Look at what you did, Sup Forums. You're scaring all the redditor ANTIFA manbabbies, now they are afraid of not being able to violently attack unarmed people with impunity. Shame on you!
Look at what you did, Sup Forums. You're scaring all the redditor ANTIFA manbabbies...
Other urls found in this thread:
bash the fash
Starting with Antifa and other "holier-than-thou" college twats.
I'm more about bashing the gash because I'm not the one feeling politically neutered
>they found where he lives and his class schedules
Can someone elaborate on this. I might send Rodolfo to say hi
Rodolfo is not a great person.
Kek, this guy is clearly false flagging (partaking in psychological warfare) but it's funny nonetheless.
>It's the, "Make your enemies laugh at you," strat.
obviously, he wasn't wearing a mask the entire time liar
>no mention of the bikelock assault/attempted murder
Maybe don't hit people on the head with metal objects then they won't have anything to be afraid of?
>leftists get fed their own medicine and don't like the taste.
kek, it's a far cry from the somali cum they're used to
No, the Redditor in the OP is most likely a Sup Forumsster concern trolling and doing a bang up job
I wish this stuff was going on in NJ. I would've loved to be on the front lines in Berkley defending free speech.
So, what you're saying is it's Reddit being a little bitch? :^)
>throwaway account
>tfw skin heads can't be identified by their nice hair
>tfw, like bike lock dude, my hair is too nice to shave
kek wills it goyim
Oh Sup Forums, you little rapscallions!
nice, this made me very happy today
Crying over his commie professor being doxed...what a faggot.
If these shitheels are so in the right, why do they need to wear masks?
We're winning lads, keep the pressure on, and turn it up!
I've been lurking that sub since Sunday, and you would not believe how little they know about their own team's violence.
MFW when the UN finally declares our autism a weapon of mass destruction.
dont fuck with the hate machine you cunts or you'll wind up like HBGary
shouldve expected patronum
>Posting from a throw away
Which one of you was this?
I'm banned from r/anarchism so I sent that guy a message about how snatchquatch and professor bikelock were using weapons and aren't innocent victims.
awaiting reply... if it ever comes
Leftists have cornered themselves in a no win situation.
If they keep rioting and assaulting unarmed Trumpfag normies, they lose.
If they stop protesting said normies, they will look like scared cucks and lose as well.
Probably OP, but that's ok, it's a decent concern troll. We might as well take advantage of these tactics we get barraged with every day
It's not antifa it's one of us shilling lolol (that site) the only ones afraid to say Sup Forums are Sup Forums users
.png in op sketchy as fuck
t. ANTIFA Wall Street damage control
Or maybe that's you. Fuck you antifa bitch. Your days are numbered
Judging from his post, he's not legitimately antifa, but a subversive, and apparently a pretty good one
>no U DA REAL ANTIFA!!!!11
lol shitlibs.
I swear to Kek you say this in every Antifa related thread
Hi OP. Glad you put forth the effort to make that post. They are stupid enough to believe it.
Where in nj?
Hunt cty here
Scared, Antifa? Just don't do anything unlawful and you'll be safe. I heard you're the good guys anyway, so you wouldn't do unlawful stuff, would you?
that's a Sup Forumsack troll account dude, how can you not realize that
Oh they know about it, they just think its justified and therefore don't count it as grounds for instigation in their minds.
Me too user. Still, I'm glad my county went red this year. Red NJ is comfy as all hell.
Alot of the accounts in that thread are
maybe they'll get off the internet
David Brin famously talks about the surveillance society, says it's not such a bad thing because that means there will also be /sous/- (French for 'under') veillance. Damned if he isn't right in this case. Cameras, autism and illegality just don't mix.
>LGBT anarchist/anarcho-communist/militant-insurrectionary-anarchist
Brin is a sci-fi author, and 'sur' means 'over', 'on', ie surveillance is top-down, but sousveillance, looking up from below, should help at least, to balance things out. Not sure I'm convinced, but in this case he's right.
they flat-out deny it in most cases, like with moldylocks, its literally full of 'she dindu nuffin!'
been lurking myself for a while it's mindblowing how thes people are - 1 part cringe and two parts jaw-dropping
Alright who is this?
