
Get out nigger
'She's' a fucking man
In Seattle race-mixing is out of control. Every single girl I knew in school has fucked a nigger, spic, Jew, or other non-white. The only ones who haven't have mostly been non-white girls or autistic chicks, and sadly all of them have still fucked at least 10 white Chads. All women today are turbo-whores or filthy dikes
It's not that bad. Usually pretty rare. Where I live I see way more men racemixing than women. A massive amount of it is WMAF and WMHF. The majority are male rice burners. Yellow fever faggots need to be shot. Only autists riceburn too. Always omega males doing it.
all races/languages have words for this you retard and it's not just the men who use them
Niggers don't own shit. Niggers got like 5k worth of shit where whites got 100k.
Because they are stupid.You can't fix stupid.
Watch the kid come out white too with light eyes. The rage I can see is astronomical.
Social Engineering.
Also Male nature is to defend mates from hostile tribes & claim the females of other Tribes.
New KB:
Wow. I would make love to her all night long and wake her up with a delicious, nutritious meal.
Only low T retards think this. Everyone else who says it is laying about it. They all get the twinge at the sight.
No black person cares
She's another Hollywood Tranny
All famous women grew up in androgynous sex cults and are splice-gendered sexual mutants
Nobody jerk off to female celebs they are all trannies.. that explains all the fake pregnancies and adoptions
Hollywood is a giant androgynous sex cult of Manchurian harlots and is anti-American to its core
Guys Hollywood sucks boycott androgynous cult crimes and sick hyper-Satanism
Boycott holly wood guys
>that fucking ass
what a lucky guy
i live in texas bro, houston specifically and a lot of people here and in the suburbs race mix in the younger generation
austin is full of hippies, they are more likely to be single than mix
Holy fucking KEK.
my sides.
yeah dude because few old people race mix
but if you look up the stats among young people it is pretty high
because even niggers dont like niggers
It is getting worse all the time. As the number of nonwhites grows the mixing increases. People say its only "white trash" or a tiny percent but the in my millential and younger I see so many mixed race couples, honestly its nearing half of them.People generally still avoid niggers but its the brown people. White degenerates take anything, mostly I see them with asians, spics, or sometimes pajeetas and the most degenerate have negresses. Women tend to like the good looking brown guys, like the alpha spics and rich mudslimes. I have no doubt many fuck niggers but probably don't date them long term. I go to the store and see these mixed race couples pushing around their carts of the same coffee skinned, brown eyed black haired babies. I swear I'm not a cuck its driving me INSANE with despair and anger.
I live in california btw for reference where the degenerate is a little bit advanced compared to the rest of the country but its just a template for your state in approx 10-20 years.
If blacks ever wake up to the jewish menace, America will truly be great again.
This can't be stated enough. I've never seen an attractive female with a black dude.
There's a lot in the Mid-West and Mountain States. The West too, but mostly California. The South has quite a few but not as much as what I listed.
In the Mid West/Mountain states, it's mostly BM/WF. In the South and West coast, it's WM/BF. Don't know about the rest though since I haven't lived in the other regions of the US.
no the stats for all is less than 1-10 when taking in ALL of whites m8
you are really bad at this or are you trying to claim that young whites make up less than 10 percent of the population?