>he didn't know about the black pill
-they cook and clean
-Loyal & loving & devoted
-Maternal skills
-THICC and High Test
-they worships white skin like white girls worship black skin
Need I say more?
>he didn't know about the black pill
-they cook and clean
-Loyal & loving & devoted
-Maternal skills
-THICC and High Test
-they worships white skin like white girls worship black skin
Need I say more?
>race mixing propaganda
Sage and move on
Snagged me a Chinese girl
Pray we don't make Elliot's
Praise kek!!
Holy shit you delusional fucks. The chick in that pic represents 1 in 10,000 hahahaha
Sage. Hahaha.
Beastiality is still illegal here.
>Black people can into human too!
>They're just like us!
Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself, racist.
I'm not against race mixing but you're definitely playing favorites. If you have a preference, that's fine but to be attracted to them for being able to function basically as a human being? Your prejudice is showing.
Oh and btw, that's not what those "racist" facts say either :^)
I genuinely fucking hate Canada so much.
I hope you get swamped by Muslims and get raped.
How can you say no to that
Of course it will
Mixed people are always fucked up in the head
Stay strong Damo.
>THICC and High Test
I'm sick of people getting this meme wrong.
THICC chicks dont have high test. Its the guys that crave THICC that generally do
All lies.
Black women are the same as white women, but worse.
my soul feels raped by his sad eyes
>you will never be that cabinet
feels bad man
You're both huge faggots
If by maternal skills you mean violently abusing children, then I get your meaning. Also, the black pill is something entirely different. Rake yourself, leaf.
Fuck off
My biggest dream is to have a black girlfriend but sadly my country banned blacks since the 1500's til 1997...............
Sad. Suck a Somali dick OP
Tiffany Cappotelli
Black girls are so cute
She is redpilled, voted for trump and wants your baby, wat do?
What any non-brainwashed man would do: MARRY HER
>Cook and clean
Wrong, or badly.
>Loyal, loving, devoted
Wrong as fuck.
>Maternal skills
Utterly and horrendously wrong.
Usually in the wrong places
>Worship white skin
You know the drill.
Sage goes in the fields.
leaf fag confirmed.
no fucking black chick does any of this shit.
Ass is too big. Nothing attractive about that.
>-they worships white skin like white girls worship black skin
fuck off leaf
BLACC women are ok but the males are TRASH
bro where do you live where black people look like THAT
those niggas are fucking africans you can spot it from a mile away
Finding an attractive sheboon is like finding a unicorn
>cook and clean
If you can't/wont do this for yourself you are not an adult and have no business looking for a partner.
Also, no they fucking don't. Have you seen the inside of literally any nonwhites house? They clean other peoples houses for money, they don't do that shit at home.
>loyal & loving & devoted
9 different kids with 5 different fathers is standard in the negro community, you're making shit up.
>THICC and High Test
THICC just means she doesn't respect herself enough to exercise and High testosterone levels are for men and dykes, you faggot.
>worships white skin like white girls worship black skin
Because they know you got more cash than Tyreese and the b0is.
Judging from your OP, I'm guessing you're a faggot in denial or a bull dyke who's getting rolled by some gold digging slut. Good job, leaf. Cucked yourself good.
i'd fuck her, shes pretty and not too niggery.
Sup Forums
We need to C O L O N I Z E, breed them out, but don't stick around.
Find a negress, fuck her raw. Get her pregnant. Give her a fake name. Use a burner cell phone.
Leave a bleached baby behind. Dillute them out of existence. We can genocide them, but you have to bang and bail.
Then find a nice white woman and settle with her. Have your real family.
There's a reason black men avoid black women and it has nothing to do with white women.
>high test
Don't forget to sage, lads!
Stupid nigger doesn't know how to open the toaster strudel icing packet.
>how to get STDs 101
Even though black women are a lot hotter than white females in every aspect (THICC af, wanting a lot of kids, etc.) most of us including me are limp dicked white beta males eventually will end up with a obese, autistic and/or ugly white girl (0,5-1/10).
But damn would I love to have a black wife. The darker the better desu
>he fucks women raw without getting tested
>your kids will have skin that is the same colour as poo
You miss one, senpai
Also saged
Lol all the black chicks in my area by hella bluepilled what is this shill pushing
Low T.
Saged btw.
Is this photoshop, or a light-skinned realdoll built like a fertility statue?
>caring what subhuman convicts think
some hilarious shit there fampai
those are all not true though
Nice digits. Also condoms don't help, don't listen to the Pharmaceutical Jews.
I would actually like to keep my interracial child,
and raise it with a white wife.
You can say I have a shit fixation all you want but niggers look and smell like poop to me.
>41% obesity rate
>40%-50% have herpes
>never use condoms, probably have bastard kids
>uneducated, loud, violent compared to other races
>gross hair, use "jam" to make it look like white hair
>pounds and pounds of makeup to appear somewhat presentable
Enjoy that pill OP.