Look at what you did, Sup Forums. You're scaring all the redditor ANTIFA manbabbies, now they are afraid of not being able to violently attack unarmed people with impunity. Shame on you!
Look at what you did, Sup Forums. You're scaring all the redditor ANTIFA manbabbies...
Carter Ramirez
Other urls found in this thread:
Evan Anderson
bash the fash
Samuel Stewart
Juan Moore
Starting with Antifa and other "holier-than-thou" college twats.
Adrian Ortiz
I'm more about bashing the gash because I'm not the one feeling politically neutered
Noah Bennett
>they found where he lives and his class schedules
Can someone elaborate on this. I might send Rodolfo to say hi
Rodolfo is not a great person.
Liam Allen
Nolan Long
Josiah Jackson
Hudson Wilson
Kek, this guy is clearly false flagging (partaking in psychological warfare) but it's funny nonetheless.