When people like Spencer and his followers talk about establishing a white ethnostate, what exactly do they mean? Where would this ethnostate be located? It can't possibly be in the US, even outside the country it sounds propesterous. How much money would that cost and who would finance it?
When people like Spencer and his followers talk about establishing a white ethnostate, what exactly do they mean...
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fuck off kike we all know what an ethnostate is.
We kill them non-whites.
Problem solved.
>How much money would that cost
Far less than hosting shitskins.
I think she just wants to know where.
>It can't be in the US
Why not?
If white europeans cant have an ethno state then neither can anyone else like african nations or muslims or asains . its either diversity which includes whites for the world or whites get or fucking land and you leave us alone its simple really
So no one even knows what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to white nationalism. Doesn't white nationalism revolve completely around such an ethnostate?
Richard Spencer is a CIA/MOSSAD agent who shills for Israeli Nationalism.
(((They))) want you to think it's ok for Israel to exist. Here's why it's not:
Israel is a religious concept.
It was originally called Canaan.
Jews conquered the land through deceit and renamed it Israel.
According to the Torah, (a book roughly 70% of the 15 million Jews worldwide believe in) the sole purpose of Israel is to give the Jews a base of operations from which they may attack the Aryan race and conquer the rest of the world.
""Therefore it shall come about when the LORD your God has given you rest from all your surrounding enemies, in the land which the LORD your God gives you as an inheritance to possess, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven; you must not forget."
>Duet. 25:18
"Amalekite" is a spiritual term for the Aryan race, and the Talmud (the second most popular Jewish holy book even called the land of "Germania" the home or birthplace of Amalek SOURCE: en.wikipedia.org
This is why Israeli Nationalism and Aryan Nationalism can not coexist.
Israeli Nationalism = Globalism
Richard Spencer = Zionist shill
Lauren Southern = Muslim shill
Milo = Gay/racemixing shill
They're all just shills, user.
So why are they doing all of this?
Why create and promote the alt-right?
Why promote Richard Spencer and other ecelebs?
The answer is simple:
>to entertain you
If you're busy with entertainment (like hitting liberals with sticks) then you won't have time to think about what's really happening and why.
I encourage you all to start thinking.
>If white europeans cant have an ethno state then neither can anyone else
New England and the Midwest are white as fuck. So is the rust belt.
Starting with Israel.
Because America isn't a land for blonde people actually.
America is for Americans
I hope this helps
I was refering to the avatar posting.
Anime girls on Sup Forums user.
I think you are right on point tough, they believe in white nationalism, but they can't define a nation for it, it obviously failed in Germany.
Oh that old joke?
Now you're getting it
The ideal is for Europe and America to get their balls back and stop committing racial suicide. This "lets all move somewhere and pretend the jews will just leave us be" is pure LARPing
south america?
It could be in the form of a Mars colony.
What type of stupid comparison is that? Africa, shitholes in the middle east, and asian countries cannot b defined as ethnostates in the context of what we are talking about.
Those places are NATURALLY homogenous, no one wants to fucking move to a country filled with niggers and poverty, or a government run on the satanic cult that is Islam. Why the fuck would any one want to move to China?
Why would the US government allow an ethnostate to exist within their boundaries?
America is a totally different type of country that has always warranted immigration from across the world.
We're not butchers user
The world is shrinking and we're all going to learn get along.
It will be rocky but it's the only way
>always warranted immigration from across the world
The founding fathers made it clear in 1790 that a free white person was allowed to immigrate from Europe, not a part black part greek part chinese man from Brazil.
Well, seeing as how it's 2017, and the US is near 50% nonwhite. I don't see how that fact has relevance in the context of what we are talking about.
No. Islam is going to behead you.
He's LARPing, fucking idiot. He has no plan on ever doing anything, just talking shit.
Whites are currently immigrating away from cities and into more rural/suburban areas. Most live in the North while hispanics and blacks live in the south. We can split up the country. It isn't possible (yet) to mass deport so many people without eveyrone killing eachother and it sure as hell is not right to send people somewhere else without allowing them to bring the wealth that they own.
Aren't some states already defacto white ethno-states? How are the demographics in North Dakota?
Damn, I thought getting whites to think of themselves as a group with collective interests could be helpful and productive, but now I see that's it's 2017 and why bother? That seems like hardwork
It's far out of my control anyway, and I live in the best of all possible worlds, so I should just forget about it
Has everything you need to establish a country of your liking (excluding some minor details)
This. Too bad you made it tl;dr.
Is this post satire?
Nope, what's the point of getting people to think about racial differences? It's not like anything will happen. I should stop thinking about things out of my control and just focus on myself, that would probably make me happier.
That's what I think too though. He must be a con artist. Establishing an ethnostate in the US is impossible. There sure are a bunch of gullible low IQ morons who would fall for it, and money would be made of them somehow.
