I don't hate any of the stuff Richard Spencer says but he is so fucking boring to listen to. Can we get some white nationalists with some charisma?
Idk how to feel about Richard Spencer
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I don't hate him because he's boring. I hate him because he's an autost who uses phrases like "ethnic cleansing." That turns people off.
In Auburn, Just skip to the parts where Mike Enoch was talking.
We should attack him because he's boring to listen to. We can only get help from 6'0+, Mensa members who are charismatic and who make over 100,000$ a year, anything less is a betrayal of the aryan mythos
Hey look someone who's out there doing shit, hold on while we airchair-general about what tine mistakes he is making.
Richard Spencer is pretty good
>white nationalists with some charisma?
Jared Taylor and RAMZPAUL
Spencers for funneling in the normies. We need another leader for the truly radical.
I didn't say he's making mistakes but he's just so monotone. It's like he's not even excited about being white
>In Auburn, Just skip to the parts where Mike Enoch was talking.
Jesus fuck THIS. I was watching it and Spencers responses made me want to rip my hair out, especially the part where he refuses to cite facts and statistics, and the other parts where he literally pushes the "muh blacks r oppressed" without bringing up how whites were oppressed in history. The Enoch parts were the only watchable parts.
Skip to 12:10, it's RAGE ENDUCING
Fuck Mike Enoch, he's a jew who is married to a jew and lied about it. He also has a half-black brother with a niece who is a gook. His entire family is multi-racial and you expect me to believe that he's a "white nationalist"? He's a fucking kike that is trying to make money off people, nothing more.
His bit about how whites are deeply connected to rome, athens, and byzantium and are denied that connection was great stuff(we wuz romans, but for whites)
around 51:00-52:00 mins here
>white nationalist
pick one.
Richard Spencer is a CIA/MOSSAD agent who shills for Israeli Nationalism.
(((They))) want you to think it's ok for Israel to exist. Here's why it's not:
Israel is a religious concept.
It was originally called Canaan.
Jews conquered the land through deceit and renamed it Israel.
According to the Torah, (a book roughly 70% of the 15 million Jews worldwide believe in) the sole purpose of Israel is to give the Jews a base of operations from which they may attack the Aryan race and conquer the rest of the world.
""Therefore it shall come about when the LORD your God has given you rest from all your surrounding enemies, in the land which the LORD your God gives you as an inheritance to possess, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven; you must not forget."
>Duet. 25:18
"Amalekite" is a spiritual term for the Aryan race, and the Talmud (the second most popular Jewish holy book even called the land of "Germania" the home or birthplace of Amalek SOURCE: en.wikipedia.org
This is why Israeli Nationalism and Aryan Nationalism can not coexist.
Israeli Nationalism = Globalism
Richard Spencer = Zionist shill
Lauren Southern = Muslim shill
Milo = Gay/racemixing shill
They're all just shills, user.
So why are they doing all of this?
Why create and promote the alt-right?
Why promote Richard Spencer and other ecelebs?
The answer is simple:
>to entertain you
If you're busy with entertainment (like hitting liberals with sticks) then you won't have time to think about what's really happening and why.
I encourage you all to start thinking.
This is the most interesting thing I've seen come out of listening to white nationalists lately
Wow they're not sending the brightest shills. It's not his fault that you're too stupid to understand what he's talking about.
Nathan Damigo has two personalities
The nicest guy you will ever meet And a twisted fucking psychopath
Miss him yet Sup Forums?
If punching antifa sluts is psychopathic, why would you want to be sane?
I feel you, but to be fair I think hes definitely improved. Also hes doing more than 99 percent of White Nationalist NEETS by legitimizing our platform. Think of him as an early start for a true party. He may not be the great leader that defines us and skyrockets us to glory like Hitler did, but hes a good start for the modern white nationalists.
Yeah he's our most exciting prospect. I'd like to hear some speeches from him.
He's got a YouTube channel
So hes a angry marine?
No i mean out on the street or where ever. I wanna see if he can fire up a crowd of our guys. They want something more hardcore.
Spencer is an overton window figure. You're not meant to actually agree with him on most things, but you like him because he pisses off the absolute worst of society and makes your standard hard-right appear moderate
So he should be a nationalist for the neets but a nazi in the streets?
I'm not sure but i think he has leadership qualities and he's a fighter, so he would connect with the radical side better.
Yeah, he probably wouldn't run away after getting sucker punched like Spencer did
>married to a jew in nyc with multicultural family
>it makes him redpilled
Yeah its believable desu
How an Irish or Scandinavian person is connected to Ancient Athens/Rome, I'll never know. Shit like this makes everyone look stupid.
He pissed off a bunch of Auburn normies who expected Milo reincarnate.
after Constantinople fell every intellectual worth a damn fled west
by sharign their knowledge with other europeans they kickstarted the rennaisance
You can't spell controlled opposition without Richard Spencer