Working less then 80 hours a week

>working less then 80 hours a week

What are you a woman?

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I work on my sleep, those interdimensional wars need to be fought

Sleep is a jewish scheme just trying to keep you from being what you truly can become. Trump only sleeps four hours a day and he is a fucking winner.

Sleep is for the weak

People who think working more than ~50 hours a week is beneficial is retarded. After the 50 hour mark your productivity takes a nose dive and at best you're leeching money off your employer. At worst, you're setting yourself up to make costly mistakes that will slow the entire company down and cost time and money to fix.

not raping the tax code....

Plz make murica great again.

Man, i work 0 hours a day.
Send help there's not a fucking job in sight that isn't cleaning the shit out of a hyper retards's arse.

Theres plenty of work you're just a little bitch. Take that shitty call center sales job or those tough engineering classes and stop being a failure.

Really how come all the investment bankers and ceos and software workers all put in 80+ a week? Is your nigger ass just too nigga to work?

Nothing in this world is worth the money if you have to kill yourself for years and years to get it.

Jesus christ all you do is do excel spreadsheets, talk to people, do presentations, and write it isnt hard. What do you do with your freetime besides masturbating.

_____ is a jewish scheme just trying to keep you from _____
every thread on this hell hole

hes a swede, there is no future for you.

There's really no reason to work that hard anymore. Chances are you won't find a good woman to start a family with and your hard work won't even pay off in the end anyway.

Dude you don't understand. I'm more than qualified, but there's nada. An overabundance of people (thanks immigration) with companies pulling out and business owners getting fucked (thanks socialist immigration) is fucking murdering the market. There is no jobs. Not for the native swede.
Fucks sake the govt pays 75% of the wage if you hire a "new arrival".


what are you, a wage cuck?

oh right, my neetbux dont grow on trees. keep it up, OP.

>ONLY working 80hrs.

Please attain my level you fucking plebs. And yes, this is all ONE (1) week

>not having any time to workout
What are you, a fattie?

I'm talking physical work that can't be automated within 10 years. Y'know, real work

never sleep cos sleep is the cousin of death

>paying taxes

Have fun getting raped of your dollars to pay for useless government expenses.

>mfw 84 hour week baseline
on / 28 off
>.5 after 40

What do you do?

>hunter and gathers work less then you,and feel more fulfilled in life

>working more than 40 hours (including lunch break)
>hourly rather than salaried
I first dismissed "wagecuck" because it was said by loser neets in their parent's basement. I can see how it applies to those who waste their life at work.

That's not true at all

Contracted Dewatering. It's basically a construction job since that's where we install the majority of our systems. I'm actually fairly new at the job and only recently got promoted last year into being a supervisor, so a lot of what I do consists of running around like a chicken with my head cut off checking jobsites, making sure our pumps don't fucking explode or some shit, or doing paperwork, meetings and babysitting a group of guys in order to actually install the system

It's a real stressful job, but I honestly think it works well for me since I live alone. I also like traveling anyway, so it's sort of a bonus for me

>being a literal wage slave for nothing more than material possession
what are you a cuck?


i have a dog

Automation should lead to a shorter work week. Machines do the heavy lifting, people do the social, organizing and monitoring type jobs.

Excellent. Then get the humans to spend the wealth generated on resources so that they can exercise and lift heavy objects in order to remain healthy. (((Automation))) for the wwwin.

>working less then 80 hours a week
>What are you a woman?

>Wanting to work 80 hour weeks so Boomers can steal your money to fun their retirements.

I see you grandpa, and I won't be fooled again.

>slaving away 80 hours a week for your boss shlomo goldstein

wOw, 4ChaNg. WoW.