I refuse to believe someone is actually this stupid, this has to be a Sup Forums troll
>not even niggers respect you
i want to think its a joke but the world surprises you
After you have a name and picture getting just about anything else is easy. Could even get his SSN for a few bucks.
>makes it a point to say he's posting from a throwaway account
These little cunts trying to play innocent they are an awful group of douche bags. Sup Forums keep up the good work those whinny bitches will fall eventually they will co lapse under there own stupidity.
>"The poor guy!"
he literally assaulted several people with a potentially deadly weapon causing serious injury to at least one(a peacemaker, not a fighter) that we know of. How many times has he done this that we haven't been able to catch?
>How can we prevent stuff like that?
You can't :^)
I would advise against getting his SSN qpQhFU3H his information is out there why bother? plus by all you need is his name and the social media you don't need his SSN that will get you in big trouble.
new brunswick nj here reporting in
On his information I meant his information besides the SSN just needed to be more clear
I actually believe that poster to be real leftist. I know, I know, but still.
Yuck this is so obvious ... embarassing guys. really.
More sir.
There's also this..
Go back to r3ddit
google the watermark + antifa
Dem digits.
How does this "poor" professor still have a job when there is proof of him beating people with a lock? Why hasn't he been arrested?
>(that site)
We've become Voldemort.
I really hope that the throwaway belongs to one of us, who posted that as a psyop.
Speaking of which, NEW TACTIC.
Post as an ANTIFA who was found out, and had their lives destroyed. Post about losing your job, being kicked out of your apartment, friends and family stop talking to you, constant harassment online, phonecalls, etc.
/newpol/ is data mining.
don't give data... fucking redditors.
also hi CIA!
Some new bike lock cuck stuff, at the start you can see the back of the backpack he wore to the first 2 Berkeley happenings (third happening he wore different one). So now there's front & rear views of this backpack from the first two events, pic to illustrate, there are higher res versions than this I know but I can't find the source vid at the moment.
Also, another front view of him @ Berkeley round 1.
Sup Forums is doing God's work on that thread
>Be me
>Grow up under Reagan
>Hate Commies because Reagan says they will nuke us and my dad had been in SAC and hated Commies
>Communism finally dies, USSR dies
>My beloved cousins in Estonia are free again!
>Watch Communist ideology spread in America after the Soviets failed harder than a blonde at an IQ test
>Mostly vote Libertarian and Republican my whole life
>Watch anyone who says "I don't hate any race, but I'm white and can't help" suddenly get called "Fascist."
>One day realize Liberalism is a mental illness
>Still not a Fascist, but actually start to sympathize with the ideology
>Antifa comes to America
>They're more violent than modern American Nazis
>mfw I see 1000 Antifa scalps for every "100 Nazi scalps" (actually zero Nazi scalps)
>mfw I realize the "Nazis" in Berkley were not Nazis, just people who want regulations on immigration and don't want to be killed just because they're white... Kinda like Jews not wanting to be killed because they were Jews.
>mfw I realize Antifa is nothing but a Fascist regime emulating Brown Shirts of 1936
>identified by their nice hair
That was one of the most crucial aspects to his discovery, obviously a long haired dude with it pulled back into a ponytail under his hood.
>( that site )
Which site?
We're like the fucking KGB. We have agents everywhere
So explain how the fuck we infiltrated them
I notice fucking Sup Forums agents everywhere now. All over YouTube and faceberg too
you people are so cringeworthy, goddamn
I got a computer virus and the virus accidentally opened up reddit and then it accidentally went to their anarchy board and then I accidentally read it and holy guac*mole they are frumpy dumpies.
Our "Communists" (aka feminazis, liberals and media)?
Yeah, we suck.
They should shave their heads in solidarity.
> blah blah blah legion
>Blah blah blah expect us
Sup Forums is old/b/. 10's of millions of computer savvy faggots that grew up a little tiny bit and actually care about the world we live in.
Also, your id gave me 40 sensible chuckles
I grew up under Reagan as well and I know you mean well, but you are off by more than a few degrees user.
In what aspect, if I may ask?