Youtube is shutting down Piewdiepies youtube account:
"A video has surfaced while Youtube was routinely looking through any files included deletes ones of its largest content creators-
one such video was found which depicts Pewdiepie saying to the camera extremely anti semitical statements "
Youtube is shutting down Piewdiepies youtube account:
What is that link? I'm not clicking it
Are you new?
I uh finally opened my eyes - white power. kek
>tfw pewdiepie took it too serious not realizing alt right culture is just satire
the poodepie is brainwashing muh children
wtf I love youtube celebrities now
pewdiepie doesn't need Youtube. He can afford to start his own video platform, and he should.
is that you wsj?
i want him to kill youtube
so much so only poos and other third worlders are left as the only userbase
It's supposed to just be fucking satire stop taking this shit seriously
Hell his last ylyl video he watched videos straight off Sup Forums
we can see your ID retard, go brigade somewhere else
sieg heil
no shut up we're supposed to be allies cause same flag
of course he is.
Everyone here is 17 and got on Sup Forums earlier this year.
I've been here for 10 years though. ...
new people are dangerous they might take the whole hitler meme seriously like pewdiepie and get fired from youtube
What is this?
enlightenment was supposed to be satire to and yet it transformed western civilization. Also look at sam hyde, he is satirical too but those are also his views he is expressing.
What did he mean by this?
what did kek mean by this?
the mystery has become deeper
JewTube goes out of business when?
nothing on neogaf
fake news
I've been here since 1998
but it's funny when they bust into pizza places like Rambo
It's not a meme, you fucking leaf.
he looks piss off for somethin, i think he want to be banned. but we need to wait more info.
ive been alive for 942 years
>get rich as fuck at a young age from retards watching you do dumb shit on camera
why wouldn't you just live the rest of your life as one big fucking party? why would he give a shit about doing anything anymore?
>fake news
You're the fake news.
They aren't shutting his account down and that clip has been around for at least one month and has been shared in /gif/ several times
Gr8 b8 m8
wtf I hate context now!
do you think no one here ever opens a website outside of Sup Forums or something
for God's sake lurk for about 9 more months before trying to bait again, this is disgracefully low effort
You're a real 4d poster
I only came here from stormfront for Hitlers birthday yesterday so I'm still learning the ropes
Why do people still upload on YouTube? Why are you obsessed with corporations and want to make them bigger? Disks are so big and cheap these days, there's really no excuse uploading on YouTube or any censuring site.
Here is the proof they are shutting his account down btw
You almost had me
So do they want interracial between French and Germans?
Please consider taking the cyanidepill
>what is 'ad revenue'
dont click it doesnt work. im being hacked rn fugg
And? He does that in every single ylyl video, like every single one of the 14 year olds who watch his channel.
muh sekrit club
What's the saddest thing you've ever seen
im 12 and what is this?
Oh look moron, if you feed a company then eventually they will bribe you, what's so hard to understand? Every market is taken over by corporations by them lowering prices, by them risking their own companies to take over market, one single building of another company can't compete. ad revenue means you already sold yourself. At least upload on other sites too if you want to freedom, so that when they shut you down on YouTube it's not all lost.
It's cultural nazism and it must be stopped, this is why hate speech laws exist cause this shit gets out of hand look at pewdiepie he has a massive audience and is doing shit like this? biggot needs to get fired for that
I don't think they're doing it, but honestly they should. Youtube is a corporation not a social service, and therefore they are not obligated to uphold his freedom of speech. If he says something that harms millions of their customers (death to all Jews), I see no reason for youtube to propagate that message by continuing to support him.
Is Youtube run by a bunch of literal autists? Louis CK joked on Jon Stewart about how we should all "get back together and kill the Jews," yet no one has an issue understanding that's facetious. Why is this different? Pewds isn't a corporate whore?
finally someone understands. This is why we need globalist corporatism to grow into controlling all media so that all forms of communication are private sector thus exempt from freedoms such as the racist freedom of speech and we will finally be able to end racism
Sup Forums is like that bad habit you can't quit.
so are they really shutting him down or not?
You can make offensive jokes on the internet, no one thinks he's being serious when he says that shit you hyperbeta.
I posted the link here
Given he's still their biggest source of income I don't understand how you "see no reason" for youtube to continue supporting him.
Pewdiepie on Daily Shoah death panel when?
these days
He will start up his own website and take all the money
what's wrong with you
Oh no! Please don't redpill millions of children everywhere! That would damage our movement beyond repair!
Connections within connections...
>"anti semitical statements"
>"anti semitical"
If youtube wants to stay relevant it has to appeal to more groups of people than just nerdy white tramps. When your biggest star is a literal nazi it says something about the sort of place you have set up.
Olddd video
And there's no reason he can't use his fans to pressure them to continue supporting freedom of speech. Is that somehow breaking a law or not capitalism? You're not bright.
>tfw 17 and started using Sup Forums earlier this year
Pewdiepies statement on the situation, read by a translator
Fuck off leaf, we aren't all degenerates like you with Justin Trudeau as a prime Minister.
What the fuck faggot are you trying to fight me
fight me then faggot debate me right here right now
" you will lose "
I like both boobs and butts
Debate fucking what you moronic Trudeau leaf? You posted a bad photoshop and I said fuck you providing you with the original source of the image. Check mate you pot smoking atheist.
What's on the other side of the link?
They're equally important but boobs are much more interesting.
It is 4chans own linking system to link throughout the site but if you don't trust it due to being new here is a more blatant link
who care about him? Finally unfunny swedish man got his youtube account deleted.
we can see your flag retard
Fuck did you say to me?
No. No They wil not. Even if they said they would do it, his millions and millions of followers are going to defend him until death. A majorety of the YT community would stand behind him and scream at Youtube for it.
Besides, do you have any idea on how much money he (was) making YouTube?
I call b8.
I hadn't heard that before. Dude was a treasure.
such righteous indignation
guess I should go back to sucking Jew cock now and be a good goy liberal again who believes in equality instead of the naked truth that those who can dominate will, always
a fucking yLEAFDRU
Just curious: If jews are as powerful and almighty as so many people on here claim, why do they allow so many of these pro-Nazi videos to stay up on youtube, and why don't they shut down Sup Forums among many other pro-white forums/websites? After all, the CEO of YouTube (Google) is jewish
Answer me that, goyim
flag wars?