>Whites are currently immigrating away from cities and into more rural/suburban areas
I'm sure this applies to not only whites, but everyone in general. Take a look at California for example. It's become expensive as shit to live there. The state is filled with mexicans and asians. I'd assume over time, maybe within the next 5 years, we'll be seeing those ethnic groups start to migrate towards whiter states.
>written 1896
I'm sure it would apply perfectly in today's day an age. This shit was written before both world wars, are you kidding me?
America is our white ethno state. Wake up (((TRS)))
>Where would this ethnostate be located?
Palestine after the purge
>Establishing an ethnostate in the US is impossible
How so?
ya nailed it
I'm assuming it would be detrimental to many aspects of US government, economy, and of course, society.
Why don't you tell me how one goes about establishing such an ethnostate in the first place?
>Lauren Southern = Muslim shill
What? Could you elaborate on that please?
Israel already proved that is possible, just do what they did.
Hey, listen, I'm no super genius here. I myself do not know how one would establish one. I'm just curious to see the problems that would occur.
It is pretty obvious to anyone with a brain (something that most people on this board lack) that there WILL be plenty of damage done to the economy and society (The US is a global economic and cultural power afterall). Still though Israel exists as a state for Jewish people and it is the most developed country in the middle east. It still deals with fighting only because they crave more land and want Palestine off the face of the earth so the Jews can replace it.
waiting for him to come out as a fag
I don't think you can really use Israel's conception as a comparison for how a white ethnostate would go about being established in the US. Outside the US, maybe.
Because America isn't a land for blonde people actually......yet.
I hope you help, when the time comes.
All of North America and Europe
Balkanization soon.
Non-whites are not American.
>no white ethnostate outside of the USA
What was Europe? I cant wait for nord front to begin the great genocide.
Balkanization? I see this useless buzzword thrown around all the time, but never an explanation on how such a feat would be accomplished. Seems like the lot of you white nationalist types are all talk and mirror those low IQ individuals you want to get away from.
And under what clause in the constitution or what US policies and laws are non whites not American?
>Germany has ever been an example of anything but failure
The economy is going to collapse very soon, and when people have their backs to the wall with only their ethnic group to trust, we can manage a split.
>implying I give a damn about our useless "current year" constitution
Saged, by the way.
Each of these ecelebs have a primary area which they're tasked with shilling. This doesn't mean that because Lauren shills for Islam she doesn't also shill for Israel.
When we have majority non-white country we will collapse unable to support the systems we had built up to take care of non-whites. People will form new communities along the lines of racial ingroup preference. The constitution is really just rules for the government to follow. If it collapses the constitution wont matter.
You're getting ahead of yourself. The facts remain that diversity sucks and people can move.
The ethno State does not need to materialize overnight but we can take measure to head in that direction. Such as banning all non white immigration.
Genocide or forced deportations.
Anywhere, non white race will be deported from the US.
ding ding ding
The economy is going to collapse? Okay, I'll take your word on that.
Anyways, the economy has largely nothing to do with what we are talking about, but if you do want to try and prove me wrong, go ahead. Then again, I'm going to have to take whatever else you say with a huge grain of salt, seeing as how you're telling me the "economy is going to collapse soon."
Besides that, why would whites have their back against the wall? What are you talking about? What has them up against the wall? Why does it only apply to whites?
Also, you're assuming that every white person is part of some great magical hivemind. Hate to break it to you, but that just isn't true. Not every white is an insecure racist faggot like you are.
Funny how you reply to me woth sage, yet you still haven't answered my main question on HOW you would ever accomplish this "split".
What the fuck do you have to say for yourself? Are you just as dellusional as the low IQ morons that make up your fellow white nationalists, or can you actually manage a proper response?
What is this collapse you speak of? A collapse is a pretty huge fucking deal.
You're saying you know it's going to happen? How? How is the collapse going to happen? What is contribute to it? Why won't the government be able sustain itself?
Must be shills trying to make "their" movement look as stupid as possible
You can use Yugoslavia for reference. The only thing holding this country together is the federal government. Evetually we will end up like Yugoslavia, Rhodesia, current south africa. Multi racial societoes do not work. White tax payers will not be able to pay for all the brown/black gibs and we will go bankrupt.
No, I cannot use those countries as examples, those places are entirely differrent from the US on almost all levels of the politcal and socioeconomic spectrum.
Blacks/browns don't pay taxes? What exactly do you mean by your last statement? I don't see how gibs would contribute to the collapse of the economy.
How were those countries so different than ours? Rhodesias dollar was as strong as ours. White people make this country great. When it ceases to be white it will cease to be great. The economy will tank and people will resort to racial in group preference like they already do. The current federal government is just a shell that keeps a bunch of people that hate each other together.